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The question isn’t whether or not to censor artists who espouse misogynistic views. The question is whether or not we support them as listeners and consumers  (Listeners Quotes) I can’t give money away to buy listeners. I can’t pay listeners off with phones or food stamps or anything. I can’t come by my audience by buying it  (Listeners Quotes) Lucid and quiet his voice hovered above the listeners, like a light, like a starry sky  (Listeners Quotes) You must walk to the beat of a different drummer. The same beat that the wealthy hear. If the beat sounds normal, evacuate the dance floor immediately! The goal is to not be normal, because as my radio listeners know, normal is broke  (Listeners Quotes) Jazz translates the moment into a sense of inspiration for not only the musicians but for the listeners  (Listeners Quotes) It seemed rather incongruous that in a society of super sophisticated communication, we often suffer from a shortage of listeners  (Listeners Quotes) History has repeatedly been changed by people who had the desire and the ability to transfer their convictions and emotions to their listeners  (Listeners Quotes) If as a family we must be selective listeners, then let us pay more attention to the words of the heart and less to the words of anger  (Listeners Quotes) We cannot be speakers who do not listen. But neither can we be listeners who do not speak  (Listeners Quotes) Scandal often does as much harm to the listeners as to those who devise it, even if it were to do no other harm than disturb the mind, as it does, and give rise to temptations to speak or write about it to others  (Listeners Quotes) To listen is very hard, because it asks of us so much interior stability that we no longer need to prove ourselves by speeches, arguments, statements or declarations. True listeners no longer have an inner need to make their presence known. They are free to receive, welcome, to accept  (Listeners Quotes) Although I do feel that with a show like ours we ourselves are getting a lot more young listeners at concerts  (Listeners Quotes) The stage is close to being in the middle of the hall, so that the performers are surrounded by the listeners. I feel that we are all experiencing the music together  (Listeners Quotes) Any outfit that has to beg its listeners for money is an organization that has to constantly please its listeners or it will dry up and go away. It shouldn’t work when you think about it  (Listeners Quotes) I’m still excited at being at a microphone and talking to listeners. I love that. It’s the most basic element of what I do and I still enjoy it very much  (Listeners Quotes) If you capture the first thought that you have when you’re creating, and then play that to people, it’s kind of like the listeners are part of that beginning. and that’s the most exciting part  (Listeners Quotes) My songs bring images to the listener’s mind. The object is to transport my listeners to another place, some place sacred and spiritual that will make them glad they took the ride  (Listeners Quotes) Each time, storytellers clothed the naked body of the myth in their own traditions, so that listeners could relate more easily to its deeper meaning  (Listeners Quotes) I think pastors are the worst listeners. We’re so used to speaking, teaching, giving answers. We must learn to be quiet, quit being so verbal, learn to pay attention to what’s going on, and listen  (Listeners Quotes) The listeners got some such insights into their past lives, as one gets into the darker parts of the woods, when a stray gleam of sunshine finds its way down to the roots of the trees  (Listeners Quotes) Listeners will wonder what an Englishman is doing on the German radio tonight. You can imagine that before taking this step I hoped that someone better qualified than me would come forward  (Listeners Quotes) Tell us exactly - certainly our listeners - why does it appear that some folks, certainly in the Democratic Party and in the news media - seem to be afraid of you  (Listeners Quotes) Most songs have bridges in them, to distract listeners from the main verses of a song so they don’t get bored. My songs don’t have a lot of bridges because lyric poetry never had them  (Listeners Quotes) I feel like I walk a very fine line between wanting someone to be open and vulnerable and honest with me and the listeners, but not wanting anyone to ever feel like I’m exploiting them  (Listeners Quotes) Whole interaction between the storyteller and the listeners had a very powerful influence on me  (Listeners Quotes) It is an unfortunate irony that music-making intended in part to attract new listeners is usually the least well rehearsed and motivated  (Listeners Quotes) Leaders with a strong outward focus are not only good listeners but also good questioners  (Listeners Quotes) I want to be who I am now. I rock my gray hair because it is a blessing. I colored mine for many years, but I’ve gotten compliments from so many men and women about being brave enough to sport the gray. I even wear it on the cover of my record. I am comfortable in my skin and I want listeners to feel that as well  (Listeners Quotes) I’m extremely surprised to learn that a story, which has become familiar to children through the medium of comic strips and many succeeding novels and adventure stories, should have had such an immediate and profound effect upon radio listeners.  (Listeners Quotes) There’s something about approaching universal truths with the simplicity of the acoustic guitar. You can take it anywhere, and it helps me reach listeners of all ages and walks of life.  (Listeners Quotes)
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