Lisa Wingate Quotes
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Text Quotes
Sooner or later, the future always circles back to the past (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
Sometimes it ain't the drunk or the sinner who needs a shovel across the rear, it's the ones who could quote you chapter and verse about grace, but don't hand it out (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
I realize that those who have loved us are never really gone. They live on in all the ones we love and all the ways we love. They are the reason we know how to love at all (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
But sometimes it's the things that require a leap of faith that we need to believe in most of all (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
Trust. It was possible to trust that which you could not predict, or plan, or control. In fact, it was essential. It was the only way to really live (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
Well, you know, sometimes we're hardest on the people we know we can count on not to ditch us no matter how lousy we act (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
I realize it's not the best timing - it's only been a month, but life isn't about waiting for perfect timing. If you're not careful, life happens while your stuck in a holding pattern (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
In those moments, I'd known that something new was being formed in me, too, created so gently that I hadn't even realized it until that evening by the shore (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
The depth of my love for him, of my need for him poured over me, both painful and sweet, both comforting and frightening. If anything happened to him, I didn't know how I would keep going (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
Generally, crises were mom's domain. Dad's job was to listen, nod, act curmudgeonly, and offer to pay for things (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
... The most important thing, I think. You can't run from your past. You have to take it for what it is and realize that it's part of you (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
Normal doesn't happen overnight when the world around and between you has always been off balance (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
I heard my grandfathers voice. What do they think - the storms will never come? You build a house on the sand, the sand shifts eventually... Remember that (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
Prayers are answered in ways we don't choose. The river of grace bubbles up in unexpected places (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
The important thing isn't proving you can achieve a goal, but living every moment along the way, even the side trips (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
Maybe there came a point in life where you had to quit categorizing whole groups of people by a few bad experiences (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
A person must have principles, epiphany. That's the one thing no one can take from you. The only way you can lose your principles is to give them up. Remember that (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
Sometimes life goes by in a trickle and sometimes life goes by in a flood. It's in those rainy seasons you find out how well you can swim (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
I've finally come to fully understand that you can't fix another person. You can't fix the past. You can only change your way of reacting to it (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
Eventually, you must stop running to something or from something and embrace where you are. Otherwise you'll never embrace anything (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
Real love isn't a payment. It isn't a response to your accomplishments or anything else. It's a gift without strings (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
My mama used to say if you frown on the outside long enough, eventually you'll grow a frown on the inside, too (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
You are a God of winds and tides. Of journeys and storms and navigation by stars and faith (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
Help them to show the world that our greatness is not in things we do for ourselves, but in things we do for others (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
Sometimes God puts a new path under your feet, not because you think you're ready to walk it, but because He knows that's the way you need to go (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
I desire to live my life this way,... Not caged by the walls of fear, but in anticipation of the bridges to magnificence. Help me find the way (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
The journey itself was the architect of the wood. The interior would never be fully dark because the struggle had cracked it, providing an avenue for the light (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
Like the beach glass, the wood was more beautiful because of its journey, because of the things it had been through. Inside the perfect shells is dim, It's through the cracks, the light comes in (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
... you're going to have to face this. You can't let other people decide your life for you... Other people's judgement doesn't have any power unless you offer yourself up for trial, so don't (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
The trouble with drowning in the mess of your own life is that you're not in any shape to save anyone else. You can't be a lighthouse when you're underwater yourself (Lisa Wingate Quotes)
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