Lifestyles Quotes
Text Quotes
It’s easy for people to grow up in our society believing that certain lifestyles are risk free when they certainly are not. (Lifestyles Quotes)
Spirituality can not be separate from how we treat our bodies, construct our lifestyles, and keep our energy at higher levels. (Lifestyles Quotes)
I would like to help people have honest and constructive conversations about energy. We need to understand how much energy our modern lifestyles use, decide how much energy we would like to use in the future, and choose where we will get that energy from. (Lifestyles Quotes)
I am falsely accused, without proof, of using my position for personal profit. Many who accuse me have lifestyles and spending habits that make them walking proofs of that crime. (Lifestyles Quotes)
Clearly, America’s dysfunctional food culture must bear some of the blame for our excess pounds, but it’s likely our walking-averse lifestyles contribute as well. (Lifestyles Quotes)
The notion that moving toward renewable energy will kill jobs is an absurdity on its face. The notion that we have to live smaller lifestyles; not have the American way of life or give up the American Dream is just ridiculous. It is the opposite of the case; a new energy paradigm will create opportunity. (Lifestyles Quotes)
It’s pretty obvious that Western lifestyles which rely on gigantic amounts of electricity use up far more resources than a subsistence-based life. A little more poverty would be a good thing. (Lifestyles Quotes)
But you know the second month I was here I put out a healthy lifestyles directive. The pundits will say it was because we were sued. Well that’s what they say. It was never about that. (Lifestyles Quotes)
The only way we are going to reduce disease, is to go backward to the diets and lifestyles of our ancestors (Lifestyles Quotes)
The deceptive, glossy media images of faces, bodies and social lifestyles, make us hate ourselves so we will buy a solution to love ourselves once again (Lifestyles Quotes)
Though gay lifestyles have certainly moved into the open, there’s little evidence that society has become more open in its basic attitudes or that entertainers should feel cozy in emerging from the velvet underground (Lifestyles Quotes)
There are tons of people who are late to trends by nature and adopt a trend after it’s no longer in fashion. They exist in mutual funds. They exist in clothes. They exist in cars. They exist in lifestyles (Lifestyles Quotes)
However, it may occur that we will find ourselves using a variety of fuel sources to give us the energy we need support our lifestyles and boost our economy (Lifestyles Quotes)
Lifestyles and sex roles are passed from parents to children as inexorably as blue eyes or small feet (Lifestyles Quotes)
The reason laziness is rarely pushed as a lifestyle option is down to one simple reason: money. There are fortunes to be made out of active lifestyles. Gyms charge fees. But no one is going to make money out of sleep. It is free (Lifestyles Quotes)
Understanding comes hard to persons of high rank who are accustomed to phony lifestyles that involve no daily work (Lifestyles Quotes)
The roots of our ecological crises are axiomatic: they lie in our belief and value structures which shape our relationship with nature, with each other and the lifestyles we lead (Lifestyles Quotes)
The top 1 percent have the best houses, the best educations, the best doctors, and the best lifestyles, but there is one thing that money doesn’t seem to have bought: an understanding that their fate is bound up with how the other 99 percent live. Throughout history, this is something that the top 1 percent eventually do learn. Too late (Lifestyles Quotes)
Communities do not let prostitutes, pedophiles, voyeurs, adulterers, and those who sexually prefer animals to publicly celebrate their lifestyles, so why should homosexuals get such privileges? (Lifestyles Quotes)
As a physician, I am embarrassed by my profession’s lack of interest in healthier lifestyles. We need to change the way we approach chronic disease (Lifestyles Quotes)
If a fast doesn’t include any sacrifices, then it’s not a fast. The discomfort is where the magic happens. Life zips along, unchecked and automatic. We default to our lifestyles, enjoying our privileges tra la la, but a fast interrupts that rote trajectory. Jesus gets a fresh platform in the empty space where indulgence resided (Lifestyles Quotes)
A lot of us lead relatively sedentary lifestyles, so you have to motivate yourself and force yourself to go to the gym and do active things. The folks that have figured it out, found that thing that they love and made it a big part of their lives, it’s easy for them to stay in shape (Lifestyles Quotes)
Successfully functioning in a society with diverse values, traditions and lifestyles requires us to have a relationship to our own reactions rather than be captive of them. To resist our tendencies to make right or true, that which is nearly familiar, and wrong or false, that which is only strange (Lifestyles Quotes)
Our world is one of terrible contradictions. Plenty of food, but one billion people go hungry. Lavish lifestyles for a few, but poverty for too many others. Huge advances in medicine while mothers die every day in childbirth, and children die every day from drinking dirty water. Billions spent on weapons to kill people instead of keeping them safe (Lifestyles Quotes)
It is certainly not true that the population can be easily divided into those who lead healthy lifestyles, and those who do not: most people’s patterns are mixed, with both good and bad areas of life (Lifestyles Quotes)
It’s easy for people to grow up in our society believing that certain lifestyles are risk free when they certainly are not (Lifestyles Quotes)
Me, as a human, I never want to take away another human being’s choices or lifestyles or anything (Lifestyles Quotes)
My songs are cinematic so they seem to reference a glamorous era or fetishize certain lifestyles, but that’s not my aim (Lifestyles Quotes)
I do like celebrating women, I do like celebrating different lifestyles and choices and people and it makes me happy when others find my work empowering (Lifestyles Quotes)