Little stones that are pelted into the lake of consciousness should not throw the whole lake into commotion

Little stones that are pelted into the lake of consciousness should not throw the whole lake into commotion
Paramahansa Yogananda, a renowned spiritual leader and guru, often spoke about the importance of maintaining inner peace and tranquility in the face of life's challenges. One of his most famous teachings is the idea that "little stones that are pelted into the lake of consciousness should not throw the whole lake into commotion." This metaphorical statement holds profound wisdom and insight into the nature of the mind and emotions.In the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, the "lake of consciousness" represents the mind, which is like a vast body of water that is constantly being influenced by external stimuli. The "little stones" that are pelted into the lake symbolize the various challenges, obstacles, and negative thoughts that we encounter in our daily lives. These "stones" can come in the form of criticism, setbacks, failures, or even just minor annoyances that disrupt our inner peace and harmony.
According to Yogananda, it is essential for individuals to cultivate a sense of inner strength and resilience so that they are not easily swayed by these external disturbances. Instead of allowing the "little stones" to create ripples and waves in the lake of consciousness, one should strive to remain calm, centered, and unaffected by the ups and downs of life.
Yogananda believed that true spiritual growth and enlightenment can only be achieved when one learns to transcend the fluctuations of the mind and emotions. By practicing mindfulness, meditation, and self-awareness, individuals can develop the ability to observe their thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them. This inner detachment allows them to maintain a sense of inner peace and equanimity, regardless of what is happening in the external world.