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There may be a long list of things to do, but really, there is just one thing on the list at any time. If you think of it like that, the whole world looks different and you can stay quite calm. Maybe everything will get done eventually and maybe not. You can always have hope  (List Quotes) If I were to make a list, I would include the interceptions, the sacks, the really painful losses. Those times when I’ve been down, when I’ve been kicked around, I hold on to those. In a way those are the best times I’ve ever had, because that’s when I’ve found out who I am. And what I want to be  (List Quotes) We guided our children. We supported them. We were there for them. But once you start going through your list of schools that present a potential opportunity, a young man or a young woman has to be happy with their decision. If they are unhappy, then their whole four years of college are going to be some of the most miserable memories of their lifetime  (List Quotes) I am kept awake by the list of possibilities for shooting more photos and deciding what I must prioritise next  (List Quotes) Write a list of ways that you have benefited from being married to your spouse. Then write a list of your spouse’s positive patterns and qualities. Keep adding to the lists and reread them frequently  (List Quotes) How come pleasure never makes it on to... a dutiful list of do’s and don’ts? Doesn’t joy also get soft and flabby if you neglect to exercise it?  (List Quotes) Keenly aware of their limitations, artists often remain insecure even as their list of successes grows  (List Quotes) Make a list of your friends and determine who is the most positive thinker among them and deliberately cultivate his society  (List Quotes) If sophistication is a matter of being in control of our primary reactions, we may now be sophisticated. At least we shall be fairly confident of ourselves and may, with any luck, be confident of others. Our object will be to enjoy our selves. But to make sure that our names are permanently on the cast list, it will be advisable to be of interest to others. This aim must never be confused with the desire to be popular  (List Quotes) I do the work with friends who are musicians as well. I’m working on a piece of music and I have an idea of who I want on the vocals, but I don’t really have a list  (List Quotes) It’s sad that grandkids show up at the end of obituaries, way behind the list of work place achievements, social clubs and survivors. Why last? If you’ve got grandkids, you know they’re first when it comes to the joy in your life  (List Quotes) It’s easy to be a bad ass, it’s easy to act like a bad ass, easy to act like a tough guy, it’s easy to be a diva, and it’s easy to be self absorbed. The list goes on and on but to me, I always just find it more important to be nice and kind  (List Quotes) I value the momentum of making the list and the drive to tick. Sometimes I add stuff I’ve already accomplished so I can get going on my feelings of accomplishment  (List Quotes) When I was dating and the wine list was presented to my male companion, I tried to ignore this unfortunate faux pas. But this practice still goes on...Closing note to all servers and sommeliers: please include women in wine selection. Okay?  (List Quotes) In theater, the playwright is the boss, period. The decisions will go through him or her. In movies, the writer is pretty far down on the list  (List Quotes) There are so many to pick from that any list that I give you will be inadequate  (List Quotes) Take out two pieces of paper. One piece of paper, list all the people you know who are adding to your life  (List Quotes) Then on the other piece of paper, list all the people you know who are taking more than they’re adding. Include people from the past  (List Quotes) Step one in overcoming fears is to make a fear list. Make a list of all the things that you are afraid of. Start out with the small fears and conquer them  (List Quotes) Make a list of 200 prestigious, influential, and powerful people with whom you want to work, play, grow and do business  (List Quotes) If you look over a list of medicinal recipes in vogue in the last century, how foolish and useless they are seen to be! And yet we use equally absurd ones with faith today  (List Quotes) I put in my list all the busy, useful independent spinsters I know, for liberty is a better husband than love to many of us  (List Quotes) I feel very discouraged with the state of gay and lesbian publishing because I don’t feel like we’re really welcome in the mainstream and then you get ghettoized and put on some lesbian book club reading list where you don’t want to be either  (List Quotes) Whenever something good happens, write it down. Buy a special notebook... and use it to list all the good in your life  (List Quotes) The secret of getting on the shortlist is doing your best work fearlessly for a long time before you get on the list  (List Quotes) A balanced guest list of mixed elements is to a successful party what the seasoning is to a culinary triumph  (List Quotes) Minnesotans hate zeal. Zeal is right up there on the list of suspicious emotional behaviors like joy and despair. Always err on the side of blandness  (List Quotes) I feel successful when the writing goes well. This lasts five minutes. Once, when I was number one on the bestseller list, I also felt successful. That lasted three minutes  (List Quotes) It was easy in the early nineties to make a list of great things that could be done, now that there was such a convenient source of entangled pairs. Anton’s claim to fame is that he went and did them  (List Quotes) Concocting a good guest list is like seasoning a gourmet sauce. Too many similar ingredients and it’s bland. Too much variety in the seasoning and the result may be overpowering  (List Quotes)
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