Like You Quotes

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If I never met you, I wouldn’t like you. If I didn’t like you I wouldn’t love you. If I didn’t love you I wouldn’t miss you, but I did, I do and I will (Like You Quotes)
Getting in the shower and letting the water run down your arms so it looks like you’re shooting water out of your fingertips (Like You Quotes)
You try your hardest to raise your teenagers with patience, honesty and good manners, but they still end up being like you (Like You Quotes)
Just when you start to realize he doesn’t like you, he’ll make you think he does, only because he knows he can (Like You Quotes)
Whatever life gives you even if it hurts, just be strong and act like you always do. Strong walls shake, but never collapse (Like You Quotes)
Having a crush is sweet, falling in love is exciting, having a heartbreak sucks. But having a friend like you, totally rocks! (Like You Quotes)
Do not change to try to make people like you. Just be yourself and the right people will come and love the real you (Like You Quotes)
If someone ignores you, doesn’t like you and doesn’t appreciate you, don’t be sad. Just keep your head up high! (Like You Quotes)
To move on, you gotta be strong. To be strong, you gotta be happy. To be happy, you gotta love like you never been hurt (Like You Quotes)
Live life like you want to. Not how people want you to. You are your own person. No matter how hard you try to be someone else, it doesn’t work. Be yourself and that will! (Like You Quotes)
Be yourself. Some people won’t like it, but the ones who do will actually like you for who you really are (Like You Quotes)
No one will take care of your belongings like you do. They don’t know the lengths you took 2purchase the things you own (Like You Quotes)
If someone truly loves you, they won’t make you feel like you need to constantly fight for their attention (Like You Quotes)
Never let someone close to you make it seem like you have no chance at something great just because they didn’t. You live your own life (Like You Quotes)
Just know that everyone isn’t going to like you regardless of how great you become. You can say the sky is blue, someone will disagree (Like You Quotes)
Boy: Let’s play a game. Any game you want, just not hide and seek. Girl: Why not hide and seek? Boy: Because a girl like you is impossible to find (Like You Quotes)
I pretend I don’t like you on the outside, but on the inside I melt every time I see your smile (Like You Quotes)
Stop chasing the girls and chase your dream. You get that dream she’s gonna chase you. They don’t like you. They like the dream you’re chasing (Like You Quotes)
It’s always the person you don’t like that likes you the exact way you want someone else to like you (Like You Quotes)
You know what hurts so much? It’s when someone made you feel special yesterday, but makes you feel like you’re a nobody today (Like You Quotes)
You can’t force someone to like you or love you, but if you live life right one day they will realize what they lost (Like You Quotes)
That awkward moment when a girl talks to you in the restroom like you guys have been best friends forever (Like You Quotes)
When you really don’t like a guy, they’re all over you, and as soon as you act like you like them, they’re no longer interested (Like You Quotes)
There are 12 months a year, 30 days a month, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour, but only 1 like you in a lifetime (Like You Quotes)
One of the most hurtful things you can do to someone is act like you care about them more than you really do (Like You Quotes)
That girl you’re talking to now. I don’t hate her, I just hate myself for being ugly and she is. Pretty perfect, just like you (Like You Quotes)
Trophies and medals have never meant much to me. I’ve had amazing experiences, which let you feel like you’ve accomplished something (Like You Quotes)
If people don’t like you because you are different, just be thankful that you are different from them (Like You Quotes)