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Living Quotes

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Better a sparrow, living or dead, than no birdsong at all  (Living Quotes) Designing a dream city is easy; rebuilding a living one takes imagination  (Living Quotes) We’re living in a den of thieves  (Living Quotes) The way we are living, timorous or bold, will have been our life  (Living Quotes) Living submerged at the bottom of an ocean of air  (Living Quotes) If you cannot live the way you want, there is no point in living  (Living Quotes) My mind is living on cloud 9 and this 9 is never on vacation  (Living Quotes) The patience is in the living. Time opens out to you  (Living Quotes) Ive been making my living with this material for over 15 years  (Living Quotes) If life is worth living then it’s worth recording  (Living Quotes) Singing is easy. The proof is always in the living  (Living Quotes) They’re living proof that the 3 stooges had children  (Living Quotes) Dignity in death is a birthright of each living thing  (Living Quotes) To me, life without soccer would be like living a mindless and empty life  (Living Quotes) Living matter is the most powerful geological force  (Living Quotes) Many people are living in an emotional jail without realizing it  (Living Quotes) I don’t write for a living. I live to write  (Living Quotes) I would hate to live in the country, unless I was living on a farm  (Living Quotes) If your life has no problems, you’re not really living it  (Living Quotes) I’m an urban person who loves living in the country  (Living Quotes) We are analog beings living in a digital world, facing a quantum future  (Living Quotes) We’re all living contradictions, trying to survive in a world filled with hypocrites  (Living Quotes) Wisdom and peace come when you start living the life the creator intended for you  (Living Quotes) Art is only art if it is synonymous with living  (Living Quotes) Envy honors the dead in order to insult the living  (Living Quotes) My purpose in performing is to communicate the joy I experience in living  (Living Quotes) Living organisms are distinguished by their specified complexity  (Living Quotes) I remember when the idea of living to be 40 seemed absurd  (Living Quotes) Life for the living, and rest for the dead!  (Living Quotes) Despite what I do for a living, I am very insecure about my body  (Living Quotes)
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