Lighthouse Quotes
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Text Quotes
Books are lighthouses erected in the great sea of time (Lighthouse Quotes)
Metaphysics is a dark ocean without shores or lighthouse, strewn with many a philosophic wreck (Lighthouse Quotes)
Lighthouses don't go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining (Lighthouse Quotes)
She is like a revolving lighthouse; pitch darkness alternating with a dazzling brilliancy! (Lighthouse Quotes)
We are the captains of our own ships sailing the sea of life, but in times of a stormy weather, you will discover true friends when they don’t hesitate to be a lighthouse (Lighthouse Quotes)
Inside my empty bottle I was constructing a lighthouse while all others were making ships (Lighthouse Quotes)
I sit here for hours. It’s like sitting amongst lighthouses, each lighthouse giving you a bearing on lost spaces of time (Lighthouse Quotes)
A fallen lighthouse is more dangerous than a reef (Lighthouse Quotes)
A lighthouse is more useful than a church (Lighthouse Quotes)
Scepticism is a barren coast, without a harbor or lighthouse (Lighthouse Quotes)
Man must behave like a lighthouse; he must shine day and night for the goodness of everyman (Lighthouse Quotes)
To be a lighthouse, you must be strong enough to resist every kind of storm, to every kind of loneliness and you must have a powerful light inside you! (Lighthouse Quotes)
The trouble with drowning in the mess of your own life is that you're not in any shape to save anyone else. You can't be a lighthouse when you're underwater yourself (Lighthouse Quotes)
Seek not a lighthouse greater than the human mind! Believe not the existence of an emotion nobler than the compassion! (Lighthouse Quotes)
For me, a writer should be more like a lighthouse keeper, just out there by himself. He shouldn’t get his ideas from other people all around him (Lighthouse Quotes)
Peru, Peru. My heart’s lighthouse. (Lighthouse Quotes)
Inside my empty bottle I was constructing a lighthouse while all the others were making ships (Lighthouse Quotes)
... she needed to confirm its presence. Like the keeper of the lighthouse and the prisoner, she regarded it as a mooring, a checkpoint, some stable visual object that assured her that the world was still there; that this was like and not a dream. That she was alive somewhere, inside, which she acknowledged to be true only because a thing she knew intimately was out there, outside of herself (Lighthouse Quotes)
Anything for the quick life, as the man said when he took the situation at the lighthouse (Lighthouse Quotes)
If you are a lighthouse, you cannot hide yourself; if you hide yourself, you cannot be a lighthouse! (Lighthouse Quotes)
A lighthouse doesn’t save the ships; it doesn’t go out and rescue them, it’s just this pillar that helps to guide people home (Lighthouse Quotes)
A lighthouse is not interested in who gets its light! It just gives it without thinking! Giving light is its nature! (Lighthouse Quotes)
The meagre lighthouse all in white, haunting the seaboard, as if it were the ghost of an edifice that had once had colour and rotundity, dripped melancholy tears after its late buffeting by the waves (Lighthouse Quotes)
To make music I rely on other people, which is good - that’s the main difference in painting and music at this stage. They are separate parts of my life really, like having two jobs, one in a bar, one in a lighthouse. (Lighthouse Quotes)
My job as artistic director at the Brighton digital agency Lighthouse is all about trying to show that digital culture is about more than just tools and gadgets - it’s about perceiving the societal transformations being brought about by technology. (Lighthouse Quotes)
The library is every child’s lighthouse. It is every person’s sanctuary. It is every town and county’s fortress in the face of ignorance, intrusion and bad behavior. (Lighthouse Quotes)
Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature (Lighthouse Quotes)
For anarchy to succeed or simply to advance towards its success it must be conceived not only as a lighthouse which illuminates and attracts, but as something possible and attainable, not in centuries to come, but in a relatively short time and without relying on miracles (Lighthouse Quotes)
In mature years I have always been gregarious, a lover of my kind, dependent upon the company of friends for the very pulse of moral life. To be marooned, to be shut up in a solitary cell, to inhabit a lighthouse, or to camp alone in a forest, these have always seemed to me afflictions too heavy to be borne, even in imagination. A state in which conversation exists not, is for me an air too empty of oxygen for my lungs to breathe it (Lighthouse Quotes)
Once more their weird laughter of the loons comes to my ear, the distance lends it a musical, melancholy sound. For a dangerous ledge off the lighthouse island floats in on the still air the gentle trolling of a warning bell as it swings on the rocking buoy; it might be tolling for the passing of summer and sweet weather with that persistent, pensive chime (Lighthouse Quotes)
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