Location Quotes

Text Quotes
If self is a location, so is love: Bearings taken, markings, cardinal points, Options, obstinacies, dug heels, and distance, Here and there and now and then, a stance. (Location Quotes)
When you do a movie, you go to the location and get into your costume. It’s part of your metamorphosis into your character, and it just made sense to do it. (Location Quotes)
I have lots of ambitions. I’d love to do theatre. I’d like to be in ‘Tea With Mussolini 2;’ I’d like to touch Meryl Streep - which would involve being with her in some exotic location. I have lots of fantastical dreams. (Location Quotes)
Hipsters seek refuge in church, Our Lady of Perpetual Subculture. There is some discussion as to whether or not they are still cool but then they are calmed by the obscure location and the arrival of their kind. Keep the address to yourself, let the rabble fund it themselves. Wow, this crappy performance art is really making me feel no so terrible about my various emotional issues. (Location Quotes)
People who tell untruths are easily deceived because they have placed their energy in that negative vibration location and are now a match for that behavior. (Location Quotes)
We pretty much had crazy weather, historically speaking, in every location we filmed [The Fourth Phase]. Nothing has been normal in the past three years. (Location Quotes)
The difference in working on a TV series and a movie comes down to one thing for me, and that is the travel. With ‘The Bold and the Beautiful,’ we are in one remote location, but with a movie, you get to travel, explore, and experience different things every day. But I’ve really enjoyed doing both. (Location Quotes)
I try not to make conscious decisions about what I am looking for. I don’t make elaborate preparations before I go to a location. Essentially I walk, explore, discover and photograph. (Location Quotes)
Way back in 2008, when the iPhone was new and Instagram was a gleam in Kevin Systrom’s eye, I was involved in creating a service called CrowdFire. It was a way for fans at a festival (the first was Outside Lands) to share photos, tweets, and texts in a location and event specific way. (Location Quotes)
A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments, soccer games, romances, best friends, location of friend’s houses, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams. A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house. (Location Quotes)
Field of Dreams is the only movie - and I saw it in the theater - on an afternoon when I was on location somewhere, and there were like 12 people in the theater. I was just so devastated; I couldn’t get out of my seat. And I sat and watched it a second time. (Location Quotes)
Choosing location is integral to the film: in essence, another character (Location Quotes)
Sometimes you remember more about the location where you shot the film than the film itself (Location Quotes)
Working at night helps people focus in on this crazy little bubble you’ve created, wherever you are filming. It doesn’t matter where the location is, the world doesn’t exist outside this bubble. And everyone is trapped inside. (Location Quotes)
Every time you say yes to a film there’s a certain percentage of your yes that has to do with the director, a certain percentage to do with the story, a certain percentage with the character, the location, etc. (Location Quotes)
Shooting against greenscreen... my choice of filming is, like, I’d rather shoot on location than shoot on a set, and I’d rather shoot on a set than shoot against greenscreen. You start stripping away the layers of reality, and it becomes a lot less fun to actually film. (Location Quotes)
When a number of crimes - for instance, burglaries - can be linked to the same offender, police often plot the locations on a map. The art of finding the location of the criminal’s home based on the crime sites is a key objective in what is known as geographical profiling. (Location Quotes)
Hope and Crosby made seven ‘Road’ movies, starting in 1940 with ‘Road to Singapore.’ The movies were always about Crosby and Hope fleeing America and finding Dorothy Lamour in some exotic location. Bob’s character was cocky and cowardly; Bing’s character was smooth and unruffled. They were great characters - lousy, lovable guys. (Location Quotes)
To me, food is as much about the moment, the occasion, the location and the company as it is about the taste. (Location Quotes)
I pile on the weight when I work. All that location catering’s not good for the love handles. I lose a bit when I’m not working, but I love my food and the occasional snifter. (Location Quotes)
Where food trucks are concerned, nothing’s better than having a whole flock of them at one location. Competition not only improves the quality of the food, it prompts these rolling lunch wagons to lower prices and offer specials, too. (Location Quotes)
We have an ideal location for a couple of organic wineries on the island. But the reintroduction of commercial agriculture to Lanai is 100% dependent upon increasing the available water on the island. So we’re going to use solar energy to convert seawater to fresh water. (Location Quotes)
My studio, nicknamed ‘Funny Farm,’ is in a hidden location. It’s very private. Not only do I create my photography there, but it is also where I write my books and create music. (Location Quotes)
So,uh, where am I, exactly ? And what do you plan on doing with me ? You’re at Underworld General Hospital. As you can probably guess, we specialize in nonhuman medical care. Our location is secret, so don’t ask. UGH ? Your hospital is called ‘ugh’ ? Oh, that’s precious. (Location Quotes)
Just as the value of a house lies in its location, The value of a mind lies in its depth, The value of giving lies in the presence of a generous spirit, The value of words lies in their reliability. (Location Quotes)
Tobias asked. Weird? Weird? Marco crowed. The talking bird wants to know if getting information on the location of an alien from a whale, that you’ve just saved from sharks, by turning into dolphins . . . You’re suggesting that’s weird? (Location Quotes)
I do like the whole idea of going to a location to shoot a movie, and there is a start date and a finish date, and a lot of special things happen within those weeks. (Location Quotes)
I later discovered that in order to be a good athlete one must care intensely what is happening with a ball, even if one doesn’t have possession of it. This was ultimately my failure: my inability to work up a passion for the location of balls. (Location Quotes)
I’m easy. Put me in an interesting location with good people and I’m there. (Location Quotes)
If they bulge in the brain or anywhere else of interest, the wallet is a good alternate location. And I should know. (Location Quotes)