Life Is Quotes

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My biggest fear in life is losing the people I love, and the thing with cancer is that it seems that you can’t really control it (Life Is Quotes)
So overall, though my life is far from perfect, I’m contented with it. And in a peculiar way, I’m grateful for the troubling emotions I experienced. The obstacles we face in life can provide powerful incentives for change (Life Is Quotes)
Life is a journey one that much better traveled with a companion by our side. Sometimes, we lose our companions along the way and then the journey becomes unbearable. You see, human beings are designed for many things, but loneliness isn’t one of them (Life Is Quotes)
Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself (Life Is Quotes)
Poetry is a rhythmical piece of writing that leaves the reader feeling that life is a little richer than before, a little more full of wonder, beauty, or just plain delight (Life Is Quotes)
It is remarkable, in cats, that the outer life they reveal to their master is one of perpetual confident boredom. All they betray of the hidden life is by means of symbol; if it were not for the recurring evidence of murder – the disemboweled rabbits, the headless flickers, the torn squirrels – we should forever imagine our cats to be simple pets whose highest ambition is to sleep in the best soft chair, whose worst crime is to sharpen their claws on carpeting (Life Is Quotes)
Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it but can describe it only from the vantage point of distance (Life Is Quotes)
No matter how hard life is, you are your own architecture. If you give up then there’s no one that can help you, but if you want to keep building your future, then no one can stop you either (Life Is Quotes)
Life is revealed as a place to contribute and we as contributors. Not because we have done a measurable amount of good, but because that is the story we tell (Life Is Quotes)
No birth certificate is issued when friendship is born. There is nothing tangible. There is just a feeling that your life is different and that your capacity to love and care has miraculously been enlarged without any effort on your part. It’s like having a tiny apartment and somebody moves in with you. But instead of becoming cramped and crowded, the space expands, and you discover rooms you never knew you had until your friend moved in with you (Life Is Quotes)
Life isn’t supposed to be an all or nothing battle between misery and bliss. Life isn’t supposed to be a battle at all. And when it comes to happiness, well, sometimes life is just okay, sometimes it’s comfortable, sometimes wonderful, sometimes boring, sometimes unpleasant. When your day’s not perfect, it’s not a failure or a terrible loss. It’s just another day (Life Is Quotes)
Life does not have meaning through mere existence or acquisition or fun. The meaning of life is inherent in the connections we make to others through honor and obligation (Life Is Quotes)
Where once the student was taught that the unexamined life was not worth living, he is now taught that the profitably lived life is not worth examining (Life Is Quotes)
I don’t think my work is so much about opening up wounds. I think it’s about understanding the nature of the wound. I’m not bleeding on the canvas. I, like most people, have suffered traumatic events. The character of a person’s life is determined by the way they deal with those events. I am a creative person and I deal with it creatively (Life Is Quotes)
Remember where you have been and know where you are going. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way (Life Is Quotes)
I will find out what the normal life is like. I will be a coach. I have achieved everything I could achieve in gymnastics (Life Is Quotes)
There are times when I can find myself in a book, too, for two or three hours. But afterward I have such an urge to go out and reach for other people. Very often they’re not around. There’s also a metaphysical loneliness. We all feel it. The burden of living one’s own life is experiencing sensations that no one else can share. You take a step in a house, you start moving around the house, no one else moves with you. You’re walking by yourself (Life Is Quotes)
An individual’s yearning to reach outside his life is a seed of greatness waiting for a stream of inspiration. Carving that stream to people’s hearts is a simpler task if the endeavor you are leading them into is attached to a bigger story (Life Is Quotes)
We read novels because we need stories; we crave them; we can’t live without telling them and hearing them. Stories are how we make sense of our lives and of the world. When we’re distressed and go to therapy, our therapist’s job is to help us tell our story. Life doesn’t come with plots; it’s messy and chaotic; life is one damn, inexplicable thing after another. And we can’t have that. We insist on meaning. And so we tell stories so that our lives make sense (Life Is Quotes)
Make treating yourself a priority and always remember your life is happening now. Don’t put off all your dreams and pleasures to another day. In any balanced personal definition of success there has to be a powerful element of living life in the present (Life Is Quotes)
The pure perfect truth of life is that we are here to create heaven on earth, to bring the perfection of what is above down to us, and in doing so to become transformed as human being into something great and beautiful (Life Is Quotes)
Memory is a barricade against forgetting; light is a bulwark against darkness; life is a flex against the stillness of the grave. Maybe that’s what I’m trying to do here, clear a space in all the debris, through all the anxieties and worries, where I can just exist, easily and simply, entire, for as long as I have left (Life Is Quotes)
Life is complicated. It wtarts before we’re ready, it continues while we’re still trying to figure out the point of it. And it ends long before we’ve worked out just what to do (Life Is Quotes)
Life isn’t about trying to be an expert in everything. It’s about being an expert in one thing and offering it to the world (Life Is Quotes)
Life is not what you alone make it. Life is the input of everyone who touched your life and every experience that entered it. We are all part of one another (Life Is Quotes)
Don’t be so hard on yourself, don’t put pressure on yourself, life is just a chain of experiments and results, and you’ll be perfect when you’re dead (Life Is Quotes)
The only important thing in this life is to figure out how to use the experiences that you have to make the world a better place (Life Is Quotes)
My work is my life, and my life is my work. I invented this assault rifle to defend my country. Today, I am proud that it has become for many synonymous with liberty (Life Is Quotes)
Life is short. Life is uncertain. But we know that we have today. And we have each other. I believe that for each of us, there is a place on the frontlines (Life Is Quotes)
Everything that is great in life is the product of slow growth; the newer, and greater, and higher, and nobler the work, the slower is its growth, the surer is its lasting success. Mushrooms attain their full power in a night; oaks require decades. A fad lives its life in a few weeks; a philosophy lives through generations and centuries (Life Is Quotes)