Living Quotes

Text Quotes
On average, since the urge to kill myself isn’t so strong that I actually kill myself, the world is worth living in (Living Quotes)
... there was cement in her soul. It had been there for a while, an early morning disease of fatigue, shapeless desires, brief imaginary glints of other lives she could be living, that over the months melded into a piercing homesickness (Living Quotes)
We’re living longer, we social network alone with our screens, and our depth of feeling gets shallower. Soon it’ll be nothing but a tide pool, then a thimble of water, then a micro drop (Living Quotes)
I believe it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as you can find something concrete to keep you busy while you are living your meaningless life (Living Quotes)
My brain had begun to endure its familiar siege: panic and dislocation, and a sense that my thought processes were being engulfed by a toxic and unnameable tide that obliterated any enjoyable response to the living world (Living Quotes)
Life is dear to every living thing; the worm that crawls upon the ground will struggle for it (Living Quotes)
I can never understand why I should eat at one or sleep at eleven, if it is, as it often is, my one and my eleven and nobody else’s. For, as between the clock and me alone, one and eleven and all other o’clocks are mine and I am not theirs. But I have known men and women living in hotels who would interrupt a sunset to go to dine, or wave away the stars in their courses to go to sleep, merely because the hour had struck (Living Quotes)
If you are living in the past or in the future, you will never find a meaning in the present (Living Quotes)
Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. From a biological point of view it is inconceivable that any culture will forget that it needs to reproduce itself. But it is quite possible for a culture to exist without a social idea of children. Unlike infancy, childhood is a social artifact, not a biological category (Living Quotes)
Living fearlessly is not the same as never being afraid. It’s good to be afraid occasionally. Fear is a great teacher (Living Quotes)
In other living creatures the ignorance of themselves is nature, but in men it is a vice (Living Quotes)
The nearer she came to death, the more, by some perversity of nature, did she enjoy living (Living Quotes)
We discovered that peace at any price is no peace at all. We discovered that life at any price has no value whatever; that life is nothing without the privileges, the prides, the rights, the joys which make it worth living, and also worth giving. And we also discovered that there is something more hideous, more atrocious than war or than death; and that is to live in fear (Living Quotes)
I would like to become tolerant without overlooking anything, persecute no one even when all people persecute me; become better without noticing it; become sadder, but enjoy living; become more serene, be happy in others; belong to no one, grow in everyone; love the best, comfort the worst; not even hate myself anymore (Living Quotes)
Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give (Living Quotes)
In all living there is a certain narrowness of application which leads to breadth and power. We have to concent on a thing in order to master it. Then we must be broad enough not to be narrowed by our specialties (Living Quotes)
What really matters is that there is so much faith and love and kindliness which we can share with and provoke in others, and that by cleanly, simple, generous living we approach perfection in the highest and most lovely of all arts... But you, I think, have always comprehended this (Living Quotes)
I’m fortunate that I’m making a living at it now because I’m not equipped to do anything else (Living Quotes)
If you’re gonna sing meaningful songs, you have to be committed to living a life that backs that up (Living Quotes)
I believe we are on the edge of a quantum leap into a whole new way of organizing and living as a human family (Living Quotes)
Tradition is the living faith of dead people to which we must add our chapter while we have the gift of life. Traditionalism is the dead faith of living people who fear that if anything changes, the whole enterprise will crumble (Living Quotes)
Living with integrity means... not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships; asking for what you want and need from others; speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension; behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values; making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe (Living Quotes)
I feel completely safe in my house but all my friends are scared for me. And of course I can tell my parents panic a little. The best thing about living alone is being able to have my friends come over whenever (Living Quotes)
A corporation is a living organism; it has to continue to shed its skin. Methods have to change. Focus has to change. Values have to change. The sum total of those changes is transformation (Living Quotes)
Dance has become an exclusionary enterprise. To participate, one must be thinner than thin, of pleasing form, flexible, athletic and young. If you are not all these things, you will be allowed to dance in the privacy of your own living room. You just wouldn’t dare to put yourself onstage (Living Quotes)
Worship is living our life individually and corporately as continuous living sacrifices to the glory of a person or thing (Living Quotes)
Raising children with an emphasis on intrinsic rewards is not a technique, a method or a trick to get them to do what the parent wants them to by subtler means, but a way of life, a way of living with children with real respect for their intelligence and for their being (Living Quotes)
There is no level playing field. Any time our society says that a powerful chemical company has the same right as a low income family that’s living next door, that playing field is not level, is not fair (Living Quotes)
Most people have forgotten how to live with living creatures, with living systems and that, in turn, is the reason why man, whenever he comes into contact with nature, threatens to kill the natural system in which and from which he live (Living Quotes)
The essence of spirituality is the duty to live to its full the glorious destiny of being human. The purpose of religion should be to empower all people in this adventure of living with dignity and fulfillment (Living Quotes)