Listen To Music Quotes

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I sometimes listen to music I made and find it to be something I wouldn’t want to buy from a store, if there was a store. When it’s like that, you have to make what you want to hear (Listen To Music Quotes)
I like to be with my friends and my family, listen to music and read books. Things like that relax me (Listen To Music Quotes)
Entering into the spirit of this interior, you will discover the best possible atmosphere in which to show fine paintings or listen to music. It is this atmosphere that seems to me most lacking in our art galleries, museums, music halls and theaters (Listen To Music Quotes)
Sure, I could give advice; I could, say, travel the world, listen to music. But all I can really say is do something you want to do and do it well. And if you want to be a choreographer, then you have to make dances (Listen To Music Quotes)
You may dream freely when you listen to music as well as when you look at painting. When you read a book you are the slave of the author’s mind (Listen To Music Quotes)
I can’t just listen to music walking down the street unless I have a reason to. I can’t just listen to music as a piece of junk in the background. It drives me insane (Listen To Music Quotes)
You can listen to music at any moment in the day or night. Which is great, but I think it kind of devalues it as well (Listen To Music Quotes)
People listen to music with cavemen ears: Is it a bird song or the call of a lion? The audience at a musical is dancing in their hearts (Listen To Music Quotes)
I don’t listen to music when designing. We create in silence. I go through a torturous process because everything has to be precise and right (Listen To Music Quotes)
I don’t listen to music for fun. I ain’t got enough time for fun! I’m always busy writing my own music. I don’t try to compete or see what other people are doing (Listen To Music Quotes)
I’m not inspired by songwriting at all; that took place years ago. I’m pretty well established, as far as my influences go. I don’t listen to music anymore. It all sounds the same to me (Listen To Music Quotes)
I listen to music a lot, if I need to get into a particular space. I do stretching and breathing, and take time to mostly be quiet and find the stillness. I think that’s important (Listen To Music Quotes)
I have to listen to music while I’m working. Music is essential. It’s at the top of the pyramid for me. I’ve always felt disappointed in what I’ve made when I held it up to the music I love. I try not to compare them now (Listen To Music Quotes)
When I miss you, sometimes I listen to music or look at pictures of you, not to remind me of you but to make me feel as if I’m with you. It makes me forget the distance and capture you (Listen To Music Quotes)
Together with a culture of work, there must be a culture of leisure as gratification. To put it another way: people who work must take the time to relax, to be with their families, to enjoy themselves, read, listen to music, play a sport (Listen To Music Quotes)
A lot of painters listen to music, I think, while they paint. But I hate to do that. It’s a horror. I can’t really listen to the music. I’m not really concentrating on it, and I’m not really concentrating on the painting (Listen To Music Quotes)
Music as background to me becomes like a mosquito, an insect. In the studio we have big speakers, and to me that’s the way music should be listened to. When I listen to music, I want to just listen to music (Listen To Music Quotes)
My parents didn’t have records, they didn’t have radios, and they didn’t listen to music. My grandmother was my main connection to art and music. She could play piano very well, and she had perfect pitch (Listen To Music Quotes)
Life is like music for its own sake. We are living in an eternal now, and when we listen to music we are not listening to the past, we are not listening to the future, we are listening to an expanded present (Listen To Music Quotes)
It’s a rule that we never listen to sad music, we made that rule early on, songs are as sad as the listener, we hardly ever listen to music (Listen To Music Quotes)
Until then, you can do what everyone else your age does. Listen to music. Watch the television. Just keep your nose away from those books (Listen To Music Quotes)
Remember when you hear yourself saying one day that you don’t have time anymore to read or listen to music or look at paintings or go to the movies or do whatever feeds your head now. Then you’re getting old. That means they got you, after all (Listen To Music Quotes)
If I were only allowed to read or enjoy art or listen to music made by people whose opinions and beliefs were the same as mine, I think the world would be a pretty dismal sort of a place (Listen To Music Quotes)
He who does not travel, who does not read, who does not listen to music, who does not find grace in himself, she who does not find grace in herself, dies slowly (Listen To Music Quotes)
If you miss the bus, miss the train, you’d be left behind. So everyone says, let’s get on the train, let’s get on the bus and go faster and get rich... I just didn’t like that kind of lifestyle. I love to read books, to listen to music (Listen To Music Quotes)
Way back in the day, when I first started and had delusions of adequacy as a cartoonist, I would listen to music. When I switched to a career as a writer, I would try to listen to music, but if the songs had lyrics they would get in the way of the words I was trying to write. So I switched to listening to purely instrumental pieces (Listen To Music Quotes)
Lectures broke into one’s day and were clearly a terrible waste of time, necessary no doubt if you were reading law or medicine or some other vocational subject, but in the case of English, the natural thing to do was talk a lot, listen to music, drink coffee and wine, read books, and go to plays, perhaps be in plays… (Listen To Music Quotes)
If people are highly successful in their profession they lose their senses. Sight goes. They have no time to look at pictures. Sound goes. They have no time to listen to music. Speech goes. They have no time for conversation. They lose their sense of proportion (Listen To Music Quotes)
I’d love to be a saxophonist. I don’t know why, but I pretend I’m the saxophonist when I listen to music. I have about as much chance playing the sax as I do learning how to fly (Listen To Music Quotes)
I use the NordicTrack every other day for 20 minutes. I don’t listen to music or watch TV while I do it. I count to myself. I count to 25; I count to 25 backwards, that sort of thing (Listen To Music Quotes)