Lindsay Fox Quotes

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Simple old-fashioned values that come from a sense of community are the key to a great society. I believe we all have that sense from childhood memories, when life was simple. It’s those memories that should drive us to reflect on our values (Lindsay Fox Quotes)
My father was a truck driver. That’s where it all started, and academically I was a disaster at school. My cousin got his name on the honour board; I, at Melbourne High School, I carved mine on the desk (Lindsay Fox Quotes)
At Linfox we have zero tolerance. If any alcohol or drugs are found in any drivers’ blood, they are instantly dismissed. (Lindsay Fox Quotes)
The old man sold beer after hours on weekends. And that was something that he probably did to top up his earnings as a truck driver. Mum was the traditional housewife. Loving, caring, sharing - always the keynotes of the family. (Lindsay Fox Quotes)
Personal relationships are always the key to good business. You can buy networking; you can’t buy friendships. (Lindsay Fox Quotes)
People in business generally have a responsibility to the community. They have to put back into the community from which they take. I think I’ve adopted that all through my life. Caring and sharing are two major fundamentals of life. (Lindsay Fox Quotes)
I’d rather have a pencil and paper and do all my own calculations rather than rely on a machine. And I’ll do most calculations in double digit multiples as quick as the machine. (Lindsay Fox Quotes)
Gaining my education from practical experience certainly benefited me. If I had gone on to be a lawyer, my life wouldn’t have been anywhere near as interesting. (Lindsay Fox Quotes)
Initially, I used to cart coke from the West Melbourne Gasworks -12 tonne a day, 150-pound sacks. I’d come home looking like Al Jolson at the end of the day - white teeth, black face... A good hard day’s work. (Lindsay Fox Quotes)
Personal relationships are always the key to good business. You can buy networking; you can’t buy friendships (Lindsay Fox Quotes)
If you believe you can make a difference, then you will make a difference. Believe in yourself, your family and your community and you will win (Lindsay Fox Quotes)
Life isn’t about algebra and geometry. Learning by making mistakes and not duplicating them is what life is about (Lindsay Fox Quotes)