Lives Quotes

Text Quotes
To be free, to come to terms with our lives, we have to have a direct experience of ourselves as we really are, warts and all (Lives Quotes)
When we have disorderly lives, it makes it difficult for our minds to be orderly and for us to be at ease with disorder (Lives Quotes)
Approach your lives as if they were novels, with their own heroes, villains, red herrings, and triumphs (Lives Quotes)
Education should aim at destroying free will so that after pupils are thus schooled they will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their school masters would have wished (Lives Quotes)
The social scientist is in a difficult, if not impossible position. On the one hand there is the temptation to see all of society as one’s autobiography writ large, surely not the path to general truth. On the other hand, there is the attempt to be general and objective by pretending that one knows nothing about the experience of being human, forcing the investigator to pretend that people usually know and tell the truth about important issues, when we all know from our own lives how impossible that is (Lives Quotes)
In the degree that we remember and retell our stories and create new ones we become the authors, the authorities, of our own lives (Lives Quotes)
We can either passively continue on the road to utter domestication and destruction or turn in the direction of joyful upheaval, passionate and feral embrace of wildness and life that aims at dancing on the ruins of clocks, computers and that failure of imagination and will called work. Can we justify our lives by anything less than such a politics of rage and dreams? (Lives Quotes)
I wanted to write literature that pushed people into their lives rather than helping people escape from them (Lives Quotes)
Our everyday, traditional ideas of reality are delusions which we spend substantial parts of our daily lives shoring up, even at the considerable risk of trying to force facts to fit our definition of reality instead of vice versa. And the most dangerous delusion of all is that there is only one reality (Lives Quotes)
The dialectical or ecological approach asserts that creating the world is involved in our every act. It is impossible for us to operate in our daily lives and not create the world that everyone must live in. What we desire arranges the genetic code in all of our major crops and livestock. We cannot avoid participating in the creation, and it is in agriculture, far and away our largest and most basic artifact, that human culture and the creation totally interpenetrate (Lives Quotes)
We spend our life until we’re twenty deciding what parts of ourself to put into the bag, and we spend the rest of our lives trying to get them out again (Lives Quotes)
It is important that we discover an educational method where people learn to learn and go on learning their whole lives (Lives Quotes)
The only part of you that hurts when you’re given the truth is the part that lives on lies (Lives Quotes)
Computer literacy is a contact with the activity of computing deep enough to make the computational equivalent of reading and writing fluent and enjoyable. As in all the arts, a romance with the material must be well under way. If we value the lifelong learning of arts and letters as a springboard for personal and societal growth, should any less effort be spent to make computing a part of our lives? (Lives Quotes)
Fortunately, because of the spread of smart devices, people take games for granted now. It’s a good thing for us, because we do not have to worry about making games something that are relevant to general people’s daily lives (Lives Quotes)
Once people learned how to believe in something, that skill started spilling over to other parts of their lives, until they started believing they could change. Belief was the ingredient that made a reworked habit loop into a permanent behavior (Lives Quotes)
What you do for yourself dies with you when you leave this world, what you do for others lives on forever (Lives Quotes)
What every traveler confronts sooner or later is that the way we spend each day of our travel... is the way we spend our lives (Lives Quotes)
Metaphor lives a secret life all around us. We utter about six metaphors a minute. Metaphorical thinking is essential to how we understand ourselves and others, how we communicate and learn, discover and invent (Lives Quotes)
Many of us, restless and unfulfilled, see no supreme worth in our lives. We want more out of life. And war, at least, gives a sense that we can rise above our smallness and divisiveness (Lives Quotes)
A person who has spoiled his stomach will criticize his meal saying that the food is bad; the same thing happens with people who are not satisfied with their lives (Lives Quotes)
Opportunity lives at the intersection of what people need tomorrow and can be just barely built today (Lives Quotes)
Is there a design in the events of our lives? Or do things just happen, much like a junk yard falling down a staircase? If it’s the latter, how do you deal with it? (Lives Quotes)
There is more at stake here than just our lives. It is the lives around us (Lives Quotes)
The book designer strives for perfection; yet every perfect thing lives somewhere in the neighborhood of dullness and is frequently mistaken for it by the insensitive (Lives Quotes)
Every society needs educated people, but the primary responsibility of educated people is to bring wisdom back into the community and make it available to others so that the lives they are leading make sense (Lives Quotes)
The future of mankind lies waiting for those who will come to understand their lives and take up their responsibilities to all living things (Lives Quotes)
If it’s about the lives of my soldiers at stake, I’d go through hell with a gasoline can (Lives Quotes)
What struck me whenever I visited a farm was how much more sophisticated was the life the animals were capable of living than was assumed by those exploiting them. The more we are willing to see about their lives, the more we will see. Humans seem to take perverse pleasure in attributing stupidity to animals when it is almost always entirely a question of human ignorance (Lives Quotes)
Gay people exist. There’s nothing we can do in public policy that makes more of us exist, or less of us exist. And you guys have been arguing for a generation that public policy ought to essentially demean gay people as a way of expressing disapproval of the fact that we exist, but you don’t make any less of us exist. You just are arguing in favor of more discrimination, and more discrimination doesn’t make straight people’s lives any better (Lives Quotes)