Light Quotes

Text Quotes
The design of rhetoric is to remove those prejudices that lie in the way of truth, to reduce the passions to the government of reasons; to place our subject in a right light, and excite our hearers to a due consideration of it (Light Quotes)
Well, what did we buy? Instead of a leaner, smarter government, we bought a bureaucracy that now tells us which light bulbs to buy, and which will put 16, 500 IRS agents in charge of policing President Obama's health care bill (Light Quotes)
The upside to anger? Getting it out of your system. You got to express your anger. Then you have room for more positive things. If I hold something in a long time, and then I speak it, it's amazing how the light shines so much brighter (Light Quotes)
Properly, we should read for power. Man reading should be man intensely alive. The book should be a ball of light in one's hand (Light Quotes)
I have been overcome by the beauty and richness of our life together, those early mornings setting out, those evenings gleaming with rivers and lakes below us, still holding the last light (Light Quotes)
The Nobel Prize is an honor unique in the world in having found it's way into the hearts and minds of simple people everywhere. It casts a light of peace and reason upon us all; and for that I am especially grateful (Light Quotes)
Libraries are reservoirs of strength, grace and wit, reminders of order, calm and continuity, lakes of mental energy, neither warm nor cold, light nor dark (Light Quotes)
The poem is a little myth of man's capacity of making life meaningful. And in the end, the poem is not a thing we see - it is, rather, a light by which we may see - and what we see is life (Light Quotes)
It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the Earthquake (Light Quotes)
The word is clear only to the kind who on peak or plain, from dark northern ice - fields to the hot wet jungles, through all wine and want, through lies and unfamiliar truth, dark or light, are governed by the unknown gods, and though each man knows the law, no man may give tongue to it (Light Quotes)
My wife was afraid of the dark... Then she saw me naked and now she's afraid of the light (Light Quotes)
God is not a hypothesis derived from logical assumptions, but an immediate insight, self-evident as light. He is not something to be sought in the darkness with the light of reason. He is the light (Light Quotes)
The pure righteous do not complain of the dark, but increase the light; they do not complain of evil, but increase justice; they do not complain of heresy, but increase faith; they do not complain of ignorance, but increase wisdom (Light Quotes)
Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom, lead thou me on! The night is dark, and I am far from home - lead thou me on! Keep thou my feet: I do not ask to see the distant scene, one step enough for me (Light Quotes)
Others made jest of the missionary slogan, they came to a nation in darkness; they left it in light, by pointing out: Of course they left Hawaii lighter. They stole every goddamned thing that wasn't nailed down (Light Quotes)
By thee do seers the inward light discern; By thee the statue lives, the Gods return (Light Quotes)
Is it eradicating evil? Or are we like children, left alone in the house at night, who light candle after candle to keep away the darkness. We don't see that the darkness has a purpose - though we may not understand it - and so, in our terror, we end up burning down the house! (Light Quotes)
I believe in God, not in a Catholic God, there is no Catholic God, there is God and I believe in Jesus Christ, his incarnation. Jesus is my teacher and my pastor, but God, the Father, Abba, is the light and the Creator. This is my Being (Light Quotes)
God is the light that illuminates the darkness, even if it does not dissolve it, and a spark of divine light is within each of us. In the letter I wrote to you, you will remember I said that our species will end but the light of God will not end and at that point it will invade all souls and it will all be in everyone (Light Quotes)
Heathenism is a state of mind. You can take it that I'm referring to one who does not see his world. He has no mental light. He destroys almost unwittingly. He cannot feel any Gods presence in his life. He is the 21st century man (Light Quotes)
While we get ready to rejoin the others and begin war again, the dark and storm choked sky slowly opens above our heads. Between two masses of gloomy cloud a tranquil gleam emerges; and that line of light, so blackedged and beset, brings even so it's proof that the sun is there (Light Quotes)
I followed them with my eyes going through life, which would be nothing to them but fields, mountains, or forests. I saw them veiled in a kind of light, sheltered from darkness, protected for a time against the fearful spell of memory and thought (Light Quotes)
Tomb, thou shalt not hold him longer; death is strong, but life is stronger; stronger than the dark, the light; stronger than the wrong, the right; faith and hope triumphant say Christ will rise on Easter day (Light Quotes)
Leaves seem light and useless, and idle and wavering, and changeable - they even dance; yet God has made them part of the oak. In so doing, he has given us a lesson, not to deny the stout heartedness within because we see the lightsomeness without (Light Quotes)
My cool judgement is, that if all the other doctrines of devils which have been committed to writing since letters were in the world were collected together in one volume, it would fall short of this; and that, should a prince form himself by this book, so calmly recommending hypocrisy, treachery, lying, robbery, oppression, adultery, whoredom, and murder of all kinds, Domitian or Nero would be an angel of light compared to that man (Light Quotes)
Tell me how it is that in this room there are three candles and but one light, and I will explain to you the mode of the divine existence (Light Quotes)
For many ages it has been allowed by sensible men, nihil est in intellectu quod non fuit prius in sensu: That is, there is nothing in the understanding which was not first perceived by some of the senses. All the knowledge which we naturally have is originally derived from our senses. And therefore those who want any sense cannot have the least knowledge or idea of the objects of that sense; as they that never had sight have not the least knowledge or conception of light or colours (Light Quotes)
Cities have always been the fireplaces of civilization, whence light and heat radiated out into the dark (Light Quotes)
The union of men in large masses is indispensable to the development and rapid growth of the higher faculties of men. Cities have always been the fireplaces of civilization whence light and heat radiated out into the dark cold world (Light Quotes)
But what was a body? Dust, dung, urine, itches. It was the light within which was important, and it was not significant if that light endured after death, or if the soul was blinded eternally in the endless night of the suspired flesh (Light Quotes)