Line Quotes

Text Quotes
I only worked theater jobs, but they were all really silly when I first graduated. I was a line monitor at ‘Spamalot,’ which means I got there at 8 A.M. and told people how much the tickets were for standing room. I was an NYU Medical School fake patient, to teach doctors how to talk to patients. (Line Quotes)
Business is much less transparent than a win in a Grand Prix; in a race you drive over the finishing line first and you have won. In business it is different. (Line Quotes)
My dad always said to me that with fame comes great responsibility, which has always stuck with me, even though I think he stole that line from Spiderman. (Line Quotes)
I’d rather win two or three, lose one, win two or three more. I’m a great believer in things evening out. If you win a whole bunch in a row, somewhere along the line you’re going to lose some too. (Line Quotes)
There’s the great line: the definition of a liberal is someone who’s afraid to take their own side in a fight. And that’s my problem with my fellow liberals. (Line Quotes)
People assume I’m out there having this great life, but money doesn’t erase the pain. When you’re young you barrel through life, making choices without thinking of repercussions. A few years down the line, you wake up in a certain place and wonder how the hell you got there. (Line Quotes)
You have to manage money. Particularly with market economies. You may have a great product, but if your bottom line goes bust, then that’s it. (Line Quotes)
Gascoigne, Ben Jonson, Greville, Raleigh, Donne, Poets who wrote great poems, one by one, And spaced by many years, each line an act Through which few labor, which no men retract. This passion is the scholar’s heritage (Line Quotes)
If I wrote in a sonnet form, I would be distorting. Or if I had some great new idea for line breaks and I used it in a poem, but it’s really not right for that poem, but I wanted it, that would be distorting. (Line Quotes)
A merely great intellect can produce prose, but not poetry, not one line (Line Quotes)
Not surprisingly, as the pioneer theme is presented, each goes back in memory to his or her own family line. There are usually examples to identify and which fit the definition of a pioneer: one who goes before, showing others the way to follow. Some, if not all, made great sacrifices to leave behind comfort and ease and respond to that clarion call of their newly found faith. (Line Quotes)
It was just like a digital fixation with cards and math and science and then I started to look at images of great magicians from Houdini down the line. (Line Quotes)
I’m an actress. I’m not putting my life on the line for any great cause. I don’t step out too boldly about anything except my children and family. (Line Quotes)
When you write you have a certain vision of how it could be and it’s great to be able to see it all the way to the goal line. (Line Quotes)
I suppose I walk that line between comedy and cruelty because I think one illuminates the other. We’re all cruel, aren’t we? We are all extreme in one way or another at times and that’s what drama, since the Greeks, has dealt with. (Line Quotes)
I did green screen for the first time! I wouldn’t like to do a whole movie of green screen, though. You kind of forget the plot a little - like being in a Broadway play and doing it over and over and forgetting your line halfway through. (Line Quotes)
I do wait in line, and I do take the subway, and I do my own grocery shopping, and I do take the kids to school. But it almost doesn’t matter to a certain segment of the populace. (Line Quotes)
Life is like waiting in line at the grocery store. You wait, you slowly move forward, you pay the price, then you exit unsatisfied and broke. (Line Quotes)
He also telephoned the Real Time Computer Complex on the ground floor of the Operations Wing to ask that an additional big I.B.M. computer be brought onto the line. (Line Quotes)
Place me behind prison walls - walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground. There is a possibility that in some way or another I may be able to escape. But stand me on that floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of that circle? No. Never. (Line Quotes)
Some lovers were fortunate enough to grow old together. They’d grown old apart. She did not think him any less handsome. She only wished that she’d been there when the first line on his face had appeared, so that she could have stroked and kissed and cherished it. (Line Quotes)
Satire works best when it hews close to the line between the outlandish and the possible - and as that line continues to grow thinner, the satirist’s task becomes ever more difficult. (Line Quotes)
For a spinner growing up in England, it is challenging to become an off-spinner. The line and length needs to be altered on each of the four days of county cricket or five days of Test matches. The pitches in England don’t have a set pattern. It changes with each day, and accordingly, the length varies. (Line Quotes)
I had grown tired of standing in the lean and lonely front line facing the greatest enemy that ever confronted man -- public opinion. (Line Quotes)
This is the line of life, this is the line of growth, and this is the line of well-being in India - to follow the track of religion. (Line Quotes)
I am aware that somewhere along the line, I’ve subconsciously turned down the pitch of my speech, like a silencer of a gun that softens the sound of its firing. Now, even when I yell, I don’t feel like I am using my full voice. (Line Quotes)
One of the most insane environments I have ever spent time in is a gun range. There we are, all in a line, armed to the teeth, firing away. (Line Quotes)
If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. The first people who are going to be in line to turn in their guns are law-abiding citizens. Criminals are going to be left with guns. I believe that concealed carry is a way of reducing gun violence. (Line Quotes)
The first Parikrma school started in a slum where there were 70,000 people living below the poverty line. Our first school was on a rooftop of a building inside the slums, a second story building, the only second story building inside the slums. And that rooftop did not have any ceiling, only half a tin sheet. That was our first school. (Line Quotes)
I know there is a thin silver line between the sane and the insane, and even in that realm of madness, there are degrees of reason, fluttering moments of clarity and truth. Maybe the world can’t handle the their truth. Maybe we are too weak. Maybe, like Sloth used to say, It’s the blind who see the most. (Line Quotes)