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Officials believe that one of the terrorists was a woman. And there are female suicide bombers. It’s just that their reward in paradise is a little different. Instead of getting 72 virgins, they get 72 guys who just listen  (Listen Quotes) Listen up, because I’ve got nothing to say and I’m only gonna to say it once  (Listen Quotes) I live in the constant newness of aspiration. Whatever I think, I ignore. Whatever I feel, I don’t trust. Yet I listen to my thoughts and follow my feelings  (Listen Quotes) Stay away from drugs and alcohol. Listen to your moms and dads. In this great country of ours you do whatever you set your mind to. Make us proud of you  (Listen Quotes) Somebody once told me that whatever you’re listening to at 30 years old is going to be what you listen to for life and that’s largely true  (Listen Quotes) Smart is knowing if you’re dumb. Knowing when to shut up and to listen to people that are smarter than you  (Listen Quotes) I’m quite certain that the audience that I’ve got for my stuff don’t listen to the lyrics  (Listen Quotes) It’s hard to listen to your own record or your own songs and not pass judgment in a critical way just because it’s your own thing. It’s weird to sit down to listen to it to enjoy it  (Listen Quotes) I started to find that music was something that really brought a lot of joy into my life, and it was sort of cool because I discovered that I had a gift for it, too. So the stuff I would listen to I could play along, I could sing along  (Listen Quotes) What I’ve really learned is to be open to listen to other people’s opinions and then question my own thoughts. And learn how to talk to people. The biggest gift from having one of these moments is that it gets people talking  (Listen Quotes) Why wait for the loss of hearing to appreciate sound? Turn off the white noise of your thoughts and start to listen  (Listen Quotes) Don’t strive for somebody else’s notion of perfection. It’s an unattainable and ultimately ridiculous goal. Strive instead to be uniquely yourself and when in doubt listen to your gut, because it already knows what you want to become  (Listen Quotes) I just want to fill the hearts and minds of the people who listen to my music  (Listen Quotes) Dont listen to anybody. Nobody knows the magic bullet. If they did, theyd sell it and make a fortune. Follow your gut. Follow your instincts. Every once in a while, take a chance  (Listen Quotes) I don’t listen to people who say my dreams are impossible; I just work to prove them wrong  (Listen Quotes) Don’t be discouraged by writer’s block. Writer’s block just means you need to listen to other music  (Listen Quotes) I just want to listen and build relationships with as many of my colleagues as possible  (Listen Quotes) There may be men who act without understanding why. I do not. To listen much, pick out the good and follow it; to see much and ponder it: this comes next to understanding  (Listen Quotes) The first rule of survival is: Make your own rules. The hell anyone thinks about the way you’re acting; listen only to yourself  (Listen Quotes) Some people take pleasure in regaling one and all with details of their poor health. They are happy to give an organ recital to anyone who will listen  (Listen Quotes) I take a sun bath and listen to the hours, formulating, and disintegrating under the pines, and smell the resiny hardihood of the high noon hours. The world is lost in a blue haze of distances, and the immediate sleeps in a thin and finite sun  (Listen Quotes) People who think in absolutes usually don’t listen to anyone but themselves. They resist new ideas and try to preserve the status quo  (Listen Quotes) I do not understand those who spend hours at the theater watching scenes between people whom they would not listen to for five minutes in real life  (Listen Quotes) It is said that dispensing advice is easy. What is difficult is getting anyone to listen to it  (Listen Quotes) Listen to the silence inside the illusion of the world, and you will remember the lesson you forgot  (Listen Quotes) Of course we need children! Adults need children in their lives to listen to and care for, to keep their imagination fresh and their hearts young and to make the future a reality for which they are willing to work  (Listen Quotes) Most people don’t know how to listen because the major part of their attention is taken up by thinking  (Listen Quotes) Perhaps the habit which distinguishes civilized people from others is that of discussion, exchange of opinion and ideas, the ability to differ without quarrelling, to say what you have to say civilly and then to listen civilly to another speaker  (Listen Quotes) Listen to the people who are talking about how to fix what’s wrong, not the ones who just work people into a snit over the problems. Listen to the people who have ideas about how to fix things, not the ones who just blame others  (Listen Quotes) Good people managers are likely to listen more than they speak. Perhaps that’s why we were given two ears and only one mouth  (Listen Quotes)
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