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I’m very headstrong and I know what I want from life. I listen to peoples’ opinions, but a lot of the time I’ll trust my own instincts. I’m also really clumsy, so I’m always getting hurt  (Listen Quotes) Voiceover work reminds me of old-time radio. When I was little I used to sneak and stay up at night and listen to Mystery Radio Theater - I loved all those old radio plays  (Listen Quotes) You have to be totally one hundred per cent committed to act. I do value everyone else’s advice, but ultimately I have to listen to myself  (Listen Quotes) If you take a little time, let’s say three weeks off, after recording a song, and you listen to it every other day, you’re just going to know eventually  (Listen Quotes) The power of the leader is given to him by the people, so he has a duty to engage and listen more attentively and carefully to the aspirations of the people  (Listen Quotes) As far as drug abuse and all that - listen, this is Hollywood. I don’t know how I was able to avoid it, but I’m lucky that I did  (Listen Quotes) Spread the word about good music. Don’t just listen to what’s on the radio. If you put in a little effort, you can find some truly wonderful stuff  (Listen Quotes) America must listen. It must listen to the interests of others. But the US government has no interest in similarities, no matter how obvious  (Listen Quotes) I listen to music all the time. I write while listening to music. And I tell myself that the music nourishes the art forms that I do master and domesticate, and have authority over  (Listen Quotes) Listen, you listen to the work and you decide whether you want to support it. But don’t ask me why I’m doing it, because I really do not know the answer  (Listen Quotes) The battle thing is very important in hip-hop, but at the same time, I want to sit down and have a beer and listen to Rakim  (Listen Quotes) But I can’t listen to music too often. It affects your nerves, makes you want to say stupid, nice things, and stroke the heads of people who could create such beauty while living in this vile hell  (Listen Quotes) I know from vast experience that fear talks a lot louder than courage. I need to listen to that other voice inside me, that faint one that’s struggling to be heard  (Listen Quotes) I appreciate when people listen to the sad songs, because it’s almost like telling someone your problems and having them listen with a compassionate ear  (Listen Quotes) Listen to the praises about you in silence; listen to the critics about you even in more silence  (Listen Quotes) Don’t listen to you customers. They don’t know what they want anyway  (Listen Quotes) You can’t listen to what people say about you. If you do, you’re never going to get anywhere in life  (Listen Quotes) It is like being in the desert. At first you listen to the absence of sounds and call it silence. Then suddenly you may be taken by the presence of stillness where you are one with listening itself  (Listen Quotes) Listen, I would never judge someone who screwed their babysitter for years or knocked up their secretary, so don’t ask me to  (Listen Quotes) Before we can speak God’s message, we must learn to listen. The opened ear comes before the opened mouth  (Listen Quotes) If you can listen well, people will say you’re a good conversationalist  (Listen Quotes) Never listen to accounts of the frailty of others; and if anyone should complain to you of another, humbly ask him not to speak about him at all  (Listen Quotes) I think it is easy for people to build up an image of what I’m about. I consider myself quite a nice chappy really. I’m decent to people, I stay in and listen to Radio 4  (Listen Quotes) It’s important to listen to those around you, and ultimately you have to decide which path you’re going to go down  (Listen Quotes) I always feel that there are two powers in the universe. There is good and there is evil and it depends what side you listen to and which path you decide to follow  (Listen Quotes) I’m the worst critic about music myself. I hardly ever, every like something the first time I listen to it. So I’ve got to put myself in other people’s shoes  (Listen Quotes) I’m so super interested in what it is to stir things up and to listen to people  (Listen Quotes) You have your vision and you need to be focused, but you have to listen. I never felt a sense that the wheels were going to come off because we’re all friends and family. It was all good  (Listen Quotes) I have a day job that’s very odd. Most people, by the time they’re 25, glom onto one kind of music and that’s what they listen to for the rest of their lives  (Listen Quotes) No one really listens to the drums, I don’t think. They’re there, but it’s not a conscious thing to listen to. Everyone listens to the vocals, of course, and the words  (Listen Quotes)
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