Limited Quotes

Text Quotes
Without the word dream, or the concept dream, and without the word blue and the emotions, I would have been really limited in the things I’ve written and performed. (Limited Quotes)
Your body’s ability to function as a clean and efficient channel is limited by stiffness, lack of strength, and lack of endurance. Your mind’s ability is limited by the way it thinks about itself, by the way you think about you. The process of yoga is one of undoing the obstructions and limitations in your body and mind that inhibit the free flow of creative life force. (Limited Quotes)
For as long as I can remember, my mother went to church every single Sunday. She was born and raised in Romania as a person with limited means, and faith was something she could rely on - something that was free. (Limited Quotes)
If you come from a normal family, you immediately start playing the role of a boy, a girl a man or a woman, but I’m sure you’ll agree with me that those are only roles, limited roles, at that. (Limited Quotes)
I think Donald Trump understands there’s a Constitution. And that those separate but equal branches of government give us a limited government. And he believes that. (Limited Quotes)
Am I good enough to be No. 1? Sure, but who’s gonna break Tiger’s legs? I want to be the best. Can I? Oh, believe me, I will be trying. Hard. You grow up in Colombia, and everything is limited. Then, I come here, and you have everything. A trainer, nutritionist, coach. I’m very lucky. Many doors open, and I have a path to take. (Limited Quotes)
Breaking up is the hardest thing we do. It’s the most important thing we do, in a way. You’ve got to embrace rejection, or you’ll maintain a very limited life. It’ll be very nice and neat - and very, very small. (Limited Quotes)
Let us think of Nature as a builder, making all that we see out of atoms of a limited number of kinds, just as the builder of a house constructs it out of so many different kinds of things: bricks, slates, planks, panes of glass, and so on. (Limited Quotes)
Why does crime happen? Well, you might say that it’s because youths don’t have jobs. Or you might say that’s because the doors of our buildings are not fortified enough. Given some limited funds to spend, you can either create yet another national employment program or you can equip houses with even better cameras, sensors, and locks. (Limited Quotes)
I guess with the way that I’ve conducted myself I’m in the logical spot and I’m fine with that. Even my limited interactions with success have left me confused and bummed out, so I don’t think the two can co-exist. (Limited Quotes)
The marketplace for books when I entered the business shortly after World War II consisted of a thousand or so well stocked independent booksellers in major towns and cities supplemented by thousands of smaller shops that carried limited stocks of mostly current titles along with greeting cards, toys and so on. (Limited Quotes)
The idea of going into the property business and collecting rent four times a year and waiting for five-year rent reviews has limited appeal. (Limited Quotes)
There is a science to managing high tech businesses, and it needs to be respected. One of them is that in technology businesses, leadership is temporary. It’s constantly recycling. So the asset has limited lifetime. (Limited Quotes)
In school, you get a limited view of the world. Start working. Find your passion. Take your time doing that. Once you’ve found what you’re passionate about, then lock down. Even if you want to start a business, it’s helpful to work, see how other businesses are run. (Limited Quotes)
That is the beauty of cancer, it tells you that your days are limited, that you could die at any point. It is that perspective that allows you to live a better life while you’re here. (Limited Quotes)
In abstract painting, I worried about the limited range of possibilities that, as time went on, became increasingly important to me. I wanted to express or deal with differences that an all-over paint and canvas ‘presence’ neutralized. (Limited Quotes)
I feel that the only true security I have is my capacity, however limited, to love (Limited Quotes)
At the end of the day, perhaps the best argument against capital punishment may be that it is an issue beyond the limited capacity of government to get things right. (Limited Quotes)
Americans oppose Obamacare because they understand that it is inconsistent with our liberties and our idea of limited government and that it will destroy the best health care system in the world. (Limited Quotes)
For any of us in this room today, let’s start out by admitting we’re lucky. We don’t live in the world our mothers lived in, our grandmothers lived in, where career choices for women were so limited. (Limited Quotes)
I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts. (Limited Quotes)
To a certain extent, yes, we do. But there’s - but there’s a very limited menu. There’s only about sort of 20 songs that you hear on rotation. (Limited Quotes)
When knowledge is limited - it leads to folly... When knowledge exceeds a certain limit, it leads to exploitation. (Limited Quotes)
I grow tired of intelligence having such a limited manifestation in movies - intelligence usually meaning coastal, with a certain level of formal education. (Limited Quotes)
Even if you are a pianist, your concerto repertoire is very limited compared to what your chamber repertoire would be if you were a chamber music pianist. (Limited Quotes)
The great enemy of any attempt to change men’s habits is inertia. Civilization is limited by intertia. (Limited Quotes)
In a malleable world where everything from atoms to cells is changing to match our beliefs, we’re limited only by the way we think of ourselves in that world. (Limited Quotes)
As an actor, I’m limited to re-in acting someone else’s vision or portraying a fictitious character. (Limited Quotes)
Women with minimal access to resources and no access to child care have limited choices that too often mean low-wage and part-time labor. In rural communities in the developing world, when women farmers have unequal access to fertilizers or training, their farm productivity lags behind men. (Limited Quotes)
I believe that the role of limited government should be looking after the needs of veterans, the elderly, children and those institutions that improve the quality of life for struggling families - I don’t believe that government should bend to serve the needs of subsidized multi-national corporations and entitled billionaires. (Limited Quotes)