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I’m intrigued that the same letters from the alphabet are used in the word silent and in the word listen. Perhaps it’s evidence that the most important part of listening involves remaining silent  (Listen Quotes) No matter how many times you forget it, you can turn around and help someone. Or you can deliver a positive message or share with someone or just listen to someone share their story with you, it’s just the best gift there is. And it’s free  (Listen Quotes) I’ve learned that while I’d be a fool not to stay open to the advice and experiences of the smart, amazing people in my life, I also need to listen to what I have to say  (Listen Quotes) I had a great acting teacher in high school. But I didn’t like acting because it took too many people to get the job done. You have to talk to too many people and listen to others opinions. With music, you get a few friends together and just make it  (Listen Quotes) I listen to the audience and try and bounce with them. All audiences are different. But they are all homo sapiens  (Listen Quotes) With theater, you have to really be able to listen and to respond to other people on stage. You’re all constantly on your toes. And then with film and television, you can get a second take and things like that  (Listen Quotes) I like to sit on the front porch of an old cabin I built in the woods and just listen to the birds; I like to fish in the pond and I always throw the fish back  (Listen Quotes) No matter what age you are, if you have it and you know it, then people should listen to you  (Listen Quotes) I listen to most everything that’s out there because I need to stay aware of what’s happening in the industry  (Listen Quotes) Difficult as it is really to listen to someone in affliction, it is just as difficult for him to know that compassion is listening to him  (Listen Quotes) The short story... is the most democratic of all the arts; anyone may tell a story, and if it is an absorbing one someone will listen  (Listen Quotes) The thing that I think a lot of guys need to know how to do is not take your mothers advice about honesty being the best policy. Listen to your cool, drunk uncle who tells you to lie. Those are the relationships that last  (Listen Quotes) As a writer, you have to first of all write what you want to. Listen to advice, by all means, but don’t get bogged down in it  (Listen Quotes) Your job as a parent is to listen. And to dole out as much love as you can. That includes tough love  (Listen Quotes) I daily disconnect and read a good book or listen to a good sermon or call a friend or my mom and talk on the phone with my feet up. I also take baths with bath salts that I make myself  (Listen Quotes) Sometimes you have to listen to other people, and see what the audiences want. That’s what entertaining is about  (Listen Quotes) I believe in characters as vehicles of exposition. Their voices are full of hidden clues, and I like to listen to them  (Listen Quotes) Listen to other people tell their story, but don’t believe them. You know that it’s just a story that is only true for them, but listen because the communication can be wonderful  (Listen Quotes) Successful communication depends on how well we listen, rather than how well we push our opinions on the person seated before us  (Listen Quotes) I don’t want to put out something I’m not psyched on just because I finished it. That’s the stupidest reason to do something, really. I want it to be up to my standards. I don’t want to put out something I wouldn’t listen to  (Listen Quotes) I don’t see the songs as uplifting, but rather as trying to make lemonade from lemons, or whatever. When I listen to them, I understand the context. I don’t like to pepper songs with my own experiences, though  (Listen Quotes) I think girls are surprised when you actually really listen and then you call it back at the end of the night  (Listen Quotes) Sometimes I just think people are haters. And if they’re haters, you can listen to what they have to say but you have to take it with a grain of salt  (Listen Quotes) Many leaders don’t listen, and it is one of the greatest methods we have of learning. You need to listen to those under your supervision and to those who are above you  (Listen Quotes) Don’t get roped into talking about something that you don’t really have passion for, and don’t get roped into something you don’t have expertise in. Why should somebody listen to you? If you’re going to take somebody’s time, you better deliver  (Listen Quotes) Everything that you do is a challenge. And acting is just building up your concentration and being able to listen and to do the ridiculous  (Listen Quotes) Always keep your ego in check and not be afraid to listen. Listening is a great art form  (Listen Quotes) A glamazon is someone who’s taken a love of beauty and life and listen, depending on the weather or how my blood sugar at any time, I can be more outspoken than other times, but it’s a conscious decision to live life with a fierce determination  (Listen Quotes) You can listen to music at any moment in the day or night. Which is great, but I think it kind of devalues it as well  (Listen Quotes) Tell the truth about who you are, what you feel, what you want, what you’re up to. Tell the truth about that first to yourself and then to anybody else that’ll listen  (Listen Quotes)
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