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My mother was an opera singer and my grandmother a concert pianist, and they only liked classical music. If I put on a pop record, they would tell me to turn it off, so I only listen to classical  (Listen Quotes) I love Whitney Houston, Stevie Wonder, Brandi, Sade, Nat King Cole. I like the Beatles. I listen to a lot of that  (Listen Quotes) Shortly after I started working as a doctor, I decided to listen to the voice inside me before it was too late. It was now or never, so I decided to explore acting  (Listen Quotes) Working on a sitcom and improv improves your comedic chops. If you do it long enough, the one thing you learn to do is listen to the other characters  (Listen Quotes) People buy a ticket to see your show, so from the moment I get onstage, I can have no insecurities, because they’re already there. You have to get people to listen. If they listen, everything’s cool  (Listen Quotes) After being in a studio, working on games stuff, I’m like, ‘Oh my God, I wish I could just sit in my room for a week and listen to music and draw by myself  (Listen Quotes) People do look at it as an insult that I say I don’t listen to country music, which cracks me up  (Listen Quotes) Listen, I’m from Belfast. We’re not polite people. And it’s language. We’re direct  (Listen Quotes) Listen carefully to yourself. Listen to what you dislike, and you will find most of the imagery is what you have received and registered from other people. We ingest labels from others  (Listen Quotes) Being on set is like being in college, for me, because I get to watch other people perform and I can learn from them if I listen and pay attention  (Listen Quotes) I don’t really listen to my work. If I have to DJ and I play something, I hear it. But I don’t sit quietly and listen to my work; I’m always off to do the next thing  (Listen Quotes) I don’t get my inspiration from a specific source. It’s more like if you listen to a good tune, it gives me inspiration to write a better tune  (Listen Quotes) I mostly listen to very popular songs. But I’m a huge fan of Stevie Wonder, and I love jazz - Glenn Fredly, Diah Lestari - so 80% jazz, 20% mixed with everything - disco, hip hop  (Listen Quotes) It’s an artist’s choice to listen to criticism or not. I’m very sensitive to criticism  (Listen Quotes) When you’re listening to the radio, you’re hearing dance beats, all the bells and whistles, and ‘Say Something’ makes you quiet and forces you to listen  (Listen Quotes) You can listen to carpenters talk for hours in Ireland. The people have a relationship to words that I don’t think you will run into anyplace in the world  (Listen Quotes) But I know I have a son who doesn’t listen to anything I say and if he hears the same thing from someone else, sometimes it has a little more impact  (Listen Quotes) Right now I’m listening to a lot of different things but I listen to a lot of classical music. Eventually I would like to compose and perform classical  (Listen Quotes) Most of our stuff was trial and error. You live with a tape recorder, you turn it on, you play the song and you listen to it  (Listen Quotes) All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly  (Listen Quotes) What was the shell doing, on the shore? An ear endlessly drinking? What? Sound? Silence? Which came first? Listen  (Listen Quotes) It is good to pray for the repair of mistakes, but praying earlier would keep us from making so many. When puzzled, go to prayer and listen  (Listen Quotes) I love to read about healthy eating and preach to my husband, who doesn’t listen. Now I’m trying to teach it to my daughters  (Listen Quotes) When I’m by myself, I never play music. I have a lot of it, for a girl, but I don’t listen to it a lot. I hate picking music out; I’m not good at it  (Listen Quotes) In the last few years I’ve been listening to jazz more than anything else. I listen to a lot of world music and experimental here and there  (Listen Quotes) Freedom lurked around us and I understood, at last, that he could help us be free if we would listen, that he would never be free until we did  (Listen Quotes) But just make someone who has fallen in love listen to his stomach rumble, and the unity of body and soul, that lyrical illusion of the age of science, instantly fades away  (Listen Quotes) We live in a time like dreaming... The edges of our lives flutter and change as we watch them. Listen to the dream  (Listen Quotes) But you can’t make people listen. They have to come round in their own time, wondering what happened and why the world blew up around them. It can’t last  (Listen Quotes) All these kings would do a deal better if they would put down their swords and listen to their mothers  (Listen Quotes)
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