Live In Quotes

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What the enlightened person sees no one could ever tell or describe. Wonder beyond belief. We live in a universe filled with wonder. It is wonder just to live (Live In Quotes)
Enlightened people live in very charged states of attention, with a tremendous power circuiting through them (Live In Quotes)
Very few people become enlightened in any given lifetime. On the planet earth their might be a dozen who are fully enlightened and several thousand who live in enlightened states of mind (Live In Quotes)
For the first time, we live in a society that shows any sign of the possibility of women changing this condition (Live In Quotes)
To come to terms with our beginning requires a truthful story to acquire the skills to live in gratitude rather than resentment for the gift of life (Live In Quotes)
We must face the fact that many today are notoriously careless in their living. This attitude finds its way into the church. We have liberty, we have money, we live in comparative luxury. As a result, discipline has disappeared. What would a violin solo sound like if the strings on the musician’s instrument were all hanging loose, not stretched tight, not disciplined? (Live In Quotes)
Through books you can start today where the great thinkers of yesterday left off, because books have immortalized man’s knowledge. Thinkers, dead a thousand years, are as alive in their books today as when they walked the earth (Live In Quotes)
The idea is that the savior came, and simply by the coming of the savior you’re saved. Nonsense, human beings wish! If that were the case, we’d live in a perfect world (Live In Quotes)
That is why we live in a world where there are so many wars and so much destruction. This is an arena of power (Live In Quotes)
Some astral dimensions are bright and filled with ecstasy. Advanced cosmic beings live in them. But there are also very dark astral dimensions, often inhabited by beings that are filled with hate and despair (Live In Quotes)
We live in a small world, and we all are affected by everything that happens everywhere. And to look at it less selfishly, we also need to be grateful for the luck of where we’re born and how we ended up where we ended up (Live In Quotes)
It’s kind of a funny world we live in today with tabloids and all. I feel there’s so much negativity out there and people sense that people only want to read things that either are controversial or negative, therefore you end up dealing with people lying about your life and having to answer to things that become ridiculous with an onslaught of lies and you have to answer to them (Live In Quotes)
The art that I make and that I see others make confirms the miracle of being alive. Almost every day I live in a state of exaltation. The art of painting is to me sacred. It is central to all the other visual arts. This art is in a constant state of renewal (Live In Quotes)
People don’t know the past, even though we live in literate societies, because they don’t trust the sources of the past (Live In Quotes)
What has happened to our ability to dwell in the unknowing, to live inside a question and coexist with the tensions of uncertainty? Where is our willingness to incubate pain and let it birth something new? What has happened to patient unfolding, to endurance? These things are what form the ground of waiting (Live In Quotes)
We live in an ironic society where even play is turned into work. But the highest existence is not work; the highest level of existence is play (Live In Quotes)
Psychoanalysts are fond of pointing out that the past is alive in the present. But the future is alive in the present too. The future is not some place we’re going to, but an idea in our mind now. It is something we’re creating, that in turn creates us. The future is a fantasy that shapes our present (Live In Quotes)
Every time you have a carrot instead of a cookie, every time you go to the gym instead of going to the movies, that’s a costly investment in your health. But how much you want to invest is going to depend on how much longer you expect to live in the future, even if you don’t make those investments (Live In Quotes)
My lack of access to the real world has been replaced completely by books, and it can’t be healthy to live in a land of happily ever afters (Live In Quotes)
We live in this irreparably broken world, and I don’t wish to deny reality, but the amazing thing to me is not that we refuse to relinquish hope as a species. The amazing thing is that we’re right to hold on to hope. The world may be broken, but hope is not crazy.... Obviously not all stories end happily. We don’t always have good fortune, but hope gives us, as a species and as individuals, what we otherwise wouldn’t have: A chance (Live In Quotes)
If we would accept heaven’s life, we need by all means to live in the world and to participate in its duties and affairs. In this way, we accept a spiritual life by means of our moral and civic life; and there is no other way a spiritual life can be formed within us, no other way our spirits can be prepared for heaven. This is because living an inner life and not an outer life at the same time is like living in a house that has no foundation, that gradually either settles or develops gaping cracks or totters until it collapses (Live In Quotes)
It’s a sad world we live in when a human being leaves so little of a mark that no one even realizes it when he’s gone (Live In Quotes)
To live in a world where truth matters and justice, however late, really happens, that world would be heaven enough for us all (Live In Quotes)
We live in a society where manhood is all about conquering and violence. And what we don’t realize is that ultimately that kind of manhood ultimately kills you (Live In Quotes)
The gods gave me a father who ruled over me and rid me of any trace of arrogance and showed me that one can live in a palace without bodyguards, extravagant attire, chandeliers, statues, and other luxuries. He taught me that it is possible to live instead pretty much in the manner of a private citizen without losing any of the dignity and authority a ruler must possess to discharge his imperial duties effectively (Live In Quotes)
There is the eternal war between those who are in the world for what they can get out of it and those who are in the world to make it a better place for everybody to live in (Live In Quotes)
I was thinking about hitting races and stuff, but it’s just, I think it’s more of the era of when I was a kid and it just brings back memories. I gotta just chill and live in the past (Live In Quotes)
It’s the hardest thing in the world to be in a business where it’s all about people accepting you, and you have a desperate need to be accepted, and yet you live in a, you operate in a society that’s now very unaccepting (Live In Quotes)
In some ways we live in a world where things appear to be very logical, very rational, and mechanical aspects of our world are rather scientific and rather straightforward (Live In Quotes)
We live in an age where people are kind of a bit obsessed with celebrity and stuff. You can’t help but be curious about it (Live In Quotes)