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Listen within to find shining poetry and hear extraordinary music. You are a work of art.  (Listen Quotes) I didn’t start to collect records and listen to guitar players properly until I went to art school, when I’d already been playing for five years. So my style was already formed, and that’s why I think it’s so unique.  (Listen Quotes) I don’t listen to what art critics say. I don’t know anybody who needs a critic to find out what art is.  (Listen Quotes) I think music is the greatest art form that exists, and I think people listen to music for different reasons, and it serves different purposes. Some of it is background music, and some of it is things that might affect a person’s day, if not their life, or change an attitude. The best songs are the ones that make you feel something.  (Listen Quotes) Listen -- strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.  (Listen Quotes) Listen, in dreams and especially in nightmares, from indigestion or anything, a man sees sometimes such artistic visions, such complex and real actuality, such events, even a whole world of events, woven into such a plot, with such unexpected details from the most exalted matters to the last button on a cuff, as I swear Leo Tolstoy has never invented.  (Listen Quotes) Success-minded people need to understand that the best way to learn is to ask questions and listen for answers.  (Listen Quotes) I’m not dieting anymore. I want to eat what my body is asking of me. Just listen to your body in general - it’s all self-awareness.  (Listen Quotes) You have to ask a lot of questions and listen to people, but eventually, you have to go by your own instincts.  (Listen Quotes) If you don’t understand, ask questions. If you’re uncomfortable about asking questions, say you are uncomfortable about asking questions and then ask anyway. It’s easy to tell when a question is coming from a good place. Then listen some more. Sometimes people just want to feel heard. Here’s to possibilities of friendship and connection and understanding.  (Listen Quotes) I was the youngest child. I got to be myself and ask stupid questions because I was the youngest. It is so important to listen to the questions children have and reward them for the wondrous questions they ask.  (Listen Quotes) Rather than pointing fingers or assigning blame, let’s use this occasion to expand our moral imaginations, to listen to each other more carefully, to sharpen our instincts for empathy and remind ourselves of all the ways that our hopes and dreams are bound together.  (Listen Quotes) Quite often ... these little guys, who might be making atomic weapons or who might be guilty of some human rights violation ... are looking for someone to listen to their problems and help them communicate.  (Listen Quotes) Regular church-goers are substantially more likely than non-attenders to read, to take newspapers and magazines, to listen to classical music, to attend symphony concerts, operas, and stage plays.  (Listen Quotes) In the early 1800s, religion was often used as a way to keep slavery in place. Slaves were forced to attend the church of their owners, listen to selective dogma that kept them obedient and subservient.  (Listen Quotes) You remember what you go through as a kid, what’s going to make you listen, what’s going to make you respond. I held onto that. People who treated me like that when I was younger got every bit of respect and attention I could give them, because I knew that they were coming at me from almost an equal level.  (Listen Quotes) I’m not really one for reading books. I have a very poor attention span. I’d rather listen to music, play games or watch films on my iPad.  (Listen Quotes) I’m very conscious of people having pretty short attention spans: I know, I’m guilty of it. I’m 17 now: what happens by the time I’m 21, am I a burn-out or something? Will they still listen to my record?  (Listen Quotes) You have to hold your audience in writing to the very end-much more than in talking, when people have to be polite and listen to you.  (Listen Quotes) It might be fun to have audience members wander up the ramps as well, so they can listen from different vantage points.  (Listen Quotes) Century-old records are the closest thing we have to a time machine. To listen to the voice of Theodore Roosevelt or the piano playing of Claude Debussy is to feel the years falling away like autumn leaves from a maple tree.  (Listen Quotes) I firmly believe a rising tide lifts all boats. I think having Airbus only grows and brings more attention to Alabama’s entire aerospace and aviation industry. Listen, my goal is to bring good-paying jobs to our state and our region, regardless of what the company may be.  (Listen Quotes) This is my father. Try what you can with him! He won’t listen to me, because he remembers what a fool I was when I was a baby.  (Listen Quotes) I was relatively isolated from people of color. My parents are too old to be Baby Boomers; they had me later in life. So we didn’t listen to any black music at all in the house, not even Ben E. King.  (Listen Quotes) I’m always going back and forth between wanting to do stuff that’s abstract and stuff that’s just telling everybody to listen.  (Listen Quotes) It always comes back to the fact that it is best to listen to that inner voice, whether you’re in a relationship or not.  (Listen Quotes) You can hear some artists, hear five of their albums and still have no idea who they are. But if you’ve heard most of what I’ve recorded, you know me. You go from ‘Honesty’ to ‘Going Through Hell’ - you can listen to the hits, and they pretty much reflect who I am. ‘Take a Back Road’ is the same thing.  (Listen Quotes) Over-familiar, the music has become a kind of audio-Valium, background music rather than something I listen to actively and attentively. A gin and tonic after a long day. A shame, I think, because while each note remains the same, I used to hear them differently. It used to sound better.  (Listen Quotes) During workouts, I listen to Pandora, and I like the 90s pop stations. ‘The Backstreet Boys’ is fun!  (Listen Quotes) Bad days makes you stronger, those are the best days because God is talking to you. you just have to listen closely. Don’t let your tears become louder than his voice.  (Listen Quotes)
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