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Living Quotes

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Put life into living, and do it with enthusiasm!  (Living Quotes) The living usually won’t see the dead  (Living Quotes) Artists deserve to make a living  (Living Quotes) At my age, I’m just happy to be named the greatest living anything  (Living Quotes) The living soul of man, once conscious of its power, cannot be quelled  (Living Quotes) Of course, not everything is unsayable in words, only the living truth  (Living Quotes) There are living systems; there is no’living matter’  (Living Quotes) Without art, we’re handicapped, and living a stifled, barren existence  (Living Quotes) Central to living a life that is good, is a life that’s forgiving  (Living Quotes) Life is meaningless, but worth living, provided you recognize it’s meaningless  (Living Quotes) Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation  (Living Quotes) The whole art of living consists in giving up existence in order to exist  (Living Quotes) I want to go on living even after death!  (Living Quotes) Sailing is necessary, living is not necessary  (Living Quotes) Let your love flow out on all living things  (Living Quotes) I want to be a poet, from head to toe, living and dying by poetry  (Living Quotes) The only living socities are those which are animated by inequality and injustice  (Living Quotes) The art of living is simply getting up after you’ve been knocked down  (Living Quotes) Living artificially in towns, we are sickly, and never come to know ourselves  (Living Quotes) People who make a living off other people’s fortunes or misfortunes are parasites  (Living Quotes) The living will envy the dead  (Living Quotes) Never envy a man his lady. Behind it all lays a living hell  (Living Quotes) You become a serious novelist by living long enough  (Living Quotes) When knowledge becomes rigid, it stops living  (Living Quotes) Is not living at all not better than living badly?  (Living Quotes) The king dead is a living god  (Living Quotes) If you are living for tomorrow, you will always be one day behind  (Living Quotes) The examined life is the only life worth living  (Living Quotes) The cost of living keeps going up, although death is surprisingly affordable  (Living Quotes) Why am I dying to live if I’m just living to die  (Living Quotes)
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