Living Quotes

Text Quotes
This was her life. Not the life she had once dreamed of, not a life her younger self would ever have imagined or desired, but the life she was living, with all its complexities. This was her life, built with care and attention, and it was good (Living Quotes)
If you want to believe in reincarnation, you have to believe that this life, what you’re living through right now, is the afterlife. You’re missing out on the afterlife you looked forward to in your last existence by worrying about your next life. This is what happens after you die. Take a look (Living Quotes)
It is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning. For every one of us, living in this world means waiting for our end. Let whoever can win glory before death. When a warrior is gone, that will be his best and only bulwark (Living Quotes)
All life is part of a complex relationship in which each is dependent upon the others, taking from, giving to and living with all the rest (Living Quotes)
If there is no God, what is left but science? What is left to endow us with any grace? You can tell me the chemical makeup of my skin and my brain, but how can you explain away my soul? And if there is no God to watch over me, chastise me, grieve for me, rejoice for me, make me fear, and make me wonder, what am I but a collection of metals and liquids with nothing to celebrate about my daily living? (Living Quotes)
Ultimately, though, it’s living people that frighten me the most. It’s always seemed to me that nothing could be scarier than a person, because as dreadful places can be, they’re still just places; and no matter how awful ghosts might seem, they’re just dead people. I always thought that the most terrifying things anyone could ever think up were the things living people came up with (Living Quotes)
The rooms of his apartment were full with the dog home again, convalescing. He was satisfied to know, even when she was out of sight, that somewhere in the apartment she was sleeping or eating or sitting watchfully. It was family, he guessed, more or less. Did most people want a house of living things at night, to know that in the dark around them other warm bodies slept? Such a house could even be the whole world (Living Quotes)
Turn on the dream you lived through the unwavering gaze. It is as you thought: the living burn. In the floating days may you discover grace (Living Quotes)
If only there could be an invention that bottled up a memory, like scent. And it never faded, and it never got stale. And then, when one wanted it, the bottle could be uncorked, and it would be like living the moment all over again (Living Quotes)
Factory farming isn’t just killing: It is negation, a complete denial of the animal as a living being with his or her own needs and nature. It is not the worst evil we can do, but it is the worst evil we can do to them (Living Quotes)
I know that you cannot live on hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living. And you... And you... And you... Gotta give em hope (Living Quotes)
There’s something about sober living and sober thinking, about facing long afternoons without the numbing distraction of anesthesia that disabuses you of the belief in the externals, shows you that strength and hope come not from circumstances or the acquisition of things, but from the simple accumulation of active experience, from gritting the teeth and checking the items off the list, one by one, even if it’s painful and you’re afraid (Living Quotes)
It’s true, isn’t it, that each of us has two hearts? The secret heart, curled behind like a fist, living gnarled and shrunken beneath the plain, open one we use every day (Living Quotes)
... ultimately it come down to, are you making or are you destroying? If you try very hard to create ways of living, create dreams of what is possible, then you win. If you don’t, you may make a fortune in ten years, but you’re not going to be read in twenty years, and that’s that (Living Quotes)
... and we are not alone in this slavery. there are millions of others throughout the world, of all colors and races and creeds. this we must remember. there are many of our people who hate the poor of the white race, and they hate us. the people in this town living by the river who work in the mills. people who are almost as much in need as we are ourselves. this hatred is a great evil, and no good can ever come from it... the injustice of need must bring us all together and not separate us. we must remember that we all make the things of this earth of value because of labor (Living Quotes)
You were born into a state of grace. It is impossible for you to leave it. You will die in a state of grace whether or not special words are spoken for you, or water or oil is poured upon your head. You share this blessing with the animals and all other living things. You cannot fall out of grace, nor can it be taken from you. You can ignore it. You can hold beliefs that blind you to its existence. You will still be graced but unable to perceive you own uniqueness and integrity, and blind also to other attributes with which you are automatically gifted (Living Quotes)
The living owe it to those who no longer can speak to tell their story for them (Living Quotes)
The strangest thing about strange things is that they’re only strange when you hear about them or think about them later, but never when you’re living them (Living Quotes)
... it is how a person goes about quenching his desires or living with them unrequited that the readers get a glimpse of his true character (Living Quotes)
Writing is the only art form where a good number of the artists make a slice of their living criticizing one another in print, in public (Living Quotes)
How terribly sad it was that people are made in such a way that they get used to something as extraordinary as living (Living Quotes)
Finding yourself in a hole, at the bottom of a hole, in almost total solitude, and discovering that only writing can save you. To be without the slightest subject for a book, the slightest idea for a book, is to find yourself, once again, before a book. A vast emptiness. A possible book. Before nothing. Before something like living, naked writing, like something terrible, terrible to overcome (Living Quotes)
People are more open about seeking help these days. They recognise the fact that the alternative to having a shrink is that you bore your friends stupid. So I figured that I might as well give someone 100 bucks an hour to hear my woes. At least someone can make a living out of listening to my tedious problems (Living Quotes)
Step out from behind the words. When you’re a writer you can imagine that the words speak for you and are you, but they’re not. You are this living breathing bad hair day kind of person (Living Quotes)
... tell them that we have some good in us, too. And the only thing worth living for is the good. That’s why we’ve got to make sure we pass it on (Living Quotes)
Living with a teenage daughter is like living with the Taliban a mum is not allowed to laugh, sing, dance or wear short skirts (Living Quotes)
You can’t go on like you’re going to start really living one day like all this is some preamble to some great life thats magically going to appear. I’m a firm believer that you have to create your own miracles, don’t hold out that there’s something better waiting on the other side. It doesn’t work that way. When you’re gone, you’re gone. Don’t wait (Living Quotes)
Be true to the thought of the moment and avoid distraction. Other than continuing to exert yourself, enter into nothing else, but go to the extent of living single thought by single thought (Living Quotes)
Run faster, jump higher, reach farther, and you’ll always win! live life expecting the worst, hoping for the best, and living for the future! Somebody has to do something, and it’s just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us (Living Quotes)
Strength isn’t about bearing a cross of grief or shame. Strength comes from choosing your own path, and living with the consequences (Living Quotes)