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That living specimen of gall and hatred, that individual  (Living Quotes) It’s all in the art. You get no credit for living  (Living Quotes) Vipassana is the art of living. Not the art of escaping  (Living Quotes) I go on living, more from force of habit than anything else  (Living Quotes) Make the man within your living ideal  (Living Quotes) The high cost of low living  (Living Quotes) For now they kill me with a living death  (Living Quotes) She’s got the whole dark forest living inside of her  (Living Quotes) I’m living the best life that I could ever be living  (Living Quotes) Living is having and following a purpose. That’s all  (Living Quotes) What if living your life, naturally created what you wanted?  (Living Quotes) Imagine yourself as a living house  (Living Quotes) Living is a pretty grim joke, but a joke just the same  (Living Quotes) We cannot risk living all our lives under emergency measures  (Living Quotes) Most illness is just stress from not living in harmony  (Living Quotes) I plan on living forever. So far, so good  (Living Quotes) If death is the end of everything, then living is everything  (Living Quotes) Hey! Ain t it glorious to be living?  (Living Quotes) Art is living stopped for a moment of wonder  (Living Quotes) Idleness is the sepulchre of a living man  (Living Quotes) May my living be grace to those behind me  (Living Quotes) Can’t living with the bill means it won’t become law  (Living Quotes) Make the wise man within you your living ideal  (Living Quotes) I have no animosity against any living soul  (Living Quotes) Life is beautiful and living is pain  (Living Quotes) Our main motivation for living is our will to find meaning in life  (Living Quotes) When seconds count between living or dying, the police are only minutes away  (Living Quotes) When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us  (Living Quotes) The fall of a leaf is a whisper to the living  (Living Quotes) The cost of living has gone up another dollar a quart  (Living Quotes)
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