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Living Quotes

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Those who have failed to work toward the truth have missed the purpose of living  (Living Quotes) Once that living love is destroyed by contraception, abortion follows very easily  (Living Quotes) God save us from living in comfort while sinners are sinking into hell!  (Living Quotes) Photographers feel guilty that all they do for a living is press a button  (Living Quotes) It is extreme evil to depart from the company of the living before you die  (Living Quotes) No society can make a perpetual constitution... The earth belongs always to the living generation  (Living Quotes) If you’re living your life in fear, then you’re just not living  (Living Quotes) Humble living does not diminish. It fills. Going back to a simpler self gives wisdom  (Living Quotes) Only the possibility of carrying out a dream makes our life worth living  (Living Quotes) Families will always have their trials; be living examples of love, forgiveness, and care  (Living Quotes) Children are the best living audience in the world because they are so thoroughly honest  (Living Quotes) Fatigue dominates the lives of those who are living without direction and dreams  (Living Quotes) A day lived without doing something good for others is a day not worth living  (Living Quotes) Manuals have their uses... but they are not to be confused with living  (Living Quotes) A commitment to lifelong learning is a natural expression of the practice of living consciously  (Living Quotes) Engage yourself in the living present. The future will take care of itself  (Living Quotes) Virtually every agnostic lives like an atheist, living completely irreligious lives  (Living Quotes) The living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free!  (Living Quotes) To learn about oneself, a living thing, you have to watch, learn anew each minute  (Living Quotes) To avoid causing terror to living beings, let the disciple refrain from eating meat  (Living Quotes) The biggest fear of my life is living. My second biggest fear is dying  (Living Quotes) Character is higher than intellect. Thinking is the function; living is the functionary  (Living Quotes) We are like ignorant shepherds living on a site where great civilizations once flourished  (Living Quotes) Salesmanship is limitless. Our very living is selling. We are all salespeople  (Living Quotes) There is something about this generation living now, that we don’t accept death  (Living Quotes) There are many more serial killers living outside the prison walls than inside  (Living Quotes) Happiness and success come from living in the present, not from existing in the past  (Living Quotes) Maturity implies otherness... The art of living is the art of living with  (Living Quotes) This is what I do for a living. It’s not who I am as a human being  (Living Quotes) To me death is not a fearful thing. It’s living that’s cursed  (Living Quotes)
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