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At some shows, the set list gets changed while we are on stage. I know Ed thinks about the set very hard throughout the day in order to make the best show possible for the fans and for us  (List Quotes) This year I hope to introduce legislation that would require Power Administrations to list direct and indirect costs associated with ESA compliance as a line item on customer’s power bills  (List Quotes) My name was on the list very early after these announcements were made through the newspapers in Europe  (List Quotes) When I begin to eliminate from the list all those professions which are impossible from a financial point of view and then those which I feel disinclined to-it leaves nothing  (List Quotes) If I don’t have a project going, I sit down and begin to write something - a character sketch, a monologue, a description of some sight, or even just a list of ideas  (List Quotes) The New York Times published the guest list on the front page. The masks were a brilliant concept  (List Quotes) Looking through the list of earlier Nobel laureates, I note a large number with whom I became acquainted and with whom I interacted during those years as they passed through Cambridge  (List Quotes) Nuclear apocalypse - who do you need? Actors are probably not top of the list. What can I do for you? I can pretend to be somebody who can grow you some nice crops  (List Quotes) I used to have a list of things from my school buddies of what kind of art material they wanted. I’d go up to the West End of London and spend the whole day knocking stuff off  (List Quotes) My to - do list is so long that it doesn’t have an end; it has an event horizon  (List Quotes) We signed up for Showtime, which I think put us on a Homeland Security list somewhere  (List Quotes) I put Liam at the top of the list, the male actor list, because I had just seen Schindler’s List again and Michael Collins, and I was just like, ‘God, what an incredible actor  (List Quotes) Make a list of twenty-five things you want to experience before you die. Carry it in your wallet or purse and refer to it often  (List Quotes) I started a list of things I want to teach my children, and that list is eight points long. The first one is, do what you love  (List Quotes) Whatever I thought might hold me back, I avoided. I crossed girls off my list, except as tools for my sexual needs  (List Quotes) It would be impossible for me to give you a list of the top 10 songs that shake my life. Far more music went in to it than just ten  (List Quotes) My last book was speculative. I just don’t quite know what I am doing. But I’ll get there. I have a list of things I would love to write  (List Quotes) I haven’t hit the bestseller list, but I consider myself one of the luckiest writers in the world, and this is mainly because of Grub Street  (List Quotes) I guess, on my list, going back to some old American stuff and British stuff that I used to love in the 80s, would be a British show called Dad’s Army, which recently just turned into a movie  (List Quotes) I keep a notebook of the things I need to get done in a day, week, month along with my overarching goals. Whenever I have a couple moments on set or on a plane, I work on ticking off my to-do list  (List Quotes) As long as a certain problem primarily affects a different country, in this case Italy, one might not put it at the very top of one’s list of priorities  (List Quotes) It’s always fun to see where my journey takes me and how sometimes what’s not on the list is so much better than what you could have imagined  (List Quotes) There’s a lot of money being generated by nerds right now. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, the list goes on and on. Nerds make more money than our government. And with money comes power  (List Quotes) I think the terrorism watch list in the United States went over a million people some years ago  (List Quotes) Name ten thousand reasons why you never want to die, go and tell someone who might’ve forgotten. Try to list the endless reasons why it’s good to be alive, and then just smile for a while about them  (List Quotes) If I’m reading something and a word pops up, or I just catch it, I try to mark it off and then, later, write it down on a piece of paper and add it to my list  (List Quotes) Seeing your name on the list for KP or guard duty when you’re in the Army is like reading a bad review  (List Quotes) From an app point of view, if you looked at innovation on the PC, you’d be hard pressed to find companies innovating. The list is small  (List Quotes) History contains little beyond a list of people who have accommodate themselves with other people’s property  (List Quotes) If I want to have a conversation, I can’t have a list of questions, because the second question on the list is going to interrupt the conversation  (List Quotes)
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