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It’s only when people get involved, when there’s money involved, that you have a lot opinions around you. I try not to listen to them too much  (Listen Quotes) You listen to your favorite song just until you’re almost getting sick of it, and then it’s so fun to rediscover it after a couple of months  (Listen Quotes) I write about what I know: sex, pornography, art, fame obsession, drugs, and alcohol. I mean, why would anyone care to listen to me if I wasn’t an expert in what I write about?  (Listen Quotes) If you’re with someone you don’t exactly trust then you have to watch yourself and that’s the hardest thing for an actor not to do, and not listen to yourself as you’re talking  (Listen Quotes) The world is always changed by people who don’t listen to conventional wisdom. I think we often set our goals too small and try to accomplish them too quickly  (Listen Quotes) If you are halfway smart, and you could really listen to the audience, you could really learn a lot  (Listen Quotes) It is funny, I don’t feel old enough to give advice... But with the advisers you trust, you better listen to them. It may be bad news but that’s the only way you’re going to improve  (Listen Quotes) The first thing to understand about working with children’s dreams is that adults need to listen up  (Listen Quotes) Rather than listening to music while you paint, listen to the sort of wisdom that can help grow your career  (Listen Quotes) Do not let the prophets and diviners among you deceive you. Do not listen to the dreams you encourage them to have  (Listen Quotes) The first step of any communication is honest and consistent intentions, after this, even if you don’t communicate, people will listen, hear and align  (Listen Quotes) I am pained to listen that my daughters, grand daughters and great grand daughters are no longer safe  (Listen Quotes) The world needs to listen to the cry of the earth, which is asking for help. If you carry on killing people and you continue to destroy nature and you take out all the oil, the minerals and the wood, our planet will become ill and we’ll all die  (Listen Quotes) The one way to discover about aliens is to tune your radio telescope and listen to the signals  (Listen Quotes) I can’t just listen to music walking down the street unless I have a reason to. I can’t just listen to music as a piece of junk in the background. It drives me insane  (Listen Quotes) I listen to a lot of singers, because I find phrasing to be one of the most essential elements of playing  (Listen Quotes) If you listen to the way I speak, I have a lot of rhythm, use a lot of accents. When I’m playing my instrument, that concept comes through very clearly  (Listen Quotes) Listen to how everyone is talking about you. You have to use it as fuel for motivation  (Listen Quotes) Say less than the other fellow and listen more than you talk; for when a man’s listening he isn’t telling on himself and he’s flattering the fellow who is  (Listen Quotes) It is better to listen to a wise enemy than to seek counsel from a foolish friend  (Listen Quotes) There comes in all our lives a time... when the ears can listen to no music save what the moonlight breathes through the flute of silence  (Listen Quotes) Books of quick interest, that hurry on for incidents are for the eye to glide over only. It will not do to read them out. I could never listen to even the better kind of modern novels without extreme irksomeness  (Listen Quotes) I learned to have the patience to listen when people put forward their views, even if I think those views are wrong. You can’t reach a just decision in a dispute unless you listen to both sides  (Listen Quotes) I don’t think radio has to be sectioned off where you listen to the music for your generation and your son listens to the music for his generation  (Listen Quotes) I had a real epiphany. I guess it was during and after the operation. I did what’s a common thing; I kind of raised above the table and could look at me and listen to all the people talking and understand what they were saying and so forth  (Listen Quotes) I would never speak about specifics in my own relationships because I think it’s tacky. If you seriously want to know, listen to the music  (Listen Quotes) Postmodern theatre seems unwilling to listen to talk about textual or theatrical heritage, which it treats as no more than memory in the technical sense of that word, as an immediately available and reusable memory bank  (Listen Quotes) I’m really just trying to do things that I enjoy. I’m trying to play music that I like to play and like to listen to. I just have to think if I like those different kinds of music, there are other people who aren’t so different from me  (Listen Quotes) Listen to your inner voice. Trust your intuition. It’s important to have the courage to trust yourself  (Listen Quotes) Listen to authority figures because of their position, but only believe them if they can explain why  (Listen Quotes)
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