Live In Quotes

Text Quotes
I believe in God. Whatever supposed to happen supposed to happen. But I can not live in a jail cell. That’s why I don’t rob people and stick up people (Live In Quotes)
I have been an avid reader since my youth. Because I also liked to play tabletop games, I soon felt the desire to make the story narrated in a book or an aspect of that story come alive in a game (Live In Quotes)
Well, as a native, as a colonized people you do live in the in between. The thing is I’m native. But necessarily because I’m a member of the country, I’m also a White American (Live In Quotes)
We live in a world of crisis, of challenge, and ... it’s in our galleries that we can unpack the civilizations that we’re seeing the current manifestations of (Live In Quotes)
Speaking out and creating art that truly reflects the world we live in goes part of the way towards doing that. At least that’s what I hope (Live In Quotes)
I used to collect Persian rugs and real estate - you should be able to walk on and live in your money. I had to give up the rugs because I’m allergic to mould (Live In Quotes)
I am very lucky to live in California, which is not only filled with very entrepreneurial people who don’t wait around for success, but who make their own (Live In Quotes)
Artists always live in the cracks anyway, whatever culture they’re in. They’re usually accustomed to not having much money, to kind of roughing it (Live In Quotes)
I was pretty much a minimalist. I liked a lot of black at the time, which is very different from my wardrobe now, because I live in color (Live In Quotes)
I’d love to go and camp out and live in a tent in the middle of nowhere and see how long I could live and survive (Live In Quotes)
Between stimulus and response, there is a space, and when you take time to pray or make a cuppa, you don’t have to live in reaction to a situation (Live In Quotes)
Courage is a value. My faith is the organizing principle in my life and what underpins my faith is courage and love, and so I have to be in the arena if I’m going to live in alignment with my values (Live In Quotes)
There are so many people in pain because of the Syrian conflict. Ten million trying to live in camps that are barely set up for three (Live In Quotes)
In the off-season you like to take a little time for yourself, but I’d like to say that people say I live in the weight room and that I had the keys to it. That’s just the type of character I am (Live In Quotes)
A lot of people live in a property that will one day be part of their pension, and that is true for me too. I have an investment I can sell with ease (Live In Quotes)
Most of us want to live in harmony and peace and be good to others. Right now, however, the world is in a very turbulent time, and our leadership has gone crazy (Live In Quotes)
We live in a world of media that are constantly telling us it is only the shape of your body that matters to how attractive you are, and that’s silly (Live In Quotes)
We live in a time where everybody has an opinion and everyone’s opinion can be featured somewhere, whether it’s an online column and everybody has their form because of the internet (Live In Quotes)
I live in a neighborhood that’s very family-oriented, so I feel like everyone else is sleeping and I’m sitting up, making music. It’s just me. It’s a nice time to be creative (Live In Quotes)
Because I grew up trapped in the suburbs 8 miles outside of D.C. and I’ve never seen what people who live in D.C. look like (Live In Quotes)
We live in a crazy time. Every other week, there’s a school shooting. There’s always some nutty thing and I’ve always wanted to kind of understand the crazy (Live In Quotes)
People want everything quick and now. We live in the age of social media and hyper digital. Tweets are published in less than a second, Safari pages load in less than three seconds (Live In Quotes)
I live in a one bedroom apartment by myself which is cool. I like to have my stuff exactly where I want it, so living alone is good for me (Live In Quotes)
I live in a mind melt of different situations, through my work and social life - I wouldn’t have it any other way (Live In Quotes)
I think many of us live in a rut. Stuck in a groove we can’t get out of, whether it’s our job, family drama or the little frustrations of everyday life (Live In Quotes)
I got my MacBook in the first year at university, and that’s really when I stopped playing live instruments and started geeking out on my laptop (Live In Quotes)
There was a good moment in Islam when people were actually challenging authority at every level. Very different from the world we live in (Live In Quotes)
We have climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions, mostly from human power and transportation infrastructure. At the same time, we have 2 billion people who live in energy poverty (Live In Quotes)
Of course we live in a world where we have to make money to eat so that’s always nice to be able to sing and make money but to do something I love and to be able to eat’s great (Live In Quotes)
And we live in a kind of realm of language and words and so forth. So we can sort of relate to them. They don’t exist without us. We create words (Live In Quotes)