Living On Quotes

Text Quotes
I would like to cite an instance which proves the efficacy of clean living on the part of an athlete coupled with the inspiration received from a champion which go a long way to making a champion (Living On Quotes)
That’s the great paradox of living on this earth, that in the midst of great pain you can have great joy as well. If we didn’t have those things we’d just be numb (Living On Quotes)
We have three billion people, half the world’s population today, living on less than two dollars a day (Living On Quotes)
Unless you’re living on the street and surviving on a diet of discarded turkey drumsticks, there’s no point in being gloomy. We’ve spent too long trying to cheer ourselves up by spending money on brightly coloured things we don’t really need. We’ve stopped using our imaginations (Living On Quotes)
I don’t know about living on an automatic pilot, but I’ve had times where I’ve decided to just test myself and my mettle, and for no good reason other than it’s what life is. Even before I was acting, I had, like, one day in high school I decided to just show them my pajamas, just for no good reason (Living On Quotes)
You can’t go on like you’re going to start really living one day like all this is some preamble to some great life thats magically going to appear. I’m a firm believer that you have to create your own miracles, don’t hold out that there’s something better waiting on the other side. It doesn’t work that way. When you’re gone, you’re gone. Don’t wait (Living On Quotes)
Would the last animal, eating garbage and living on the last scrap of land, his mate dead, would he still forgive you? (Living On Quotes)
Children are often envied for their supposed imaginations, but the truth is that adults imagine things far more than children do. Most adults wander the world deliberately blind, living only inside their heads, in their fantasies, in their memories and worries, oblivious to the present, only aware of the past or future (Living On Quotes)
There are five billion people living on this planet. But you fall in love with one particular person, and you won’t swap her for any other (Living On Quotes)
If we ever establish contact with intelligent aliens living on a planet around a distant star... They would be made of similar atoms to us. They could trace their origins back to the big bang 13.7 billion years ago, and they would share with us the universe’s future. However, the surest common culture would be mathematics (Living On Quotes)
God has put something noble and good into every heart his hand has created. So while living on earth we must always remember to learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow because time will only show what has mattered throughout our journey (Living On Quotes)
A very few lonely pioneers make their way to high places never before visited... they create the living conditions of mankind and the majority are living on their work (Living On Quotes)
We are just living this moment; we don’t have to live 150,000 moments at once. We are only living one. That’s why I say you might as well practice with each moment (Living On Quotes)
Women, who are the prime victims of religion, and perhaps in some, stockholm syndrome effect, often form the most fervent advocates of the very thing that degrades them. I believe that in the end, it will be women who will turn this around. This should be the final stage of feminism. For a feminist to still believe in God is like a freed slave still living on the plantation (Living On Quotes)
There are times when I can find myself in a book, too, for two or three hours. But afterward I have such an urge to go out and reach for other people. Very often they’re not around. There’s also a metaphysical loneliness. We all feel it. The burden of living one’s own life is experiencing sensations that no one else can share. You take a step in a house, you start moving around the house, no one else moves with you. You’re walking by yourself (Living On Quotes)
Living on purpose requires us to find what we love fiercely, give it all we’ve got and then pass it on, as if it were a torch, to those who follow (Living On Quotes)
The easiest approach to any strong color is to use a lot of it, thus unifying a room. However, beware of too many strong colors unless you happen to like living on a battlefield (Living On Quotes)
Maybe to try to understand not just that we are living in a certain building or in a certain location, but to become aware that we are living on a planet that is going at enormous speed through the universe. For me it’s more a synonym. I read a picture not for what’s really going on there, I read it more for what is going on in our world generally (Living On Quotes)
Happiness comes from accepting the present situation, whether it is something you wish to savor as long as possible or change as quickly as you can. Neither is possible without acceptance as the starting point, because without acceptance you are living on the periphery of your life. There at the edges, you can’t fully enjoy the good stuff or do anything about the rest (Living On Quotes)
A leader who accepts the outside financing of his movement is like the man who accustoms his body to live on medication. To the extent an organism is administered medication, to the same extent it is condemned to being unable to react on its own. Moreover, when it is deprived of the medication, it dies; it is at the mercy of the pharmacist! Likewise, a political movement is at the mercy of those who finance it. These could cease their financing at any given moment and the movement, unaccustomed to living on its own, dies (Living On Quotes)
For every young person living on the streets tonight, there are many at home zoning out inside their homes through video games, and even more who disengage from school. These are direct effects of internalized discrimination based on their age (Living On Quotes)
After living on the edge, the adrenalin, some people in the military get addicted. Anything else seem boring. They have to have the excitement (Living On Quotes)
Knowing this to be a worthless life to live, why do I keep living on? Because this life contains something called beauty7 (Living On Quotes)
We live in a world filled with automobiles, highways of the mind, urban disasters, billions of people living on a tiny planet, sharing the diminishing natural resources of the earth (Living On Quotes)
I’m just trying to get used to living on a fixed income. Now, it’s going to get unfixed (Living On Quotes)
I think through living one’s life, one both changes and remains the same. One can see it either way, one can see oneself as being now what one was and one can see oneself as being absolutely different from what one was. It’s a trick of thought (Living On Quotes)
If you are tired of living on the beaten path that everyone else walks, venture into the woods. Some people would be afraid they would get lost, but a confident woman expects to have a new experience that might be outrageously wonderful (Living On Quotes)
When we are dead : it is the living only who cannot be forgiven the living only from whom men’s indulgence and reverence are held off, like the rain by the hard east wind (Living On Quotes)
I glory in this world of men and women, torn with troubles, yet living on to love and laugh through it all (Living On Quotes)
There are plenty of dead scientists I admire, but I can’t think of any living ones. This is probably because it is only in retrospect that one can see who made the important contributions (Living On Quotes)