Live In Quotes

Text Quotes
I suppose everybody has these softheaded spells, when they think it would be fun to live in a small town. They pass quickly, of course (Live In Quotes)
We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight (Live In Quotes)
Live in each season as it passes; breathe air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each. Let them be your only diet drink and botanical medicines (Live In Quotes)
Life is too short to spend your precious time trying to convince a person who wants to live in gloom and doom otherwise. Give lifting that person your best shot, but don't hang around long enough for his or her bad attitude to pull you down. Instead, surround yourself with optimistic people (Live In Quotes)
Perhaps things are most beautiful when they are not quite real; when you look upon a scene as an outsider, and come to possess it in its entirety and forever; when you live in the present with the lucidity and feeling of memory; when, for want of connection, the world deepens and becomes art (Live In Quotes)
I've always wanted to have a neighbor just like you. I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you (Live In Quotes)
We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It's easy to say "It's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem. " Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes (Live In Quotes)
There's something about rushing water that I can watch for hours and feel as if I need to do nothing more. It's alive in a way that's greater than any description of it (Live In Quotes)
We may always find a great and a beautiful city in the world for ourselves but the most precious and finest city to live in is our mind; a positive mind and a per second positive thoughts (Live In Quotes)
As long as there is rape. There is not going to be any peace or justice or equality or freedom. You are not going to become what you want to become or who you want to become. You are not going to live in the world you want to live in (Live In Quotes)
By the time we are women, fear is as familiar to us as air. It is our element. We live in it, we inhale it, we exhale it, and most of the time we do not even notice it. Instead of I am afraid, we say, I don't want to, or I don't know how, or I can't (Live In Quotes)
Men have constructed female sexuality and in so doing have annihilated the chance for sexual intelligence in women. Sexual intelligence cannot live in the shallow, predestined sexuality men have counterfeited for women (Live In Quotes)
God knows our despair. God wants His chosen people to live in peace. God loves life, cares less about death. We need to live. I want to live, I want my children to live. Everyone I know wants to live. You have to ask yourself what is more important to you, life is death. What is this world about - life or death? (Live In Quotes)
How long does it take man to realize that he cannot want what he wants? You have to live in hell to see heaven (Live In Quotes)
It is painful for the plant which is myself to live in the atmosphere and light of this world. Somewhere an element is lacking which would permit me to continue (Live In Quotes)
But happiness is being able to hope, however faintly, for happiness. So, at least, we must believe if we are to live in the world of today (Live In Quotes)
... in the old days, silvery bells would often sound just as some Englishman or Englishwoman of particular virtue or beauty was about to be stolen away by fairies to live in strange, ghostly lands for ever (Live In Quotes)
The kingdom of God is available to you in the here and the now. But the question is whether you are available to the kingdom. Our practice is to make ourselves ready for the kingdom so that it can manifest in the here and the now. You don't need to die in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. In fact, you have to be truly alive in order to do so (Live In Quotes)
To live in the present moment is a miracle. The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green Earth in the present moment, to appreciate the peace and beauty that are available now (Live In Quotes)
I think every women in our culture is a feminist. They may refuse to articulate it, but if you were to take any woman back 40 years and say, "Is this a world you want to live in?" They would say, "No" (Live In Quotes)
Thought means life, since those who do not think so do not live in any high or real sense. Thinking makes the man (Live In Quotes)
We live in a primitive time - don't we, Will? - neither savage nor wise. Half measures are the curse of it. Any rational society would either kill me or give me my books (Live In Quotes)
This crazy, loopy universe that we live in is pretty entertaining, and we're only here for a short amount of time. #GIRLBOSSes make it count (Live In Quotes)
I have come to the conclusion that the bed comprehends our whole life; for we were born in it, we live in it, and we shall die in it (Live In Quotes)
My mother saw it as part of her mission to keep my cockiness in check. I'm grateful for that now... We now live in an age when parents praise every child as a genius (Live In Quotes)
The memory of their former freedom will not let them rest; so that the safest course is either to destroy them, or to go and live in them (Live In Quotes)
My people are in the world again. No sorrow will live in my heart as long as that joy - save one, and I thank you for that, too (Live In Quotes)
Sparrows and cats will live in my shoe, Sooner than I will live with you. Fish will come walking out of the sea, Sooner than you will come back to me (Live In Quotes)
If you are carrying strong feelings about something that happened in your past, they may hinder your ability to live in the present (Live In Quotes)
There is the sky, which is all men's together, there is the world to live in, fill with houses of our own nor hold another's, nor tear it from his hands by force (Live In Quotes)