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Lifetime Quotes

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We must all face the fact that in a single lifetime we lead several simultaneous lives; our intention should be to make them reinforce one another instead of colliding  (Lifetime Quotes) I deliver babies for a living. I have certainly delivered more than 150 children in my lifetime, yet I’m always puzzled when I hear that one of those children I delivered has autism  (Lifetime Quotes) Within our lifetime, we can remember a time when Islamism wasn’t the dominant form of discourse or the aim should be to minimise the absolutists within any religious community and contain them  (Lifetime Quotes) There’s no question that in my lifetime, the contrast between what I called private affluence and public squalor has become very much greater  (Lifetime Quotes) It’s been a lifetime of trying to have less beef. Beef comes very naturally to me. I was born with my dukes up, but that’s not always necessary anymore. I have to retrain myself  (Lifetime Quotes) I found it atrocious and downright infuriating to learn that one in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime  (Lifetime Quotes) All my life I have longed to have a loving relationship that would last a lifetime  (Lifetime Quotes) It’s sort of the American way to go up and down the ladder, maybe several times in a lifetime  (Lifetime Quotes) When a stray animal crosses your path, it may be as close to God as you’re going to get in this lifetime  (Lifetime Quotes) Her forehead was a maze of anxious little grooves, from a lifetime of wondering about whether everyone within range was OK  (Lifetime Quotes) There’s only been three giant promoters in our lifetime. There’s Michael Todd, P. T. Barnum, and yours truly  (Lifetime Quotes) My life would be beautiful if you were by my side because you have painted a smile in my heart that will last for a lifetime  (Lifetime Quotes) I’d rather spend one moment holding you than a lifetime knowing I never could  (Lifetime Quotes) It’s crucial that I kind of keep up, without drifting into the backslapping land of cliche and lifetime achievement awards  (Lifetime Quotes) Congratulations on obtaining the same rights as straight couples to a lifetime of sexless suburban drudgery  (Lifetime Quotes) Love is like a knife, it can stab the heart or it can carve wonderful images into the soul that will last a lifetime  (Lifetime Quotes) One good reason why we should pray: God can do more in a second than what we can do for ourselves in a lifetime. God bless  (Lifetime Quotes) Talent emerges over the course of a lifetime of reciprocal interactions between the developing brain and a stimulating environment  (Lifetime Quotes) I believe that I have now experienced the lifetime maximum exposure to bottom spanking in fantasy novels  (Lifetime Quotes) I consider myself extremely lucky to have worked with so many great collaborators in my lifetime  (Lifetime Quotes) It is important that early in life you choose companionable prejudices, for the fact is that they are likely to stay with you for a lifetime  (Lifetime Quotes) Rules when you love someone: give and don’t expect, advice but don’t command, ask but never demand. Simple but it take a lifetime to practice  (Lifetime Quotes) Life spent with someone for a lifetime may be meaningless. But a moment spent with someone who really loves you is more than life itself  (Lifetime Quotes) Events in a single human lifetime are remarkable. Events from all human lifetimes are inconceivable  (Lifetime Quotes) Every deed has a seed. In other words, the deeds you choose to do in this lifetime create a seed for future generations  (Lifetime Quotes) Over a lifetime of dealing with difficult women, I have learned it is often better to give into their demands immediately  (Lifetime Quotes) I’m not quite sure what the greatest achievement in a lifetime may be, but I am sure up there at the top of the list somewhere is to give pleasure to others  (Lifetime Quotes) Studying for finals is great training for a lifetime of working hard at something you don’t care about  (Lifetime Quotes) After a lifetime of nods, frowns and stoic smiles, they were both fluent in emotional shorthand  (Lifetime Quotes) If all you got is 8 seconds, don’t even walk my way, cause I may want you for a lifetime and 8 won’t pay your stay  (Lifetime Quotes)
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