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Living Quotes

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History is the ship carrying living memories to the future  (Living Quotes) Humanity is always made up of more dead than living  (Living Quotes) You can make a good living while serving a greater good  (Living Quotes) The essence of all health begins through joyful living  (Living Quotes) Emptiness is a symptom that you are not living creatively  (Living Quotes) Yoga is the art and science of living  (Living Quotes) The best thing about living... Is the chance to keep on doing it!  (Living Quotes) Chronic dissatisfaction is how you sense that you are living a lie  (Living Quotes) God is a tremendous supporter of creation, especially of all living beings  (Living Quotes) Our very living is selling. We are all salespeople  (Living Quotes) Passionate living is the soul of success  (Living Quotes) All of art is a search for ways of being, of living life more fully  (Living Quotes) I am now face to face with dying. But I am not finished with living  (Living Quotes) I am living permanently in my dream, from which I make brief forays into reality  (Living Quotes) Writing is not apart from living. Writing is a kind of double living  (Living Quotes) The essence of right living is to do good to others  (Living Quotes) The work of art acts like another living person with whom we are conversing  (Living Quotes) Without love we are not truly living  (Living Quotes) As in cooking, living requires that you taste, taste, taste as you go along  (Living Quotes) I couldnt imagine living my life with another name  (Living Quotes) You’re living in a delusion based on your legendary father  (Living Quotes) Continual learning is the key to continual living  (Living Quotes) Wishing kindness and compassion to all living creatures  (Living Quotes) We have this enormous connection to the living world that is reflected in our language  (Living Quotes) The good thing about living like me is everywhere you go is a step up  (Living Quotes) Living in fear is just another way of dying before your time  (Living Quotes) The wretched bodies of the condemned shall simmer and blaze in those living fires  (Living Quotes) Every moment of living has its own logic, its own meaning  (Living Quotes) There’s no point living, if you can’t feel alive  (Living Quotes) Motion is the context of living. We find meaning my and in our doing  (Living Quotes)
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