Like the air invested heron, great persons should conduct themselves; and the higher they be, the less they should show

Like the air invested heron, great persons should conduct themselves; and the higher they be, the less they should show
Philip Sidney, a prominent figure in the Elizabethan era, was known for his chivalrous and noble demeanor. He embodied the qualities of a great person as described in the quote, "Like the air invested heron, great persons should conduct themselves; and the higher they be, the less they should show." This quote emphasizes the importance of humility and grace in individuals of high status, such as Sidney.Sidney's conduct and behavior reflected the idea that great individuals should carry themselves with a sense of dignity and poise, much like the heron gliding through the air with effortless grace. He was a man of noble birth and high social standing, yet he did not flaunt his status or seek attention for his accomplishments. Instead, he conducted himself with humility and modesty, earning the respect and admiration of those around him.
In his famous work, "Astrophil and Stella," Sidney explores themes of love, honor, and virtue, showcasing his deep understanding of human emotions and relationships. Through his poetry, he conveys a sense of wisdom and insight that is characteristic of a great person who understands the complexities of life and human nature.
Sidney's actions and words were always guided by a sense of integrity and honor, making him a role model for others to emulate. He believed in the importance of living a virtuous life and upholding moral principles, even in the face of adversity.
As a diplomat and courtier, Sidney navigated the treacherous waters of Elizabethan politics with skill and diplomacy. He was respected by both his peers and his superiors for his ability to handle delicate situations with tact and grace. His ability to maintain composure and dignity in the face of challenges further exemplified his greatness as a person.