Lives Quotes

Text Quotes
Life is rife with frustrations, jealousies and, on occasion, an overwhelming sense of its injustices, but it’s a big mistake to let such negative sentiments rule our lives and dictate choices (Lives Quotes)
Peace of the sort that brings wholeness, harmony, and health to our lives only happens when chaos, confusion, and conflict are included and transcended (Lives Quotes)
I know it’s not strictly sex that accounts for my straying the motive usually attributed to men. I think it’s just too tempting to have two lives rather than one. Some people think that too much travel begets infidelity: Separation and opportunity test the bonds of love. I think it’s more likely that people who hate to make choices to settle on one thing or another are attracted to travel. Travel doesn’t beget a double life. The appeal of the double life begets travel (Lives Quotes)
If I could teach my children only one thing, it would be the skill of marketing. For with that skill, they could be successful at anything they chose for the rest of their lives (Lives Quotes)
I would rather instill in my amateur students love, than knowledge, of music. Left with only knowledge, they will at the end close their books and consign the course to forgetfulness. But if they have learned to love but the smallest part of the art, they are likely to pursue some phase of it the rest of their lives (Lives Quotes)
Language: the one tool that enables us to grasp hold of our lives and transcend our fate by understanding it (Lives Quotes)
The most difficult task for anyone wandering through a foreign land with the hope of gaining some insight into it is the profound need to come to terms with the lives and thoughts of strangers (Lives Quotes)
I became a physician in order to help save lives. I am at once a physician, a citizen, and a woman, and I am not willing to stand aside and allow the concept of expendable human lives to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged, and the planned have the right to live (Lives Quotes)
I just wanted to defend football, which is not always easy to do. Those of us who have been in the sport so many years now realise we must protect it and look after it. I was speaking about football, what it means. It is our profession, it has been our lives, and we must take care of it a little (Lives Quotes)
It’s believing in those dreams and facing our fears head on that allows us to live our lives beyond our limits (Lives Quotes)
People have a right to have their lives witnessed; if we coexist with the systems that abuse people, then we have a duty to understand (Lives Quotes)
In our lives, on average, we will be asleep for a total of 8,477 days. If we’re lucky, some of that time will be sleeping next to someone we love (Lives Quotes)
It looks like the age of the mass is behind us and the age of the individual is upon us. The chasm that now exists between new people and old organizations is destroying economic value and inhibiting the emergence of a new chapter of capitalism aligned with the needs of this new society. The new purpose of commerce is to provide the tools, platforms, and relationships, digital or human, that enable individuals to live the lives they choose (Lives Quotes)
Certainly I was typed. But what is typing? It is a trademark, a means by which the public recognizes you. Actors work all their lives to achieve that. I got mine with just one picture. It was a blessing (Lives Quotes)
We understand ourselves through stories, by making stories out of our lives. Storytellers give people structure with which they can begin to look at their own lives and try to make sense of them (Lives Quotes)
There are some who dream their lives away, but end up doing nothing, and others who do their lives away, and end up never dreaming (Lives Quotes)
Only when we accept full responsibility for our lives will we have the confidence and courage to risk (Lives Quotes)
Mathematics is a world created by the mind of men, and mathematicians are people who devote their lives to what seems to me a wonderful kind of play! (Lives Quotes)
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn... If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive... If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to be confident... If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love (Lives Quotes)
People come in and out of our lives to teach us. And we teach other people. It’s part of the process. They come in and they go out. Some stay for longer than others (Lives Quotes)
To others we are not ourselves but a performer in their lives cast for a part we do not even know that we are playing (Lives Quotes)
Complicated lives and heaps of possessions don’t necessarily bring happiness; in fact, they can bring the opposite (Lives Quotes)
Sorrow has its life just like people. Sorrow is born and lives and dies. And when it’s dead and gone, someone’s left behind to remember it. Exactly like people (Lives Quotes)
Psychosynthesis is a method of psychological development and self realization for those who refuse to remain the slave of their own inner phantasms or of external influences, who refuse to submit passively to the play of psychological forces which is going on within them, and who are determined to become the master of their own lives (Lives Quotes)
Is courage just the awareness that gestures, journeys, lives have intrinsic shape, and must, one way or another, be completed? (Lives Quotes)
The person who kills for fun is announcing that, could he get away with it, he’d kill you for fun. Your... life may be of no consequence to anyone else but is invaluable to you because it’s the only one you’ve got. Exactly the same is true of each individual deer, hare, rabbit, fox, fish, pheasant and butterfly. Humans should enjoy their own lives, not taking others’ (Lives Quotes)
We are all fighters, every single person who walks this earth is a fighter, everything that lives. To live is to fight. And we just fight in different arenas (Lives Quotes)
It would be right to say that the helicopter’s role in saving lives represents one of the most glorious pages in the history of human flight (Lives Quotes)
When we mourn those who die young – those who have been robbed of time – we weep for lost joys. We weep for opportunities and pleasure we ourselves have never known. We feel sure that somehow that young body would have known the yearning delight for which we searched in vain all our lives. We believe that the untried soul, trapped in its young prison, might have flown free and known the joy that we still seek (Lives Quotes)
One that hath wine as a chain about his wits, such a one lives no life at all (Lives Quotes)