Live In Quotes

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We don’t live in a world of reality, we live in a world of perceptions. No woman can be well dressed unless she is comfortable in what she is wearing (Live In Quotes)
One should learn from the past, but one should not live in the past. My concern is to look to the future, learn from the past, and deal with the present (Live In Quotes)
I live in a country where we put children in shackles and in concrete cells. Working together, with righteousness and hope, we can create a country that is about reverence and reconciliation, not a world of shackles and concrete cells (Live In Quotes)
We live in a culture that wants to put a redemptive face on everything, so anger doesn’t sit well with any of us. But I think women’s anger sits less well than anything else. Women’s anger is very scary to people, and to no one more than to other women, who think my goodness, if I let the lid off, where would we be? (Live In Quotes)
All of us should be involved in our own futures to create a world that our children will want to live in (Live In Quotes)
So this is always the key: you have to write the book you love, the book that’s alive in your heart. That’s the one you have to write (Live In Quotes)
It’s so simple: Right to marriage is a civil right, which like all civil rights should not depend on what state you happen to live in (Live In Quotes)
I believe that success brings responsibility. It also does not bring immunity to the consequences of our quickening march towards oblivion. The bottom line is that all of us should be invovled in our own futures to create a world that our children will want to live in (Live In Quotes)
Global warming is a matter of national security. Will we live in a world where we must fight our neighbors for fresh water and food? Or will we take the lead now and leave to our children and grandchildren a world better off than the one we inherited from our parents? (Live In Quotes)
Women’s rights are an essential part of the overall human rights agenda, trained on the equal dignity and ability to live in freedom all people should enjoy (Live In Quotes)
Live in the present tense, facing the duty at hand without regret for the past or worry over the future (Live In Quotes)
Humans can’t live in the present, like animals do. Humans are always thinking about the future or the past. So it’s a veil of tears, man. I don’t know anything that’s going to benefit me now, except love. I just need an overwhelming amount of love. And a nap. Mostly a nap (Live In Quotes)
To live in accordance with how one thinks. Be yourself and don’t try to impose your criteria on the rest. I don’t expect others to live like me. I want to respect people’s freedom, but I defend my freedom. And that comes with the courage to say what you think, even if sometimes others don’t share those views (Live In Quotes)
To live in an evolutionary spirit means to engage with full ambition and without any reserve in the structure of the present, and yet to let go and flow into a new structure when the right time has come (Live In Quotes)
The trees and plants show respect for each other by the way they live in harmony. This also applies to the animal kingdom (Live In Quotes)
In societies that worship money and success, the losers become objects of scorn. Those who work the hardest for the least are called lazy. Those forced to live in substandard housing are thought to be the authors of substandard lives. Those who do not finish high school or cannot afford to go to college are considered deficient or inept (Live In Quotes)
Most inventors and engineers I’ve met are like me. They’re shy and they live in their heads. The very best of them are artists. And artists work best alone (Live In Quotes)
Sometimes I think that it is enough to say that if we don’t sit down and shut up once in a while we’ll lose our minds even earlier than we had expected. Noise is an imposition on sanity, and we live in very noisy times (Live In Quotes)
The world we live in is a world of mingled good and evil. Whether it is chiefly good or chiefly bad depends on how we take it. To look at the world in such a way as to emphasize the evil is the art of pessimism. To look at it in such a way as to bring out the good, and throw the evil into the background, is the art of optimism. The facts are the same in either case. It is simply a question of perspective and emphasis (Live In Quotes)
You don’t choose the times you live in, but you do choose who you want to be. And you do choose how you think (Live In Quotes)
The world was a cruder, more vulgar place than the one I had known. This was the language required to live in it, I supposed (Live In Quotes)
Be present in your work because kids live in the moment, so as soon as you’re not in the present, you’re not being authentic (Live In Quotes)
And when you try to live there, to live in a place where you’re betraying yourself over and over, not only do you grow to resent the hell out of it, and resent the hell out of whomever you’re betraying and censoring yourself for, but the very idea of your self begins slowly and inexorably to erode. Until you realize one day out of the clear blue that you have no idea who your self is, anymore (Live In Quotes)
There are always scary things happening in the world. There are always wonderful things happening. And it’s up to you to decide how you’re going to approach the world…how you’re going to live in it, and what you’re going to do (Live In Quotes)
This is what it is to live in the world. You have to give yourself over to the cold, at least a little bit (Live In Quotes)
My father says that almost the whole world is asleep, everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement (Live In Quotes)
I hate how box office failures are blamed on an actress, yet I don’t see a box office failure blamed on men. I think a lot of the time in films, men get roles where they create their own destiny and women are just tools, supporters for that. I guess it’s because we live in a patriarchal society, where feminism is a dirty word (Live In Quotes)
I say to the grownups, if you want to deny evolution and live in your world, that’s completely inconsistent with the world we observe, that’s fine. But don’t make your kids do it. Because we need them. We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future. We need engineers that can build stuff and solve problems (Live In Quotes)
The weight is off my shoulders. I don’t live in the past anymore. I look forward, instead of back (Live In Quotes)
What a world we live in. I want to be incredibly close to the heart of it all. To live honestly, truthfully and to be completely present is the ultimate enterprise. And right now, I couldn’t possibly ask for anything more. I am a very lucky girl (Live In Quotes)