Line Quotes

Text Quotes
We have arrived at that point of time in which we are forced to see our own humiliation, as a nation, and that a progression in this line cannot be a productive of happiness, private or public (Line Quotes)
Congress will pass a law restricting public comment on the Internet to individuals who have spent a minimum of one hour actually accomplishing a specific task while on line (Line Quotes)
Documentaries are the first line of education, and the second line of education is dramatization, such as ‘The Pacific’ (Line Quotes)
Equipped with cell phones, beepers, and handheld computers, the ‘conspicuously industrious’ blur the line between home and office by working anytime, anywhere (Line Quotes)
Faith is an island in the setting sun, But proof is the bottom line for everyone (Line Quotes)
I also tell them that your education can take you way farther than a football, baseball, track, or basketball will - that’s just the bottom line (Line Quotes)
I left General Magic in 1996 to become an Internet hobbyist - got a T - 1 line to my house. At one point I had all four food banks of the Bay Area hosted from this house here (Line Quotes)
I want to say a simple thing, that the dividing line exists not between Jordan and Israel, but between the proponents of peace and the opponents of peace (Line Quotes)
I’m bored with that line. I never use it anymore. My new line is ‘In 15 minutes everybody will be famous.’ (Line Quotes)
If you have a line of business - I know this as a CEO - or if you have a teenager - I know this as a parent - who have a spending problem, what do you do? You quit giving them money (Line Quotes)
Intelligence is our first line of defense against terrorism, and we must improve the collection capabilities and analysis of intelligence to protect the security of the United States and its allies (Line Quotes)
It was just like a digital fixation with cards and math and science and then I started to look at images of great magicians from Houdini down the line (Line Quotes)
It’s a family that’s loaded with grudges and passion. We come from a long line of robbers and highwaymen in Italy, you know. Killers, even (Line Quotes)
Marie Antoinette was funny, I’m sure she was just misinterpreted. You know the ‘Let them eat cake’ line. She seems like she was kind of funny, like a Chelsea Handler or Kathy Griffin type (Line Quotes)
Our top story tonight: Famous TV dolphin flipper was arrested today on prostitution ring charges. He allegedly was seen transporting two 16 year olds across state line for immoral porpoises (Line Quotes)
Peace is not the product of a victory or a command. It has no finishing line, no final deadline, no fixed definition of achievement. Peace is a never-ending process, the work of many decisions (Line Quotes)
Perhaps, all writers walk such a line. In general - as we all do in our dreams - I believe I put something of myself into all the characters in my novels, male as well as female (Line Quotes)
Some men have a silly theory about beautiful women - that somewhere along the line they’ll turn into a monster. That movie gave them a chance to watch it happen (Line Quotes)
The American patriots of today continue the tradition of the long line of patriots before them, by helping to promote liberty and freedom around the world (Line Quotes)
The bottom line is that Wanda Sykes has the longest continuously documented family tree of any African-American we have ever researched (Line Quotes)
The other inmates stand in a long straight line, flanked by guards, and I am dragged past them. I do not respect them, because they will not run - will not try to escape (Line Quotes)
The UN declaration on human rights must always be first in line before religion or other cultural habits, in case of any conflict between them (Line Quotes)
There is a direct line relationship between what happened in Afghanistan in the work up to 11 September 2001 and what we’re doing in Afghanistan today (Line Quotes)
While Democrats fussed with the details of health care reforms, conservatives spent months telling the nation that the real issue is freedom, that what’s on the line is American liberty itself (Line Quotes)
With courage and character, American soldiers continue to put themselves on the line to defend our freedom, and so many have paid the ultimate sacrifice (Line Quotes)
You get below the Mason-Dixon line and you have some of the best music, culture, the two races, the literature, and it’s so rich (Line Quotes)
You have got to decide, look, this is who I am; this is my best way to present myself, and I’m going to ride that horse to the finish line. Not everybody will like it, but that’s OK (Line Quotes)
Each gig should be unique. You’re always treading that line between keeping yourself fresh and giving people something they want to hea (Line Quotes)
It is strange how your understanding of a play changes. It normally happens after a performance and you suddenly think, ‘So that’s what that line really means’ - it’s like a light going on (Line Quotes)
I think the Internet, particularly the availability of information, is great. I do a lot of correspondence on-line and have a chat line to talk to my fans as wel (Line Quotes)