Literature Quotes

Text Quotes
When I’m feeling frustrated with a story, I have faith that it’s going to come. Also, when I first started writing, I wanted to write the stories that were not in my childhood, to represent people who hadn’t historically been represented in literature. (Literature Quotes)
There’s always been a little bit of tension between the writers of science fiction literature and then science-fiction televised shows or movies, partly because they have a different dynamic. (Literature Quotes)
I probably spend more time writing than reading science fiction. I find that science-fiction literature is so reactive to all the literature that’s gone before that it’s sort of like a fractal. It’s gone to a level of detail that the average person could not possibly follow unless you’re a fan. It iterates upon many prior generations of iterations. (Literature Quotes)
I don’t really see any barrier between teenage fiction and adult literature (Literature Quotes)
Perhaps no other body of literature is as subject to political pressures from within the community as gay fiction. (Literature Quotes)
I understand that postmodern literature probably means people like DeLillo, The Fiction Collective, but I don’t get it that those writers are really influenced by postmodern theorists. (Literature Quotes)
Science fiction is a unique literature. Science fiction is the first literature that says, ‘Tomorrow is going to be different than yesterday, it’s going to be a lot different.’ (Literature Quotes)
My old English buddy, John Rackham, wrote and told me what made science fiction different from all other kinds of literature - science fiction is written according to the science fiction method. (Literature Quotes)
Popular fiction’s a strong and viable force in literature. That’s why it’s popular. (Literature Quotes)
I read anything I saw lying around. Pulp fiction, great literature and everything in between - I gave them all the same rough treatment. (Literature Quotes)
As often I have been a science fiction writer writing science fiction for the community of science fiction readers, I am also, for good or ill, an American writing American literature to an American audience. Most fundamentally, though, I am a human being writing human literature to a human audience. (Literature Quotes)
We have learnt a lesson: words written in books, all of them, are lies. There are no exceptions. Words written on papers are all deceitful.If we put it in a more proper manner, counting non-fiction works, then things like documents, reports, and reviews that are recorded are also deceitful.There’s nothing but deceit.Don’t believe in the for-sale literature. (Literature Quotes)
...[T]he only means I have to stop ignorant snobs from behaving towards genre fiction with snobbish ignorance is to not reinforce their ignorance and snobbery by lying and saying that when I write SF it isn’t SF, but to tell them more or less patiently for forty or fifty years that they are wrong to exclude SF and fantasy from literature, and proving my arguments by writing well. (Literature Quotes)
[Social] science fiction is that branch of literature which is concerned with the impact of scientific advance on human beings. (Literature Quotes)
It’s in literature that true life can be found. It’s under the mask of fiction that you can tell the truth. (Literature Quotes)
Literature, fiction, poetry, whatever, makes justice in the world. That’s why it almost always has to be on the side of the underdog. (Literature Quotes)
I think the deepest thing is that many fiction writers tell stories but are not elegant writers. But, we’re not writing journalism when we’re making literature. (Literature Quotes)
I’ve spoken out my whole life against the idea of simply dismissing whole areas of fiction by saying it’s genre and therefore can’t be seen as literature. (Literature Quotes)
Great fiction can often present moral messages with greater power and clarity than instructional writing - since literature, after all, penetrates not just the intellect, but the imagination. (Literature Quotes)
Well, the thing about great fictional characters from literature, and the reason that they’re constantly turned into characters in movies, is that they completely speak to what makes people human. (Literature Quotes)
I’ve often been accused of making anthropology into literature, but anthropology is also field research. Writing is central to it. (Literature Quotes)
In prose fiction the freedom to work honestly exists, although you may have to fight for it. In those other areas of literature, I mean drama, there is only silence. That sort of aesthetic integrity does not exist in radio and television, and seldom on film. (Literature Quotes)
We used to flock to watch gladiators, public torture and executions. In more recent times, our appetite for mortal violence has been sublimated in sports, photorealistic video games, film and literature. (Literature Quotes)
The problem with the screenplay is that it’s not literature, and it’s not a film. It’s a very weird, technical kind of blueprint that will be absolutely transformed into something else that is not that, you know? Honestly, a screenplay is no literature. (Literature Quotes)
There is commerciality in storytelling, even in a film or a piece of literature. These things exist. That’s why stories came to be: to hold attention and, while you’re not looking, you’ll get hopefully some nutritional value that the author has been working up. That’s narrative; that’s passing stuff down. (Literature Quotes)
Films for TV have to be much closer to the book, mainly because the objective with a TV movie that translates literature is to get the audience, after seeing this version, to pick up the book and read it themselves. My attitude is that TV can never really be any form of art, because it serves audience expectations. (Literature Quotes)
When work resonates with a person, whether it is literature or film or music, then they want to know more about the artist. That’s very natural. (Literature Quotes)
Literature is breathing. I teach literature the way someone else might teach First Aid. (Literature Quotes)
When I was a child, I grew up speaking French, I mean, in a French public school. So my first contact with literature was in French, and that’s the reason why I write in French. (Literature Quotes)
Because it’s my first language, all the literature that I’ve read and all the things that I’ve been inspired by that have been written in Welsh have moved me beyond anything that I’ve experienced in any other language. (Literature Quotes)