Like You Quotes

Text Quotes
Maybe you don't like your job, maybe you didn't get enough sleep, well nobody likes their job, nobody got enough sleep. Maybe you just had the worst day of your life, but you know, there's no escape, there's no excuse, so just suck up and be nice (Like You Quotes)
What they're not ready for is guys like you and I and Nails and all the other gnarly gnarlingtons in my life, that we are high priests, Vatican assassin warlocks. Boom. Print that, people. See where that goes (Like You Quotes)
My father established our relationship when I was seven years old. He looked at me and said, You know, I brought you in this world, and I can take you out. And it don't make no difference to me, I'll make another one look just like you (Like You Quotes)
I don't actually have a lot of discipline. I've worked hard at music. But I feel like you know, I felt like kind of natural at it. I always had a knack for it (Like You Quotes)
When something's ending, you go through so many phases, and it can be frustrating. But once you're out on the other side, it's like you can really see all the crazy phases you went through (Like You Quotes)
I talk about myself in the third person all the time. I don't live my life in the way someone like you does. I live my life completely serving only my work and my fans (Like You Quotes)
Just because the past didn't turn out like you had hoped, doesn't mean your future can't be better than you had envisioned (Like You Quotes)
The truth? I like you. A lot. You make me happy. You make me laugh. You're smart. You're different. You're a little crazy and awkward, and your smile alone can make my day (Like You Quotes)
Character isn't something you were born with and can't change, like your fingerprints. It's something you weren't born with and must take responsibility for forming (Like You Quotes)
I love to read. That doesn't mean I don't have a life. It doesn't mean I'm a nerd. I only love the feeling that... even when you're back in reality you still feel like you're in a different world (Like You Quotes)
The camera makes you forget you're there. It's not like you are hiding but you forget, you are just looking so much (Like You Quotes)
To tell you the truth - mind, this is strictly between ourselves, please; I shouldn't like your wife to know I said it - the women folk don't understand these things; but between you and me, you know, I think it does a man good to swear (Like You Quotes)
I've always wanted to have a neighbor just like you. I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you (Like You Quotes)
Sometimes in life you don't always feel like a winner, but that doesn't mean you're not a winner, you want to be like yourself. I want my fans to know it's okay (Like You Quotes)
Tonight I want to forget all your insecurities. Tonight I want you to reject anyone or anything that has made you feel like you don't belong, or don't fit in, or has made you feel like you're not good enough or pretty enough or thin enough, or like you can't sing well enough or dance well enough, or write a song well enough, or like you'll never win a grammy, or like you'll never sell out madison square garden! You just remember that you are a god damn superstar and you were born this way! (Like You Quotes)
Life depends on what she thinks of as ‘big bursts' and ‘little bursts. ' Big bursts are things like marriage or children, intimacies that keep you afloat, but these big bursts hold dangerous, unseen currents. Which is why you need the little bursts as well: a friendly clerk at Bradlee's, let's say, or the waitress at Dunkin' Donuts who knows how you like your coffee (Like You Quotes)
You can truly miss characters. Not like you miss people, but you can still miss them. I don't think I'll ever get over Melanie's death in Gone With the Wind. But I'm still so glad I got to know her (Like You Quotes)
It's not hard to read about death abstractly. I do find it tough when a character I love dies, of course. You can truly miss characters. Not like you miss people, but you can still miss them (Like You Quotes)
I like you and your book, ingenious Hone! In whose capacious all-embracing leaves the very marrow of tradition 's shown; and all that history, much that fiction weaves (Like You Quotes)
If you ever feel like giving up, just remember there is a little girl watching who wants to be just like you. Don't disappoint her (Like You Quotes)
If, after having been in someone's presence, you feel like you've lost a quart of plasma - avoid that presence. No one likes to hear the word "vampire" used around here... it's kind of bad for our public image (Like You Quotes)
Mr. President, Sir, why don't you want my mom and dad to protect their 2 girls like you protect your 2 girls - with guns? (Like You Quotes)
If you ever start to feel too good about yourself, they have this thing called the Internet, and you can find a lot of people there who don't like you (Like You Quotes)
Everyone always says how I'm so smart, but they don't know what it's like being me. always feeling like you could do better (Like You Quotes)
When I first set out to ruin SNL, I didn't think anyone would notice, but I persevered because like you trying to a do a nine - piece jigsaw puzzle, it was a labor of love (Like You Quotes)
You are not in a movie, you are a real person — don't expect other people to treat you like you're always the star (Like You Quotes)
Music is like you touch the pulse of the world. Music is always happening, and sometimes you get to touch it for a while, and when you do you know that everything's connected to everything else (Like You Quotes)
Tell me I'm a sinner I got news for you I spoke to God this morning and he don't like you! Don't you try and teach me no original sin; I don't need your pity for the shape I'm in (Like You Quotes)
You can never have too many knives, his father had told him. Unless they're pointed at you, and by people who don't like you much (Like You Quotes)
They are all alike you know. They hold their tongues for years and you think you're safe, but when the opportunity comes they remember everything (Like You Quotes)