Life Means Quotes

Text Quotes
The truth is, if what we choose to do with our lives won't make a story meaningful, it won't make a life meaningful either (Life Means Quotes)
I feel I should be trying to complete my life, whatever completing a life means (Life Means Quotes)
To be practical in life means to take everything seriously and nothing tragically (Life Means Quotes)
There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats (Life Means Quotes)
Death? Translated into the heavenly tongue, that word means life! (Life Means Quotes)
If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life; it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth (Life Means Quotes)
No matter what the world thinks about religious experience, the one who has it possesses a great treasure, a thing that has become for him a source of life, meaning, and beauty, and that has given a new splendor to the world and to mankind (Life Means Quotes)
Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us (Life Means Quotes)
It is in struggle and service with our brothers and sisters, individually and collectively, that we find the meaning of life (Life Means Quotes)
In real life nothing means anything. Stuff happens and there just is no structure (Life Means Quotes)
A sense of concern for others gives our lives meaning; it is the root of all human happiness (Life Means Quotes)
World power means nothing. Only the unsayable, jeweled inner life matters (Life Means Quotes)
You take my life when you do take the means whereby I live (Life Means Quotes)
Life is meaningless only if we allow it to be. Each of us has the power to give life meaning, to make our time and our bodies and our words into instruments of love and hope (Life Means Quotes)
When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand (Life Means Quotes)
Meditation is the best means of elongating life (Life Means Quotes)
You never know what life means till you die; even throughout life, tis death that makes life live (Life Means Quotes)
I think because I became a mom later in life, everything in life means more (Life Means Quotes)
To truly live a creative life means that you will need to experiment in as many different fields as possible (Life Means Quotes)
The idea that seeing life means going from place to place and doing a great variety of obvious things is an illusion natural to dull minds (Life Means Quotes)
Friends, companions, lovers, are those who treat us in terms of our unlimited worth to ourselves. They are closest to us who best understand what life means to us, who feel for us as we feel for ourselves, who are bound to us in triumph and disaster, who break the spell of our loneliness (Life Means Quotes)
I might believe I had unusual talent if I did not know what good music was; I might enjoy half an hour’s practice a day if I were busy and happy the rest of the time. You do not know what life means when all the difficulties are removed! I am simply smothered and sickened with advantages. It is like eating a sweet dessert the first thing in the morning (Life Means Quotes)
If all your life means to you is water running over rocks, then photograph it, but I want to create something that would not have existed without me (Life Means Quotes)
No man can possibly know what life means, what the world means, until he has a child and loves it. And then the whole universe changes and nothing will ever again seem exactly as it seemed before (Life Means Quotes)
So, if you cannot understand that there is something in man which responds to the challenge of this mountain and goes out to meet it, that the struggle is the struggle of life itself upward and forever upward, then you won’t see why we go. What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy. And joy is, after all, the end of life. We do not live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life. That is what life means and what life is for (Life Means Quotes)
That’s the wonderful thing with nerds: they’re enthusiasts. Not having a life means you get to love things with a passion and nobody bothers you about it (Life Means Quotes)
We don’t live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life. That is what life means, and that is what life is for (Life Means Quotes)
Modern life means democracy, democracy means freeing intelligence for independent effectiveness the emancipation of mind as an individual organ to do its own work. We naturally associate democracy, to be sure, with freedom of action, but freedom of action without freed capacity of thought behind it is only chaos (Life Means Quotes)
I take a less gloomy view. A good life means fighting to be human under growing difficulties. A lot of young folk know this and fight very hard, but after a few years life gets easier for them and they think they’ve become completely human when they’ve only stopped trying. I stopped trying, but my life was so full of strenuous routines that I wouldn’t have noticed had it been not for my disease. My whole professional life was a diseased and grandiose attack on my humanity. It is an achievement to know that I am simply a wounded and dying man. Who can be more regal than a dying man? (Life Means Quotes)
Vulnerability is the only authentic state. Being vulnerable means being open, for wounding, but also for pleasure. Being open to the wounds of life means also being open to the bounty and beauty. Don’t mask or deny your vulnerability: it is your greatest asset. Be vulnerable: quake and shake in your boots with it. The new goodness that is coming to you, in the form of people, situations, and things can only come to you when you are vulnerable, i.e. open (Life Means Quotes)