Literature Quotes

Text Quotes
I doubt if anything learnt at school is of more value than great literature learnt by heart (Literature Quotes)
The test of real literature is that it will bear repetition. We read over the same pages again and again, and always with fresh delight (Literature Quotes)
Because I don’t have to be careful of people’s feelings when I teach literature, and I do when I’m teaching writing (Literature Quotes)
Music enriches people’s lives in the same way paintings and literature do. Everybody deserves that (Literature Quotes)
We have a tendency to romanticize independence. Most business literature still views autonomy as a virtue, as though communication, teamwork, and cooperation were lesser values (Literature Quotes)
People who rarely read long books, or even short stories, still appreciate the greatest examples of the shortest literary genres. I have long been fascinated by these short genres. They seem to lie just where my heart is, somewhere between literature and philosophy (Literature Quotes)
A knowledge of general literature is one of the evidences of an enlightened mind; and to give an apt quotation at a fitting time, proves that the mind is stored with sentential lore that can always be used to great advantage by its possessor (Literature Quotes)
Every sport pretends to a literature, but people don’t believe it of any other sport but their own (Literature Quotes)
Reality is not an inspiration for literature. At its best, literature is an inspiration for reality (Literature Quotes)
The message of guidance that neither politics nor philosophy nor religion now seems able to provide, we look for in modern literature (Literature Quotes)
There must always be some pretentiousness about literature, or else no one would take its pains or endure its disappointments (Literature Quotes)
Rhetoric takes no real account of the art in literature and morality takes no account of the art in life (Literature Quotes)
If you are to reach masses of people in this world, you must do it by a sign language. Whether your vehicle be commerce, literature, or politics, you can do nothing but raise signals, and make motions to the people (Literature Quotes)
Actors are the jockeys of literature. Others supply the horses, the plays, and we simply make them run (Literature Quotes)
English literature is a kind of training in social ethics. English trains you to handle a body of information in a way that is conducive to action (Literature Quotes)
A person of mature years and ripe development, who is expecting nothing from literature but the corroboration and renewal of past ideas, may find satisfaction in a lucidity so complete as to occasion no imaginative excitement, but young and ambitious students are not content with it. They seek the excitement because they are capable of the growth that it accompanies (Literature Quotes)
Just as the office worker dreams of murdering his hated boss and so is saved from really murdering him, so it is with the author; with his great dreams he helps his readers to survive, to avoid their worst intentions. And society, without realizing it respects and even exalts him, albeit with a kind of jealousy, fear and even repulsion, since few people want to discover the horrors that lurk in the depths of their souls. This is the highest mission of great literature, and there is no other (Literature Quotes)
As a man has no right to kill one of his children if it is diseased or insane, so a man who has made the gradual and conscious expression of his personality in literature the aim of his life, has no right to suppress himself any carefully considered work which seemed good enough when it was written. Suppression, if it is deserved, will come rapidly enough from the same causes that suppress the unworthy members of a man’s family (Literature Quotes)
Professors of literature, who for the most part are genteel but mediocre men, can make but a poor defense of their profession, and the professors of science, who are frequently men of great intelligence but of limited interests and education (Literature Quotes)
Omit a few of the most abstruse sciences, and mankind’s study of man occupies nearly the whole field of literature. The burden of history is what man has been; of law, what he does; of physiology, what he is; of ethics, what he ought to be; of revelation, what he shall be (Literature Quotes)
The first degree of proficiency is, in painting, what grammar is in literature, a general preparation for whatever the student may afterward choose for more particular application. The power of drawing, modeling, and using colors, is very properly called the language of the art (Literature Quotes)
Literature exists so that where one man has lived finely ten thousand may afterward live finely (Literature Quotes)
I always loved science. And in fact, I got a science award in high school. I mean, I loved science, but I think I loved literature more (Literature Quotes)
It’s a great thing when you feel that you recognize yourself, deeply and movingly, in a work of literature (Literature Quotes)
Every culture has contributed to maths just as it has contributed to literature. It’s a universal language; numbers belong to everyone (Literature Quotes)
We will always have more to discover, more to invent, more to understand and that’s much closer to art and literature than any science (Literature Quotes)
The secret of a good librarian is that he never reads anything more of the literature in his charge than the title and the table of contents. Anyone who lets himself go and starts reading a book is lost as a librarian... He’s bound to lose perspective (Literature Quotes)
The makers of literature are those who have seen and felt the miraculous interestingness of the universe. If you have formed... literary taste... your life will be one long ecstasy of denying that the world is a dull place (Literature Quotes)
People often ask me why my style is so simple. It is, in fact, deceptively simple, for no two sentences are alike. It is clarity that I am striving to attain, not simplicity. Of course, some people want literature to be difficult and there are writers who like to make their readers toil and sweat. They hope to be taken more seriously that way. I have always tried to achieve a prose that is easy and conversational. And those who think this is simple should try it for themselves (Literature Quotes)
Literature is the safe and traditional vehicle through which we learn about the world and pass on values from on generation to the next. Books save lives (Literature Quotes)