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Most of screenplay writing is deciding which voices you want to listen to and take on board  (Listen Quotes) I urge all children to listen to their mothers and fathers. My mom was helping out some kids and she didn’t want to call me for all of the money; she only wanted to take care of some of the kids  (Listen Quotes) My message to little kids who aspire to be anything they want to be is to listen to their parents  (Listen Quotes) The biggest thing I’ve learned is to listen to my own gut. I have learned to trust my instincts  (Listen Quotes) Like most people, you listen to yourself on the phone or an answering machine and you’re like, ‘Ugh.’ So to do something with just your voice is hard  (Listen Quotes) I listen to the Beatles all the time - in my car, at the gym. The Beatles are still part of my life. And because of that, John Lennon - in life and in death - remains part of my life  (Listen Quotes) It’s better to play to the host as though in a real conversation and let the audience listen in- which they are  (Listen Quotes) My comedy is for adults, but you can have your kids listen to it. They won’t get all the jokes because hopefully I’m more cerebral than a 10-year-old... but if you ask my wife, I’m not!  (Listen Quotes) When being interviewed by a woman for a job, never begin with listen up doll face  (Listen Quotes) We were all influenced by Lester [Young]. Listen to the records that he made with [Count] Basie. Nobody’s got what he’s got. He’s still the daddy  (Listen Quotes) A politicians willingness to listen to good advice rises in inverse proportion to how badly he thinks he is doing  (Listen Quotes) A wisdom deficit - fewer elders and even fewer people who listen to them  (Listen Quotes) I started playing instruments. Writing didn’t come until later. I didn’t know how to play a keyboard but I’d listen to hits off the radio, learn them, then my hands would be ready to play  (Listen Quotes) A lot of punk rock. I listen to various stuff just cuz my friends now listen to a lot of different bands. I listen to a lot of underground stuff like jungle music  (Listen Quotes) I was relatively isolated from people of color. My parents are too old to be Baby Boomers; they had me later in life. So we didn’t listen to any black music at all in the house, not even Ben E. King  (Listen Quotes) Hip-hop is mostly what I listen to, other than jazz. I’ve given up on pop music and indie rock  (Listen Quotes) What you’ll always get from me is a variety of emotions. Whenever you listen to my CD, whether you’re the hardest dude or the bitterest cat, I’ll give you a real story to think about  (Listen Quotes) I don’t let myself get worn out. I always listen to my body and take care of it if I’m run-down  (Listen Quotes) Good programmers stay open minded to that even though there is no obvious way to improve what they’ve done they... they keep looking and they listen to what other people have to say  (Listen Quotes) No. No. I don’t listen to anyone except my ... inner child anyway. If someone had said to me, Amy, lose a stone which they wouldn’t - I don’t think I would have listened anyway  (Listen Quotes) When I listen to gospel singers pouring their heart out to God, it’s the act of pouring their hearts out that interests me  (Listen Quotes) I’m always afraid going into strange places, but I also choose carefully and listen to my instincts. These were men I could trust. I’m a pretty good judge of crazy versus sad. I prefer sad  (Listen Quotes) I think the only music I didn’t listen to was country and western, and that holds to this day  (Listen Quotes) I listen to everything. My I-Pod’s really diverse-from guitar instrumentals to Rascal Flatts to Usher  (Listen Quotes) Basically, no one else gives me any opinions on lyrics. I don’t ask for them. If they did, I would listen  (Listen Quotes) I know that my fans will probably learn a lot about me by listening to my music, if they really listen to the lyrics  (Listen Quotes) People really listen to your lyrics if you rap. So, I had to make sure that they were clear and concise  (Listen Quotes) My parents brought me up on all different styles of music, like my Mum would listen to Motown R  (Listen Quotes) I think the best thing I have is the introvert’s ability to listen when you’re working on something as complicated as this and you have to really be aware of everyone’s specialized skills  (Listen Quotes) I know a lot of people don’t listen to music when they’re writing because it distracts them, but for me it’s almost a way to get into the self-hypnotic state that I need to be in to write  (Listen Quotes)
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