Lips Quotes

Text Quotes
Do not be satisfied with the speech of your lips and the thought in your heart, all the promises and good sayings in your mouth, and all the good thoughts in your heart; rather you must arise and do! (Lips Quotes)
I think the quality of sexiness comes from within. It is something that is in you or it isn’t and it really doesn’t have much to do with breasts or thighs or the pout of your lips (Lips Quotes)
There comes a moment on a journey when something sweet, something irresistible and charming as wine raised to thirsty lips, wells up in the traveller’s being (Lips Quotes)
I believe in running through the rain and crashing into the person you love and having your lips bleed on each other (Lips Quotes)
I walk without flinching through the burning cathedral of the summer. My bank of wild grass is majestic and full of music. It is a fire that solitude presses against my lips (Lips Quotes)
Our lips are full of praise, but our hearts are far removed from the prophets we all claim. That’s why the world is in the shape that it’s in (Lips Quotes)
Geez, if I could get through to you, kiddo, that depression is not sobbing and crying and giving vent, it is plain and simple reduction of feeling. Reduction, see? Of all feeling. People who keep stiff upper lips find that it’s damn hard to smile (Lips Quotes)
The modern school without systematic lectures turns out many graduates who lack retention. No sooner has the sound of the word left their teacher’s lips, the subject has been forgotten (Lips Quotes)
Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life (Lips Quotes)
Eloquence dwells quite as much in the hearts of the hearers as on the lips of the orator (Lips Quotes)
Christian! thou knowest thou carriest gunpowder about thee. Desire them that carry fire to keep at a distance. It is a dangerous crisis when a proud heart meets with flattering lips (Lips Quotes)
To me, it’s really easy to feel glamorous and beautiful with red lips. It’s great because you don’t have to do anything else. I don’t have to do anything to my face. I can have cleanly washed hair and if I just put on like a matte red lip, it just makes everything seem special (Lips Quotes)
At the age of ten, I thought if a boy kissed you on the lips, you would have a baby, and I surely wasn’t the only youngster who believed that! (Lips Quotes)
Violence is so terribly fast... the most perverse thing about the movies is the way they portray it in slow motion, allowing it to be something sensuous... the viewer’s lips slightly wet as the scene plays out. Violence is nothing like that. It is lightning fast, chaotic, and totally intangible (Lips Quotes)
He took her into his arms again, using all his strength to be gentle, and let his lips touch hers so lightly he could hardly feel it (Lips Quotes)
How not to imagine the tumors ripening beneath his skin, flesh I have kissed, stroked with my fingertips, pressed my belly and breasts against, some nights so hard I thought I could enter him, open his back at the spine like a door or a curtain and slip in like a small fish between his ribs, nudge the coral of his brains with my lips, brushing over the blue coil of his bowels with the fluted silk of my tail (Lips Quotes)
To wipe off the froth of falsehood from the foaming lips of inebriated virtue, when fresh from the sexless orgies of morality and reeling from the delirious riot of religion, may doubtless be a charitable office (Lips Quotes)
He’ll pinch a cigarette between his fingers. He’ll take a drag, blow that drag between his lips. He’ll look at the firl with eyes the colour of the sky before it turns black and he will see heaven, and the pictures of all those other girls floating inside his head will blow away like the clouds of the cigarette and he’ll see only the girl inside himself and the world will stop (Lips Quotes)
If you want me just whistle. You know how to whistle don’t you? Just put your lips together and blow (Lips Quotes)
Embraces do not matter; they merely indicate the will to love and may as well be followed by defeat as victory. But disregard means that now there needs to be no straining of the eyes, no stretching forth of the hands, no pressing of the lips, because theirs is such a union that they are no longer aware of the division of their flesh (Lips Quotes)
And little he knew of the things that ink may do, how it can mark a dead man’s thought for the wonder of later years, and tell of happening that are gone clean away, and be a voice for us out of the dark of time, and save many a fragile thing from the pounding of heavy ages; or carry to us, over the rolling centuries, even a song from lips long dead on forgotten hills (Lips Quotes)
Novalee watched his lips shape the words... the sounds, like whispered secrets, hanging in the air (Lips Quotes)
My playing had called to another human being at last. Surely, she could be no other than my own true love. Slowly, I got to my feet. Speak to me, I thought. And as if she’d heard me, the young woman’s lips parted and she spoke thus: Have you lost your mind? (Lips Quotes)
Alexander tilted his head and kissed her deeply on the lips. He let go of her hands, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing herself against him. They kissed as if in a fever... they kissed as if the breath were leaving their bodies (Lips Quotes)
There was a dull pang of regret because it was not the kiss of love which had inflamed her, because it was not love which had held this cup of life to her lips (Lips Quotes)
She had perfect features, with her eye, nose, lips, and ears the right size and in right places. That is all it takes to make people beautiful, normal body parts – yet why does nature mess it up so many times? (Lips Quotes)
Time has stopped; time is racing. Lochie’s lips are rough yet smooth, hard yet gentle. His fingers are strong: I feel them in my hair and on my neck and down my arms and against my back. And I never want him to let me go (Lips Quotes)
This was what she needed… the quiet turning to the other in the middle of the night, the wordless meeting of lips, skin, breath. The trust, unfurling one pale petal at a time, that he would be there (Lips Quotes)
... I will exile my thoughts if they think of you again, and I will rip my lips out if they say your name once more. Now if you do exist, I will tell you my final word in life or in death, I tell you goodbye (Lips Quotes)
You say my name like a lover, so soft, so sweet. I want to lick the word from your lips, sip the exhaled breath from your mouth. I want to possess you utterly. Right now. Right here (Lips Quotes)