Life Is Quotes

Text Quotes
Life is funny. Things change, people change, but you will always be you, so stay true to yourself and never sacrifice who you are for anyone (Life Is Quotes)
You exist in time: future, present, and past. This is manifest in life, liberty, and the product of your life and liberty. The exercise of choices over life and liberty is your prosperity. To lose your life is to lose your future. To lose your liberty is to lose your present. And to lose the product of your life and liberty is to lose the portion of your past that produced it (Life Is Quotes)
Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential (Life Is Quotes)
When I take my last breath, will there be a wish that I had more stuff? I’ll wish for only one thing, I think. That I loved better. That I had been better at loving and not being distracted by stuff or accomplishment. This life is so short and it will soon be over. What will we use it for? (Life Is Quotes)
Your life is a lot bigger than this moment. You need to remember that you can’t let the trials you face right now derail your course forever (Life Is Quotes)
The definition of disappointment in life is expectations minus reality equals disappointment. The only two solutions you have to get over disappointment is to either alter your reality or alter your expectations (Life Is Quotes)
God knew we would make mistakes. Life is all about mistakes. It is constant change and growth. Our greatest challenges in life will one day be known to us as our greatest teachers (Life Is Quotes)
The key to life is imagination. If you don’t have that, no mater what you have, it’s meaningless. If you do have imagination... you can make feast of straw (Life Is Quotes)
In the end, the aggressors always destroy themselves, making way for others who know how to cooperate and get along. Life is much less a competitive struggle for survival than a triumph of cooperation and creativity (Life Is Quotes)
If you ever expect life to be fair, you are in for a shocking disappointment. Life is what it is. Fair is something we made up (Life Is Quotes)
Not everything in man’s life is summed up in the problem of food. Anyone who thinks that a civilization can be founded on bread alone makes a great mistake. No matter how much bread there is, it cannot produce a man: it can only nourish him. Life exists before food. Man’s life comes from the very origin of life. Therefore civilization does not follow the forms of production. All social life follows the action of life (Life Is Quotes)
My life is singing. I don’t plan on retiring. I plan to die on a stage. I can have a headache but when it’s time to sing and I step on that stage there is no more headache (Life Is Quotes)
Often what may appear as a detour in life is actually the most direct and empowering path to your destination (Life Is Quotes)
Life is a huge farce, and the advantage of possessing a sense of humour is that it enables one to defy fate with mocking laughter (Life Is Quotes)
A perfect life is like that of a ship of war which has its own place in the fleet and can share in its strength and discipline, but can also go forth alone in the solitude of the infinite sea. We ought to belong to society, to have our place in it, and yet be capable of a complete individual existence outside of it (Life Is Quotes)
Should we find a second form of life right here on our doorstep, we could be confident that life is a truly cosmic phenomenon. If so, there may well be sentient beings somewhere in the galaxy wondering, as do we, if they are not alone in the universe (Life Is Quotes)
The real joy of life is in its play. Play is anything we do for the joy and love of doing it, apart from any profit, compulsion, or sense of duty. It is the real joy of living (Life Is Quotes)
The excitement of life is in the numinous experience wherein we are given to each other in that larger celebration of existence in which all things attain their highest expression, for the universe, by definition, is a single gorgeous celebratory event (Life Is Quotes)
Art is not the most precious manifestation of life. Art has not the celestial and universal value that people like to attribute to it. Life is far more interesting (Life Is Quotes)
Because life doesn’t work that way. You can do everything perfectly. Do everything you think you’re supposed to be doing. Fulfill every expectation that other people may have. And you still won’t get the results you think you deserve. Life is crazy and maddening and often makes no sense (Life Is Quotes)
Life is singing also in the sand crunching under the slow and heavy steps of the guards, when we know how to listen to it (Life Is Quotes)
Sometimes it’s strange being me. I travel the world meeting people, I’m surrounded with friends and my life is full, but all the time I am confronted by a young man I have nothing in common with. He is me, but he is not me now. In fact I have been me now for longer than I was him, but no one wants to know about me (Life Is Quotes)
Man lives on earth not once, but three times: the first stage of his life is his continual sleep; the second, sleeping and waking by turns; the third, waking forever (Life Is Quotes)
Life is stronger than you are, even when you deny it, even when you neglect it, even when you refuse to admit it (Life Is Quotes)
Our whole goal in life is to give you something you didn’t know you wanted and then once you get it, you can’t imagine your life without it… and you can count on apple doing that (Life Is Quotes)
I despise politics. There is no room for it in a company. My life is going to be way too short to deal with that (Life Is Quotes)
In those who rest on their unshakable faith, pharisaism and fanaticism are the unmistakable symptoms of doubt which has been repressed. Doubt is not overcome by repression but by courage. Courage does not deny that there is doubt, but it takes the doubt into itself as an expression of its own finitude and affirms the content of an ultimate concern. Courage does not need the safety of an unquestionable conviction. It includes the risk without which no creative life is possible (Life Is Quotes)
Every conscious act requires risk. Every conscious act requires decision. Put these two facts together and you realize that the secret to life is not to avoid gambling but to gamble well (Life Is Quotes)
Photography in our time leaves us with a grave responsibility. While we are playing in our studios with broken flowerpots, oranges, nude studies and still lifes, one day we know that we will be brought to account: life is passing before our eyes without our ever having seen a thing (Life Is Quotes)
The poet’s life is just so much crenellated waste, nights and days whipping swiftly or laboriously past the cinematic window. We’re hunched and weaving over the keys of our green our grey or pink blue manual typewriter maybe a darker stone cold thoritative selectric with its orgasmic expectant hum and us popping pills and laughing over what you or I just wrote, wondering if that line means insult or sex. Or both. Usually both (Life Is Quotes)