Life's cares are comforts; such by Heav'n design'd; He that hath none must make them, or be wretched

Life's cares are comforts; such by Heav'n design'd; He that hath none must make them, or be wretched
Edward Young was an English poet and playwright who lived during the 18th century. He is best known for his work "Night Thoughts," a series of poems that explore the themes of death, loss, and the afterlife. In this context, the quote "Life's cares are comforts; such by Heav'n design'd; He that hath none must make them, or be wretched" takes on a deeper meaning.Young believed that the trials and tribulations of life are actually a source of comfort and solace. He saw them as a necessary part of the human experience, designed by a higher power to help us grow and learn. In his view, those who have no cares or worries in life are actually the ones who are most likely to be unhappy and unfulfilled. Without challenges to overcome or obstacles to face, life can become stagnant and meaningless.
Young's philosophy can be seen as a reflection of his own personal experiences. Throughout his life, he faced many hardships and setbacks, including the loss of loved ones and financial struggles. Despite these difficulties, he continued to find solace in his writing and his faith. He believed that by confronting and embracing life's cares, he could find a sense of purpose and meaning in the world.
The quote also speaks to the idea that happiness is not something that can be passively achieved. It requires effort and intentionality. Those who have no cares or worries must actively seek out challenges and opportunities for growth in order to find true contentment. By facing their fears and confronting their insecurities, they can cultivate a sense of resilience and inner strength that will sustain them through life's ups and downs.