Line Quotes

Text Quotes
I have always loved clothes, and the opportunity to design my own line could not be missed. It’s a dream job. (Line Quotes)
What I’ve learned from different designers is that it’s key to be true to who you are and your vision. That’s always been my line of thinking. Working through the whole design process, I don’t want to create something I wouldn’t be proud to wear. (Line Quotes)
Desire toward God and you will have desires from God and He will meet you on the line of those desires when you reach out in simple faith. (Line Quotes)
Those women with collagen lips just look like frogs - ‘muffin mouths,’ I call them. There’s not a line on their brows, and all the emotion gone from their faces, like all those actresses in ‘Desperate Housewives.’ (Line Quotes)
As far as an actor-director connection, I think those can develop, and when they do, they’re really great, and you just cultivate it like you would any relationship or friendship. If you find that something special, it helps down the line when you want to do more projects with each other. (Line Quotes)
I’ve always been fascinated by the difference between the jokes you can tell your friends but you can’t tell to an audience. There’s a fine line you have to tread because you don’t know who is out there in the auditorium. A lot of people are too easily offended. (Line Quotes)
The exact objectives of Islam Inc. are obscure. Needless to say everyone involved has a different angle, and they all intend to cross each other up somewhere along the line. (Line Quotes)
With Michigan’s economic future on the line, we can’t afford to have our 500 local school districts marching in different directions. Instead, we need a high standards, mandatory curriculum to get all our students on the road to higher education and a good paying job. (Line Quotes)
Writing for myself and writing for another artist are two very different experiences. When I handle both the story and the art, I have full control. I can endlessly tweak every word and every line. (Line Quotes)
I think for me in terms of this kind of dichotomy you have to hold the sense of negative capability in your mind - which is Keats line about being able to hold two different ideas ‘without any irritable reach after fact or reason.’ (Line Quotes)
Success means different things in different parts of my life, but overall if I have to define ultimately what success means.. the bottom line.. then for me it’s if the family is healthy and happy. (Line Quotes)
God really exists, I tell you like this: It resides inside. And anybody tell you different, Just selling you religion, Tryin’ to keep your ass in line. (Line Quotes)
That somehow dreams are a blurred line between here and there, like a meeting room in a prison. You’re both in the same room, yet on different sides and really, in different worlds. (Line Quotes)
All of us assign different values to things, and not all of those values are going to line up with others’. (Line Quotes)
I think I do have a way of predicting - not always accurately - what is a nerve-wracking day for actors, what may be a difficult scene or a difficult moment, how small - and it may be down to one line - a thing maybe that is upsetting or undermining a performance. (Line Quotes)
Anyway, seeking work is a tad difficult given the poor design of the streets with their prohibitive curbs and driveways that don’t quite line up. (Line Quotes)
I feel that the world is increasingly about the bottom line, and not so much about human respect or human dignity. In that regard, people who care about other people will not be in a position to make choices and do things that other people who they’re competing against will get to do. (Line Quotes)
This year I hope to introduce legislation that would require Power Administrations to list direct and indirect costs associated with ESA compliance as a line item on customer’s power bills. (Line Quotes)
I don’t really know what is shocking. When you tell the story of a man who is beheaded, you have to show how they cut off his head. If you don’t, it’s like telling a dirty joke and leaving out the punch line. (Line Quotes)
There’s definitely some parallels between me and Joaquin Phoenix, I think. The line gets so blurry. My rap career wasn’t a hoax, but it was absolutely intended to be a joke. The problem was that I really was on a quest to somehow be a Caucasian Ol’ Dirty Bastard. (Line Quotes)
After the war, Germany fully confessed to all its dirty tricks. It’s necessary to is draw a line under the past, even if people did something evil. Until we do, wounds won’t heal. (Line Quotes)
If you’re willing to put yourself and your dreams on the line, at the very least you’ll discover an inner strength you may not have known existed. (Line Quotes)
A foundation representing firefighters who die in the line of duty is calling for Congress to strip the Centers for Disease Control of its role investigating firefighter deaths. (Line Quotes)
FreshWorld is in line with my vision of supporting sustainable technologies in solving problems. I feel this is the next-level disruption in the fruits and vegetables industry. (Line Quotes)
We expanded the brand to include a whole line of apparel and accessories, but we quickly learned that it was not good to have one channel of distribution. (Line Quotes)
I do not have a merchandise line. I don’t sell knives or apparel. Though I have been approached to endorse various products from liquor to airlines to automobiles to pharmaceuticals dozens of times, I have managed to resist the temptation. (Line Quotes)
The terror of failure can make you feel like a failure. So a bunch of people think you’re not very good at your thing. How much do you invest in what they say? How much do you care? Failure is not putting yourself on the line. (Line Quotes)
When it comes to our public services, decentralisation means giving power back to those on the front line - our doctors, nurses, teachers and physiotherapists, and our locally elected officials. (Line Quotes)
I don’t think making love the new bottom line is naïve; I believe that thinking we can survive the next hundred years doing anything less, is naïve. (Line Quotes)
I’ve been in this business 25 years. I’ve been eking out a living doing Broadway, off-Broadway... I’ve seen the unemployment line a lot. (Line Quotes)