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Surreal. It was his word of the weekThis must be one of the circles of hell Dante accidentally left off the list.  (List Quotes) I’ve worked with some terrific actors. The list of guys that came on the ‘Columbo’ show, I mean they were world-class actors from all over the world - Oskar Werner, Laurence Harvey, Donald Pleasence, you know... foreigners.  (List Quotes) Facing sexism and racism and classism and transphobia, there are ways to choose to act in those situations, and there shouldn’t be a prescriptive list of things that you have to say.  (List Quotes) Normal person’s weekly chore list: 1. clean kitchen. 2. clean bathroom. 3. clean entire rest of domicile. cleaning impaired person’s weekly chore list: 1. don’t get peanut butter on sheets.  (List Quotes) The word ‘carer’ makes me think of someone with a nylon overall and a long list of ‘clients’ to wash before she finishes her shift. A companion was something unique. A kind of live-in friend.  (List Quotes) If we are going to list guitar influences, the biggest one by far is Wes Montgomery. Also, Gary Burton was obviously huge for me in a number of ways. But beyond that, Clifford Brown, Miles Davis and Freddie Hubbard.  (List Quotes) I love movies. I adore movies. I grew up on Steve McQueen and Clint Eastwood and Warren Beatty. The list goes on. Spencer Tracy. I wanted to be in movies.  (List Quotes) I’ve kept the people who’ve been in my career who I feel are my family. Kathy [Kennedy] had been with me since 1978. Janusz Kaminsky, my cinematographer, has made every movie with me since Schindler’s List. Michael Kahn has cut every movie I’ve directed since 1976 when we made Close Encounters together. Rick Carter has done more than 15 of my directed films as a production designer.  (List Quotes) Never put your family, friends, or significant other low on your priority list. Prefer a handful of truly close friends to a hundred acquaintances.  (List Quotes) Facebook is looking to help you distribute content to who you want to distribute to. Facebook gets a lot better if you put each of your friends into either your ‘close friend’ or ‘acquaintance’ list.  (List Quotes) I know that as a vegan, I’m in a minority. People love their meat. It’s up there with sugar and TV and maybe even coffee on the list of inalienable American rights.  (List Quotes) The time I spend in the morning - praying, sipping coffee, and coming up with my list - is a ritual I relish. I have done it for so long now that I subconsciously measure whether or not the things I’m doing match with what I should be doing, what I want to be doing, and the life I want to live.  (List Quotes) High on the list of things I’ve been meaning to do since I moved to New York in 2004 is going up to a Columbia University football game.  (List Quotes) My friends wanted their names in the list of employees of some company, well I wanted my name in the list of the heroes of the world.  (List Quotes) Lift others and yourself as you rise above this mess of comparison. Thank God for those who embraced their true selves and gave us gifts that only they could give: from Steve Jobs to Michael Jackson to Ray Charles to Mark Twain. There are so many more, and the list goes on.  (List Quotes) A man’s interest in a single bluebird is worth more than a complete but dry list of the fauna and flora of a town.  (List Quotes) If you need to appear on an internet list to know whether you’re someone’s friend, you may have problems a computer can’t solve.  (List Quotes) The ministry of the church is a genuine concern for others. We need to stop talking about it and start doing it. Rise.Rise and shine, friend. Everyone you meet today is on heaven’s Most Wanted list.  (List Quotes) Confront your fears list them get to know them and only then will you be able to put them aside and move ahead.  (List Quotes) All our science is just a cookery book, with an orthodox theory of cooking that nobody’s allowed to question, and a list of recipes that mustn’t be added to except by special permission from the head cook.  (List Quotes) What we do every night is we change out the set list as much as we can to make sure that (fans can) go home and tell their friends they experienced something unique and cool.  (List Quotes) In 2005, the Global Language Monitor-a nonprofit organization that does exactly what its name suggests-issued a tongue-in-cheek list of the year’s most politically correct words and phrases. Top  (List Quotes) Joining finances can be tricky. Money has long topped the list of topics couples fight about.  (List Quotes) I really told my story as I saw it in ‘Cross to Bear,’ and I was pleased - and a bit surprised - by how well it was received and how it sold. No. 2 on the ‘New York Times’ bestseller list? I’ll take that any day, my man!  (List Quotes) I’ve always been curious. I keep a list of people I’d love to have lunch with, like the Pope or Leonard Cohen. I’ll read an article about someone I’ve never met and think, ‘I should ask him to lunch!’  (List Quotes) My wife and I have our date nights. We love the Showtime shows like ‘Shameless,’ ‘Homeland’ and ‘House of Lies.’ And of course, ‘Scandal’ is high on the list; you’ve got to do ‘Scandal.’  (List Quotes) When I’m dating someone, I have a list called my ‘Oh No Nos.’ If a woman commits a Oh No No, it can end the relationship. Not loving 90s R  (List Quotes) I wanted to work with Mike Leigh. I had my list of British people I wanted to work with, and I wanted to work with David Lynch and Woody Allen.  (List Quotes) I’m sure I have a lot to atone for, if there is a judgment day. It’s gonna be a long list for me. It goes right up until I was about 18, and then I sort of straightened out.  (List Quotes) A deadly sins addendum is long overdue. Life has changed since Pope Gregory the Great scribbled his initial list in the sixth century.  (List Quotes)
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