Linger Quotes

Text Quotes
Good things, by their nature, are fleeting. It’s those that bring us grief that linger (Linger Quotes)
Clouds are poems, and the most moving poems linger on the blackboard so long, written in cursive so lovely, they also exist inside our fingertips. We never really erase them at the end of the lesson (Linger Quotes)
It wasn’t as if she was terrified of heights, she simply preferred to be closer to solid ground, where words like plummet and plunge did not linger in her mind (Linger Quotes)
Better to be happy with the cod fish in your plate now, than to linger for the taste of a tuna that is still swimming in the sea (Linger Quotes)
People who are too fastidious towards the finite never reach actuality, but linger in abstraction, and their light dies away (Linger Quotes)
I think when things linger, that’s when they become a distraction. I don’t want any distractions (Linger Quotes)
You are the person who has to decide. Whether you’ll do it or toss it aside; You are the person who makes up your mind. Whether you’ll lead or will linger behind. Whether you’ll try for the goal that’s afar. Or just be contented to stay where you are (Linger Quotes)
Love will not always linger longest with those who hold it in too clenched a fist (Linger Quotes)
What I fear is not being forgotten after my death, but, rather, not being enough forgotten. As we were saying, it is not our books that survive, but our poor lives that linger in the histories (Linger Quotes)
The best things said come last. People will talk for hours saying nothing much and then linger at the door with words that come with a rush from the heart (Linger Quotes)
So much of what we do is ephemeral and quickly forgotten, even by ourselves, so it’s gratifying to have something you have done linger in people’s memories (Linger Quotes)
Let it rise! Let it rise, till it meet the sum in his coming; let the earliest light of the morning gild it, and the parting day linger and play on its summit (Linger Quotes)
Kind words not only lift our spirits in the moment they are given, but they can linger with us over the years (Linger Quotes)
Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves to release us from the shackles of our past. The pain of those who wounded us may linger but it needn't overshadow our happiness (Linger Quotes)
I think it’s the sign of a leader to step up and say, you know, when something’s not working to have the guts to reverse it. And the worst thing you can do is to let that mistake linger (Linger Quotes)
We slaughter one another in our words and attitudes. We slaughter one another in the stereotypes and mistrust that linger in our heads, and the words of hate we spew from our lips (Linger Quotes)
The devil tryna rip out my soul. Lost my soul. I’ll see you in hell. I see the devil linger on, stuck in my hell (Linger Quotes)
Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you (Linger Quotes)
Dear to me is sleep: still more, being made of stone, While pain and guilt still linger here below, Blindness and numbness - these please me alone; Then do not wake me, keep your voices low (Linger Quotes)
There are about as many ways to be dead as there are to be alive. People linger in different ways, both publicly and privately (Linger Quotes)
Never try to grow up too fast, but don’t linger in the child you were (Linger Quotes)
A story can fly like a bee, so straight and swift you catch only the hum of its passing. Or move so slowly it seems motionless, curled in upon itself like a snake in the sun. It can vanish like smoke before the wind. Linger like perfume in the nose. Change with every telling, yet always remain the same (Linger Quotes)
If you see faults in others, look the other way. Don’t linger on imperfection (Linger Quotes)
Art is challenging and frustrating but I don’t linger in it. I work on five paintings at a time so if I’m frustrated I put one down and begin another (Linger Quotes)
All of the disparate books on my list contain characters, scenes or voices that linger long past the last page of their stories (Linger Quotes)
We seem but to linger in manhood to tell the dreams of our childhood, and they vanish out of memory ere we learn the language (Linger Quotes)
Unexplained pain may sometimes direct our attention to something unacknowledged, something we are afraid to know or feel. Then it holds us to our integrity, claiming the attention we withhold. The thing which calls our attention may be a repressed experience or some unexpressed and important part of who we are. Whatever we have denied may stop us and dam the creative flow of our lives. Avoiding pain, we may linger in the vicinity of our wounds, sometime for many years, gathering the courage to experience them (Linger Quotes)
Hakomi is a path taken by those who work to go beyond the half remembered hurts and failed beliefs that linger unexamined in the mind and body, hurts that act through barely conscious habits and reactions. This work is a part of that heroic labor, a cousin to sitting meditation, to singing bowls and chanting monks (Linger Quotes)
While you are looking, you might as well also listen, linger and think about what you see (Linger Quotes)
Your sense of guilt will linger. It will always be part of you. but sharing it, allowing people to love you anyway, will do you the world of good. Secrets need an outlet if they are not to fester and become an unbearable burden (Linger Quotes)