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Representation of the world, like the world itself, is the work of men; they describe it from their own point of view, which they confuse with the absolute truth (Like Quotes)
There's nothing like mixing with woman to bring out all the foolishness in a man of sense (Like Quotes)
Money is like manure; it's not worth a thing unless it's spread around encouraging young things to grow (Like Quotes)
There's nothing like eavesdropping to show you that the world outside your head is different from the world inside your head (Like Quotes)
Hope, like faith, is nothing if it is not courageous; it is nothing if it is not ridiculous (Like Quotes)
Many plays, certainly mine, are like blank cheques. The actors and directors put their own signatures on them (Like Quotes)
Every writer is necessarily a critic that is, each sentence is a skeleton accompanied by enormous activity of rejection; and each selection is governed by general principles concerning truth, force, beauty, and so on. The critic that is in every fabulist is like the iceberg nine tenths of him is under water (Like Quotes)
I do borrow from other writers, shamelessly! I can only say in my defense, like the woman brought before the judge on a charge of kleptomania, I do steal, but, your Honor, only from the very best stores (Like Quotes)
Let those who desire a secure homeland conquer it. Let those who do not conquer it live under the whip and in exile, watched over like wild animals, cast from one country to another (Like Quotes)
Reproof is a medicine like mercury or opium; if it be improperly administered, it will do harm instead of good (Like Quotes)
The sky was a midnight blue, like warm, deep, blue water, and the moon seemed to lie on it like a water lily, floating forward with an invisible current (Like Quotes)
From the time the Englishman's bones harden into bones at all, he makes his skeleton a flagstaff, and he early plants his feet like one who is to walk the world and the decks of all the seas (Like Quotes)
Men are all right for friends, but as soon as you marry them they turn into cranky old fathers, even the wild ones. They begin to tell you what's sensible and what's foolish, and want you to stick at home all the time. I prefer to be foolish when I feel like it, and be accountable to nobody (Like Quotes)
When kindness has left people, even for a few moments, we become afraid of them as if their reason had left them. When it has left a place where we have always found it, it is like shipwreck; we drop from security into something malevolent and bottomless (Like Quotes)
There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before; like the larks in this country, that have been singing the same five notes over for thousands of years (Like Quotes)
The sun was like a great visiting presence that stimulated and took its due from all animal energy. When it flung wide its cloak and stepped down over the edge of the fields at evening, it left behind it a spent and exhausted world (Like Quotes)
Sometimes a neighbor whom we have disliked a lifetime for his arrogance and conceit lets fall a single commonplace remark that shows us another side, another man, really; a man uncertain, and puzzled, and in the dark like ourselves (Like Quotes)
I don't care if people don't like me. I wasn't put on this Earth to entertain anyone (Like Quotes)
If you don't like the situation you are in, change it. You are in control of your own life (Like Quotes)
I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things do (Like Quotes)
Don't change so that someone will like you. Be yourself and the right people will like and love the real you (Like Quotes)
No experience has been too unimportant, and the smallest event unfolds like a fate, and fate itself is like a wonderful, wide fabric in which every thread is guided by an infinitely tender hand and laid alongside another thread and is held and supported by a hundred others (Like Quotes)
To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness (Like Quotes)
There is nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman. It is a thing no married man knows anything about (Like Quotes)
Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead (Like Quotes)
A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark (Like Quotes)
You'll never find someone like me, you know why? Because no other girl is stupid enough to love you like I do (Like Quotes)
You're probably out flirting with other people when I'm here looking like a fool trying to get your attention (Like Quotes)
I wish life was like a Fairy Tale and people were always friends, instead of these non stop disasters that never seem to end (Like Quotes)
Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it will elude you. But if you just let it fly, it will come to you (Like Quotes)